



Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee


meeting held on January 9, 2012, commencing at 4:06 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Mayor J.F. Fontana (Chair), Councillors B. Polhill, W.J. Armstrong, J.B. Swan, S. Orser, J.L. Baechler, N. Branscombe, M. Brown, P.  Hubert, D.G. Henderson, P. Van Meerbergen, D.T. Brown, H.L. Usher, J.P. Bryant and S. White and L. Rowe (Secretary).    


ALSO PRESENT:  J.A. Fielding, R.L. Fair, J.P. Barber, G. Barrett, J. Braam, T. Copeland, J.M. Fleming, E. Gamble, A. Macpherson, V. McAlea Major, B. Page, R. Paynter, C. Saunders, R. Sharpe and B. Turcotte.







None are disclosed.









Community Engagement Task Force - Final Report


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the City Manager, the following actions be taken with respect to the Final Report of the Community Engagement Task Force:


a)         in accordance with Recommendation #1 of the Community Engagement Task Force, the attached proposed by-law (Appendix “A”) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 31, 2012 for the purpose of implementing a new Council policy related to community engagement;


b)         in accordance with Recommendation #2 of the Community Engagement Task Force (attached as Appendix “B”), the Task Force’s mandate BE EXTENDED for up to an additional six months to complete the following tasks:


  • Elaborate on the use of the “empower” level of engagement (engagement from outside in, for example: community level strategic planning);


  • Conduct a comparative analysis of legislation and by-laws in other provinces and cities that support enhanced levels of community engagement;


  • Explore the concept of Civics 101 and how it can complement and enhance community engagement, including the development of curriculum and a delivery system (for example: London Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy, volunteers, neighbour to neighbour, existing vehicles, etc.); and


c)         Recommendations #3 to #14 of the Community Engagement Task Force (attached as Appendix “B”) BE REFERRED to staff for review and report back at a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee;


it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard a verbal presentation from the Managing Director of Corporate Communications with respect to this matter.






Thames Valley Corridor Plan - Final Report


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Executive Director of Planning, Environment and Engineering Services, the following actions be taken regarding the Thames Valley Corridor Plan to recognize that the Thames River Valley represents the City’s most valued ecological, recreational and aesthetic resource:


a)         the Thames Valley Corridor Plan, dated December 2011, BE APPROVED for the long-term protection and enhancement of the Thames River Valley in London;


b)         the implementation Action Plan for the Thames Valley Corridor Plan, outlining the City’s plans for the long-term protection and enhancement Thames River Valley, BE RECEIVED; it being noted that no additional municipal funding is being sought for 2012, beyond that which is already included in the 2012 draft Budget, and that any new future funding that may be sought will go through the established Business Case process;


c)         staff BE DIRECTED to initiate an Official Plan amendment to incorporate the recommended policies into London’s Official Plan;


d)         the Corridor Advisory Committee BE THANKED for its participation in the drafting of the Plan and BE INVITED to continue its involvement, with regular engagement regarding Corridor issues during the implementation phase;


e)         staff BE REQUESTED to report back with an analysis, status update and recommendations regarding the issues that contribute to poor water quality, for potential submission to the Federal and Provincial Governments for funding to improve water quality, in tandem with implementation of the Thames Valley Corridor Plan;


f)         staff BE REQUESTED to report back to the Services Review Committee with respect to the cost/benefit of transitioning the Fanshawe Conservation Area to a public park;


it being noted that a Business Case for additional funding for the Thames Valley Corridor Plan was submitted through the 2012 budget process to the Service Review Committee in order to carry out the recommended actions within a shortened timeline with enhanced features to meet community expectations. This business case was referred to the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee for their consideration;


it being also noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) heard verbal delegations from the Director of Planning, the Manager of Parks Planning and Design, B. Page, Planner and C. Marshall, Dillon Consulting, with respect to the Plan;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individuals made an oral submission in connection therewith: 


  • Sandy Levin – indicating his appreciation for the involvement of the Corridor Advisory Committee; emphasizing there are plenty of opportunities for the community to optimize its enjoyment of the Thames Valley Corridor (citing the South Street Campus as an example), while protecting this important resource; and encouraging the Municipal Council to continue the Corridor Advisory Committee as it can provide valuable input during the implementation stage;


  • Jeff Cuthbert – providing the attached handout which depicts a possible alternative route on the north side of the river that could mitigate impact on the Meadowlily Woods ESA; supporting the initiatives contained in the Plan and extending appreciation for involving the community but emphasizing the importance of protecting the species at risk and hedge rows within the ESA;


it being pointed out that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee referred related communications from S. Levin, Chair, Conservation Committee, Nature London, H. Krueger, 66 Ebury Crescent and G. Smith, Friends of Meadowlily Woods Community Association, to staff for consideration.







Appointment Recommendation to the London Convention Centre Corporation Board of Directors




That John Irwin, CFO, CIO and Vice President of The Ivey Group of Companies BE APPOINTED to the London Convention Centre Board of Directors as the Finance Sector Representative, effective immediately, for a term ending November 30, 2014.










The meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM.


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