





January 27, 2015


The Council meets in Regular Session in the Council Chambers this day at 4:04 PM.


PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown and Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman and C. Saunders (City Clerk).


ALSO PRESENT:  A. Zuidema, J.P. Barber, J. Braam, K. Chambers, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, J.M. Fleming, P. Foto, N. Hall, M. Hayward, G. Kotsifas, G.T. Hopcroft, L. Livingstone, J. Lucas, V. McAlea Major, D. Mounteer, M. Ribera, L.M. Rowe, K. Stewart, J. Taylor, B. Warner, B. Westlake-Power and J. Wills.


At the beginning of the Meeting all Members are present.





Councillor J. Helmer discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 3 of the 2nd Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee and related Bill No. 42, having to do with an agreement with respect to the use of third party re-sellers to assist with revenue generation for the Municipal Golf Systems, by indicating that his father operates a golf course.  Councillor J. Helmer further discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4 of the 2nd Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, having to do with the delivery of motorized riding golf carts, by indicating that his father operates a golf course. Councillor J. Helmer further discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters contained in the 7th Report of Strategic and Priorities Policy Committee having to do with the London Youth Advisory Council, by indicating that this organization is a client of his company.


Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters pertaining to clauses 2k) and 4 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, with respect to the Palace Theatre, by indicating that she is a part-time manager of the London Community Players.


Councillor P. Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest in any matters contained in the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with Ontario Works, by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency that has a contract with Ontario Works.  Councillor P. Hubert further discloses a pecuniary interest in any matters contained in the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Employment Sector Council London Middlesex and the London Middlesex Immigrant Employment Council, by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency that does work with these organizations.  Councillor P. Hubert further discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters contained in the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the London Downtown Business Association (LDBA), by indicating that he is the President of a cleaning company that does work for the LDBA.  Councillor P. Hubert further disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 7 of the 8th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with an appointment to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, by indicating that he has a working relationship with one of the applicants.











4th Report of the Corporate Services Committee



7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee



8th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee






His Worship the Mayor presents a certificate for "London's Featured Community Organization" to the Canadian Hearing Society London







Motion made by Councillor J. Helmer and seconded by Councillor A. Hopkins to Approve that Council rise and go into Committee of the Whole, in camera, for the purpose of considering the following:



A matter pertaining to labour relations and employee negotiations with respect to employment-related matters, advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation, litigation or potential litigation, advice subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications for those purposes as it relates to the establishment of contingencies. (C-1/5/SPPC)



A matter pertaining to reports, advice and recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation concerning labour relations and employee negotiations in regard to the Corporation’s employees and personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees. (C-2/5/SPPC)



A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (C-1/3/CSC)



A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (C-2/3/CSC)



A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (C-3/3/CSC)



A matter pertaining to advice subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and advice with respect to litigation with respect to various personal injury and property damage claims against the City. (C-4/3/CSC)



A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose with respect to the property municipally known as 1576 Richmond Street. (C-1/3/PEC)



A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose with respect to the property municipally known as 3680 Wonderland Road South. 




(ADDED)  A matter pertaining to personal matters, including information regarding identifiable individuals, including municipal employees, with respect to employee negotiations, advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation, including communications for that purpose and for the purpose of providing instructions and direction to officer and employees of the Corporation and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for the purpose. (C-1/4/CSC)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


The Council rises and goes into Committee of the Whole at 4:17 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present.


The Committee of the Whole rises at 5:48 PM and Council reconvenes at 5:56 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present.





Motion made by Councillor S. Turner and seconded by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve the Minutes of the 4th Meeting held on January 13, 2015.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)





Motion made by Councillor S. Turner and seconded by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve the receipt and referral of the following communications, as noted on the Agenda.



S. Mahadevan, Wood Bull LLP - Property located at 3680 Wonderland Road South (Z-8431) (Refer to the Planning and Environment Committee stage for consideration with clause 10 of the 3rd Report of the Planning and Environment Committee.)



D. Howie, 19 Medway Crescent - Property located at 1576 Richmond Street (Refer to the Planning and Environment Committee stage for consideration with clause 12 of the 3rd Report of the Planning and Environment Committee.)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)











2nd Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee

                        Councillor J. Morgan presents.


Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clauses 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7.



Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed



1st Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee


That the 1st Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on December 10, 2014, BE RECEIVED.



Report to the Licensee of the Dearness Home Regarding the Orientation Conducted with the Dearness Home Committee of Management - January 7, 2015


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Housing, Social Services and Dearness Home, the report dated January 7, 2015 to the Licensee of the Dearness Home regarding the orientation conducted with the Dearness Home Committee of Management on January 7, 2015 BE RECEIVED for information.(2015-S03)



General Orientation - Key Committee Matters


That the following orientation presentations, with respect to key committee matters, BE RECEIVED for information:


a)         the attached presentation from J. Richardson, Manager, Homelessness; and,


b)         the attached presentation from J. Kobarda, Fire Chief, London Fire Services.






1st Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 1st Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) from its meeting held on December 11, 2014:


a)         the following actions be taken with respect to the LDRRAC Awards and Recognition Sub-Committee:


i)          the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to provide an update related to the April 17, 2014 recommendation of the LDDRAC, related to a request for a dedicated staff person to provide leadership responsibility for the Diversity, Race Relations and Inclusivity Award (DRRIA);


ii)         the LDRRAC Chair BE REQUESTED to provide a follow up communication with all nominees for the 2014 DRRIA;


iii)         the November 12 and December 1, 2014 minutes and attached 2015 Work Plan BE RECEIVED; and,


b)         clauses 1 to 8 and 10 to 12 BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


At 6:05 PM Councillor J. Helmer leaves the meeting.


Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clause 3.



Municipal Golf - Agreement with London Golf Club


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, with respect to the use of third party re-sellers to assist with revenue generation for the London Municipal Golf System, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 20, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015 to:


a)         approve the Agreement between the City of London and London Golf Club for the purchase of blocks of 1000 transferable daily golf spots for use by members of the London Golf Club at the Municipal Golf Courses during restricted days and times during the 2015 playing season, at a price of $27,000 plus applicable taxes per 1,000 daily golf spots; and,


b)         delegate the City Manager, and his or her written designate, and the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, and his or her written designate, the authority to approve such further documents, including further agreements with 3rd party golf re-sellers, that are consistent with the requirements contained in the Agreement approved in (a) above, and to delegate to the City Clerk and the Mayor the authority to execute the agreements.  (2015-LO4A)



Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan and seconded by Councillor B. Armstrong to Amend clause 3 by deleting part b) in its entirety and by replacing it with the following new parts b) and c):


“b)       severally delegate to the City Manager, and his or her written designates, and to the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, and his or her written designates, the authority to approve such further other documents, including further agreements with 3rd party golf re-sellers that:


i)          are consistent with the requirements contained in the agreement authorized and approved in a), above;

ii)         do not require additional funding or are provided for in the City’s current budget; and

iii)         do not increase the indebtedness or liabilities of The Corporation of the City of London;


c)         authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreements approved in accordance with a) and b), above.”


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)




Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan and seconded by Councillor B. Armstrong to Approve clause 3, as amended.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


Clause 3, as amended, reads as follows:


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, with respect to the use of third party re-sellers to assist with revenue generation for the London Municipal Golf System, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 20, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015 to:


a)         approve the Agreement between the City of London and London Golf Club for the purchase of blocks of 1000 transferable daily golf spots for use by members of the London Golf Club at the Municipal Golf Courses during restricted days and times during the 2015 playing season, at a price of $27,000 plus applicable taxes per 1,000 daily golf spots; and,


b)         severally delegate to the City Manager, and his or her written designates, and to the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, and his or her written designates, the authority to approve such further other documents, including further agreements with 3rd party golf re-sellers that:


i)          are consistent with the requirements contained in the agreement authorized and approved in a), above;

ii)         do not require additional funding or are provided for in the City’s current budget; and

iii)         do not increase the indebtedness or liabilities of The Corporation of the City of London;


c)         authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreements approved in accordance with a) and b), above.


Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clause 4.



Single Source Supply and Delivery of Motorized Riding Golf Carts



That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation, the following actions be taken with respect to the single source supply and delivery of motorized riding golf carts:


a)         the proposed price of $132,605 (H.S.T. extra), for a one (1) year lease (2015 golf season), with Canadian Cart Sales Inc., for the supply and delivery of 164 refurbished motorized riding golf carts, BE ACCEPTED on a single source basis, as per section 14.4 (d) of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy; it being noted that the funding for this lease is included as part of the proposed 2015 Operating Budget;


b)         the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this lease; and,


c)         the approval hereby given BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract or having a purchase order, or contract record relating to the subject matter of this approval.  (2015-F17)



Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)

At 6:10 PM Councillor Helmer enters the meeting.


Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clause 8.




Food Trucks



That the following actions be taken with respect to Food Trucks:


a)         the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to submit to the February 18, 2015 meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC), proposed amendments to By-law L-6, Business Licensing By-law to provide for the following:


i)          updated general provisions for business licensing administration and enforcement;

ii)         regulations and a fee schedule for a new category of refreshment vehicles operating on City property, including regulations for separation distances from restaurants, residential areas, special events and schools; and,

iii)         operational conditions related to health and safety, signage, waste collection and parking space payment;


b)         subject to the approval of a), above, the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to establish an initial pilot program to implement the establishment of Food Trucks through Licensing By-law L-6 and report back in the Fall of 2015 on the number of licenses issued during this initial pilot program and on any other associated matters; and,


c)         subject to approval of a), above, the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to consult with the Downtown London Business Association, Richmond Row Merchants Association and any applicable stakeholders, prior to preparation of the proposed amendments to Licensing By-law L-6 noted in a), above;


it being noted that the CPSC reviewed and received a communication dated January 6, 2015, from Mayor M. Brown and Councillor J. Morgan, with respect to this matter.  (2015-C01/P09)



Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)




Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clause 9.



Enhanced Regulations of Licensed Door - to - Door Salespersons


That the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to include in their current review of Business Licensing By-law L-6, consideration of the potential for enhanced regulations and enforcement pertaining to door-to-door salespersons and the companies or organizations that they represent being licensed by the City of London; it being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee reviewed and received a communication dated January 6, 2015, from Councillor M. Salih, with respect to this matter.  (2015-P15/C04)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve clause 10.



2nd Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 2nd Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) from its meeting held on January 15, 2015:


a)         the following actions be taken with respect to the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) Policy and Planning Sub-Committee:


i)              the attached final 2015 Work Plan BE RECEIVED;


ii)         the proposed amendment to the name for the LDRRAC to the “London Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee”  BE ENDORSED and the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to make the necessary legislative changes to accommodate this name change; it being noted that the LDRRAC received the attached revised, report with respect to this matter; and,


iii)        it BE NOTED that the LDRRAC received the Sub-Committee report from its meeting held on January 8, 2015;


b)         the following actions be taken with respect to the draft 2015-2019 London Strategic Plan:


i)              in accordance with the proposed focus area of “Vibrant Communities”, the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to develop a formal and comprehensive community diversity and inclusion strategy, with aligned resources to support this focus; it being noted that other Ontario communities, such as the Regions of Peel and Waterloo, have enacted such strategies; and,


ii)             the City of London Advisory Committees BE INCLUDED in the development of the above-noted strategy; it being noted that the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee supports this strategy development and implementation;


c)         clauses 1 to 2 and 5 to 9 BE RECEIVED;


it being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee heard delegations from P. Shanahan (LDRRAC Chair), C. Callander and S. Kassam, with respect to this matter.


Motion made by Councillor H.L. Usher and seconded by Councillor M. Salih to Approve that part a)ii) be referred to the Civic Administration for a report back to a future meeting of the Community Protective Services Committee (CPSC) to provide a history of the establishment of  London Diversity Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) and further information from LDRRAC in support of their request for seeking a name change at this time.      


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


NAYS: S. Turner (1)


Motion made by Councillor J. Zaifman and seconded by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve that part b) be referred to the Civic Administration for consideration as part of the 2015-2019 strategic planning process. 


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)




Motion made by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve remainder of clause 10.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Clause 10, as amended, reads as follows:


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 2nd Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) from its meeting held on January 15, 2015:


a)         the following actions be taken with respect to the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) Policy and Planning Sub-Committee:


i)              the attached final 2015 Work Plan BE RECEIVED; and,


ii)                     it BE NOTED that the LDRRAC received the Sub-Committee report from its meeting held on January 8, 2015; and,


b)         clauses 1 to 2 and 5 to 9 BE RECEIVED;


it being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee heard delegations from P. Shanahan (LDRRAC Chair), C. Callander and S. Kassam, with respect to this matter.


Motion made by Councillor J. Zaifman and seconded by Councillor Usher to recess.


Motion Passed


The Council recesses at 6:45 PM and reconvenes at 7:28 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all members present except Councillors B. Armstrong and M. Salih.


At 7:29 PM Councillor B. Armstrong enters the meeting.



3rd Report of the Corporate Services Committee

                        Councillor M. Cassidy presents.



Motion made by Councillor M. Cassidy to Approve clauses 1 to 7.





Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.



Assessment Growth for 2015, Changes in Taxable Phase-In Values and Shifts in Taxation as a Result of Reassessment


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the staff report dated January 20, 2015 regarding assessment growth for 2015, changes in taxable phase-in values and shifts in taxation as a result of reassessment BE RECEIVED for information.



Single Source 15-04 - Supply and Delivery of General Office Products (Publically Funded Organization, Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Smart Consumption Agreement #OSS - 00419472)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, following actions be taken with respect to the award of the supply and delivery of general office products:


a)         approval hereby BE GIVEN to enter into a thirty (30) month contract with an option for one (1) additional year for the supply and delivery of general office products with Staples Advantage, 550 Pendant Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 2W6;


b)         the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this contract;


c)         approval hereby given BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation negotiating satisfactory prices, terms and conditions with Staples Advantage to the satisfaction of the Manager of Purchasing and Supply and the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer; and


d)         approval hereby given BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract or having a purchase order relating to the subject matter of this approval.




Residential Tax By-law for New Affordable Housing Program - Project at 753 Dundas Street


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 20, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on January 27, 2015, to tax the affordable housing property at 753 Dundas Street at an effective tax rate equal to the residential tax rate and that the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to give written notice of the by-law to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the secretary of all area school boards.





2015 General Insurance Renewal


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor and on the advice of the Risk Manager, the general insurance program BE CONTINUED for 2015 on behalf of The Corporation of the City of London, Covent Garden Market Corporation, London Convention Centre Corporation, London Police Services Board, London Public Library Board, Museum London, and London Middlesex Housing Corporation for a total annual premium of $3,717,689.24 inclusive of sales tax.



Request for Designation of the "I Heart Reggae" Celebration as a Municipally Significant Event


That the request by “I Heart Reggae” to be designated as a Municipally Significant Event BE DENIED and the requestor be advised accordingly.



City-Owned Billboards


That the communication dated January 2, 2015, from Councillor van Holst, regarding billboards and City-owned lands on which billboards sit, BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration for review and report back to the appropriate Standing Committee; it being noted that the City's current policy and by-law pertaining to billboards are presently under review and are expected to be reported upon during 2015.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


At 7:31 PM Councillor M. Salih enters the meeting.



3rd Report of the Planning and Environment Committee

                        Councillor P. Hubert presents.



Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clauses 1 to 11, excluding clause 3.





Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.



Property located at 1452 Byron Baseline Road (H-8444)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, based on the application of Millstone Homes Ltd., relating to the property located at 1452 Byron Baseline Road, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM a Holding Residential R6 Special Provision (h*h-54*R6-2(7)) Zone TO a Residential R6 Special Provision (R6-2(7)) Zone to remove the “h” and “h-54” holding provisions.  (2015-D14)



General Orientation - Key Committee Matters - Planning


That, the attached orientation from the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, BE RECEIVED.



Municipality of Thames Centre Official Plan Review


That, the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to advise Middlesex County that Municipal Council reiterates the concerns previously expressed by the Civic Administration with respect to the amount of land that has been re-designated for future industrial development adjacent to the existing Donnybrook Industrial Area north of Highway 401, and recommending that a 20 year land supply is more appropriate than a potential 70 year land supply. (2015-D27)



Funding Agreement with the National Trails Coalition for Implementation of the Coves Environmentally Significant Area Master Plan


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with respect to the Funding Agreement with the National Trails Coalition, for the implementation of the Coves Environmentally Significant Area Master Plan, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015, to:


a)         approve the Agreement in Schedule “A” to the by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, between The Corporation of the City of London and the National Trails Coalition, to fund the implementation of trails in the Coves Environmentally Significant Area, in the City of London, in a form acceptable to the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner and the City Solicitor; and,



b)       the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the Agreement  noted in part a), above.   (2015-L04A)




Properties located at 51 and 99 Exeter Road - Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OZ-8324)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, in response to the letter of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board, dated November 13, 2014, submitted by Barry R. Card, on behalf of Westbury International Corp. and The Decade Group, relating to Zoning By-law No. Z.-1-142352, as it relates to the properties located at 51 and 99 Exeter Road, the Ontario Municipal Board BE ADVISED that the Municipal Council has reviewed its decision relating to this matter and sees no reason to alter it. (2015-D14)



Urban Design Manual


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the Draft Urban Design Manual, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, BE CIRCULATED to the London Development Institute, the Urban League, the London Homebuilders Association, London Area Planning Consultants, London area landscape architects and urban designers, the London Transit Commission, the Chamber of Commerce, all City of London Advisory Committees, the City’s Utility Coordinating Committee and the Urban Design Peer Review Panel;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission in connection therewith.   (2015-D32)



Properties located at 305, 309 and 315 Southdale Road West (OZ-8320)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Tricar Developments Inc., relating to the property located at 305, 309 and 315 Southdale Road West:


a)            the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015, to amend the Official Plan to  change the designation of the subject lands FROM an Open Space designation TO a Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation;


b)            consistent with Policy 19.1.1. of the Official Plan, the southern portion of the existing Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation, as shown on Schedule A – Land Use of the Official Plan, BE INTERPRETED to follow the newly defined Zoning line;


c)            consistent with Policy 19.1.1. of the Official Plan, the southern portion of the existing Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation, as shown on Schedule 5 – Southwest Area Plan, BE INTERPRETED to follow the newly defined Zoning line;


d)            consistent with Policy 19.1.1. of the Official Plan, the Maximum Hazard Line, as shown on Schedule B1 – Natural Heritage Features and the Regulatory Floodline shown on Schedule B2 – Natural Resources and Natural Hazards, of the Official Plan BE INTERPRETED to follow the newly defined regulatory flood line (250 year flood limit);


e)            the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated January 19, 2015, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 27, 2015, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan, as amended in part a), above), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Urban Reserve (UR4) Zone, an Environmental Review (ER) Zone, an Open Space (OS4) Zone, a Holding Residential R5 (h*R5-4)) Zone and a Residential R5/Residential R9 (R5-4/R9-7*H40) Zone TO a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-4( * )) Zone and FROM a Residential R5/Residential R9 (R5-4/R9-7•H40) Zone TO Residential R5 Special Provision/Residential R9 (R5-4(**)/R9-7•H40) Zone;


f)             pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN in respect of the proposed by-law as this is technical in nature and is internal to the site with no impact on abutting lands; and,


g)            the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to consider the following design issues through the site plan process:


·                    ensure that all street-facing facades are oriented toward the street and incorporate aesthetic features and architectural detail; in particular any unit facades adjacent to Singleton Avenue frontage should be oriented towards the street and treated architecturally as the front of the unit to help address the public interface with the building;

·                    locate visitor parking away from street frontages in order to screen large surface parking areas from the street;

·                    include a network of sidewalks both east-west and north-south in the interior of the site, including walkways at the end of the window street along Southdale Road extending to the City sidewalk, in order to improve walkability through the site;

·                    avoid including a fence along the Southdale Road and Singleton Avenue frontage.  If a fence is necessary ensure it is a low rise (1.2m) wrought iron fence with openings or gates for pedestrian connectivity;

·                    include landscaping along the east side of the subject property, except for those portions that front onto Singleton Avenue or Southdale Road;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission in connection therewith.    (2015-D14)



Property located at 3680 Wonderland Road South (Z-8431)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with respect to the application of Westbury International (1991) Corp., relating to the property located at 3680 Wonderland Road South, a decision on the application to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Urban Reserve (UR4) Zone TO an Associated Shopping Area Commercial Special Provision (ASA8(_)) Zone, BE DEFERRED until such time as the appeal of Zoning By-law Z.-1-142352 has been resolved by the Ontario Municipal Board;


it being noted that a hearing date for this appeal has not yet been scheduled and the appellant could appeal this matter to the Ontario Municipal Board based on no decision being made within 120 days of acceptance of a complete application;


it being further noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication, dated January 16, 2015, from J.W. Harbell, Stikeman Elliott, with respect to this matter;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions in connection therewith.   (2015-D14)



General Orientation - Key Committee Matters - Development Services


That, the orientation presentation from the Manager, Development Services and Planning Liaison, BE RECEIVED.


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clause 3.






Property located at 1820 Woodhull Road - Amendment to Special Provisions - Bournewood Subdivision (39T-03511)



That, on the recommendation of the Manager, Development Planning, the following actions be taken with respect to entering into a subdivision agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Farhi Holdings Corporation, for the subdivision of land over Part of Lot C, Gore Concession, (Geographic Township of Delaware), City of London, County of Middlesex, situated on the east side of Woodhull Road, north of Gideon Drive, municipally known as 1820 Woodhull Road:


a)         the Special Provisions to be contained in a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Farhi Holdings Corporation for the Bournewood Subdivision (39T-03511) BE AMENDED to include a clause to allow for an anticipated claim under the City Services Reserve Fund (CSRF) of $38,194 associated with the oversizing of the watermain on Oxford Street (within the Urban Growth Boundary);


b)         the financing for this project BE APPROVED in accordance with the “Sources of Financing” appended to the staff report, dated January 19, 2015 as Appendix “A”; and,


c)         the financing for this project BE APPROVED in accordance with the “Related Costs and Revenues” appended to the staff report, dated January 19, 2015 as Schedule “B”.   (2015-D12)



Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


NAYS: S. Turner (1)


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clause 12.




Property located at 1576 Richmond Street



That, the Heritage Alteration Permit Application for the removal of the greenhouse on the property located at 1576 Richmond Street BE CONDITIONALLY APPROVED subject to the amendment of the Ontario Municipal Board decision PL140510 to confirm exclusion of the conservatory/greenhouse from the building form and location of the heritage building;


it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee heard a delegation from M. Doornbosch, Zelinka Priamo Limited, on behalf of the applicant, with respect to this matter.   (2015-R01)



Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, P. Squire, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)


NAYS: M. Cassidy, J. Morgan (2)


AT 7:51 PM Councillor M. Cassidy leaves the meeting.




5th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee

Councillor P. Hubert presents.



Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clauses 1 to 5, inclusive.





Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:


a)         Councillor P. Hubert disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 2 of this Report regarding the 2015 Tax-Supported Budget, specifically as it relates to Ontario Works as he is the Executive Director of a social service agency that has contracts with Ontario Works, and also as it relates to the London Downtown Business Association (LDBA) as his agency does work with the LDBA.


b)         Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 2 of this Report having to do with the 2015 Tax-Supported Budget, specifically as it relates to funding for the London Arts Council (LAC) as her employer receives funding from the LAC.



2015 Tax-Supported Budget - General Overview


That the attached 2015 Tax-Supported Budget overview provided by the Financial Planning and Policy Division BE RECEIVED for information.



Strategic Plan - Tabling of Strategies


That the following actions be taken with respect to the Municipal Council’s Strategic Plan for 2015 -2019:


a)         the strategies, as tabled at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) meeting on January 12, 2015, BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED to the public consultation process; and,


b)         the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back at the SPPC meeting on January 26, 2015 with the results of the initial public consultation on the strategies;


it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard the attached presentation from the Manager of Corporate Initiatives with respect to this matter.



Provision of PowerPoint Presentations


That the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to review and report back on the potential for submitting PowerPoint presentations related to matters on Standing Committee agendas to the City Clerk’s Office in sufficient time for the presentations to be posted with the Standing Committee agendas unless it is not possible to do so due to exceptional circumstances, in order to permit the public with an opportunity to have access to the information prior to and at the Standing Committee meetings and to permit the Council Members to prepare their questions for the meeting.



Enquiry - Clearing of Roadways


That it BE NOTED that the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer provided a verbal update on the current status of the clearing of roadways as a result of recent weather events, in response to a verbal enquiry by Councillor B. Armstrong.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)



6th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee

                        Councillor P. Hubert presents.


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clauses 1 and 2.



Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.



2015 Budget - Water and Wastewater Treatment Public Participation Meeting and Review


a)            That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director, Corporate Services & City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2015 Operating Budget, 2015 Capital Budget and associated forecasts for Wastewater and Treatment Services:


i)          the 2015 Operating Budget for Wastewater and Treatment Services BE APPROVED as submitted;


ii)         the 2016-2019 Operating Forecast for Wastewater and Treatment Services BE RECEIVED for information;

iii)         the 2015 Capital Budget for Wastewater and Treatment Services BE APPROVED as submitted;


iv)        the 2016-2024 Capital Forecast for Wastewater and Treatment Services BE RECEIVED for information;


it being noted that all rates and charges related to the provision of Wastewater and Treatment Services, with the exception of charges related to the installation or replacement of Private Drain Connections, will increase by 7%, effective January 1, 2015, as approved by the Municipal Council at its meeting on November 25, 2014; and


b)         That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director, Corporate Services & City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2015 Operating Budget, 2015 Capital Budget and associated forecasts for Water Services:


i)          the 2015 Operating Budget for Water Services BE APPROVED as submitted;


ii)         the 2016-2019 Operating Forecast for Water Services BE RECEIVED for information;


iii)         the 2015 Capital Budget for Water Services BE APPROVED as submitted;


iv)        the 2016-2024 Capital Forecast for Water Services BE RECEIVED for information;


it being noted that all rates and charges related to the provision of Water Services, with the exception of the Customer Assistance charge, will increase by 7%, effective January 1, 2015, as approved by the Municipal Council at its meeting on November 25, 2014; and


it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard the attached presentation from the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, the Director of Water and Wastewater, and the Manager III, Financial Planning and Policy, with respect to this matter;


it being pointed out that the following individual made an oral submission at the public participation meeting associated with this matter:


D. Szoller, Chair, Advisory Committee on the Environment (ACE) – noting it is often difficult for the ACE to make comment on these budgets due to the timing of the public participation meeting; enquiring if the Greenway expansion will assist in eliminating overflows, for which she was advised that the improvements will do a better job of mitigating overflows; asking what the $837,000 expenditure was related to, to which she was advised that this represented the increased cost of projected water needs from the Primary Water Supply Systems; and enquiring what the current percentage of combined sewers in our system was, for which she was advised that there is currently about 10 km of combined sewers in our system, but that the Burbrook project would greatly reduce that number.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)



7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee

                        Councillor P. Hubert presents.


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clauses 1, 2, 3 and 5.



Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:


a)            Councillor P. Hubert disclosed a pecuniary interest in any matters pertaining to Ontario Works as he is the Executive Director of a social services agency that has a contract with Ontario Works.  Councillor P. Hubert further discloses a pecuniary interest in all matters pertaining to the Employment Sector Council London Middlesex and the London Middlesex Immigrant Employment Council by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency that does work with these organizations.  Councillor P. Hubert also discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters pertaining to the London Downtown Business Association (LDBA) as he is the President of a cleaning company that does work for the LDBA.


b)            Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters pertaining to Item 2k) and 4 with respect to the Palace Theatre as she is a part-time manager of the London Community Players.


c)            Councillor J. Helmer discloses a pecuniary interest in those matters related to the London Youth Advisory Council by indicating that this organization is a client of his company.



2015 Budget – Public Participation Meeting


That the presentations from the 2015 Budget Public Participation Meeting #1 BE RECEIVED for consideration by the Municipal Council as part of its 2015 Budget approval process; it being noted that the Members of Council expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the participants in bringing their requests and comments to the attention of the Municipal Council;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions in connection therewith.   



City Budget 2015 – Recommendations (G. Macartney, CEO, London Chamber of Commerce)


That the communication dated December 12, 2014, from G. Macartney, CEO, London Chamber of Commerce, offering the London Chamber of Commerce Board’s observations and recommendations regarding the 2015 Budget BE RECEIVED.



City Budget 2015 –Public Input


That, on the recommendation of the Director, Financial Planning and Policy, the staff report dated January 22, 2015 regarding 2015 Budget public input BE RECEIVED for information.


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clause 4.



City Budget 2015 –Capital Grant Funding (F. Coates, General Manager, Palace Theatre)


That the communication from F. Coates, General Manager, Palace Theatre, requesting advice or assistance regarding the 2015 Budget BE RECEIVED.


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher J. Zaifman (13)


RECUSED:  T. Park (1)


At 7:56 PM Councillor M. Cassidy enters the meeting.



8th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee

                        Councillor P. Hubert presents.


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert to Approve clauses 1 to 9, excluding clause 7.



Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that Councillor P. Hubert disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 7 of this Report, having to do with an appointment to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, as he has a working relationship with one of the applicants.





Establishment of a Governance Working Group


That, on the recommendation of the City Clerk, the following actions be taken with respect to the establishment of a Governance Working Group:


a)         the following Council Members BE APPOINTED to serve on a Governance Working Group:


            Mayor Brown                                                  Councillor van Holst

            Councillor Armstrong                                      Councillor Salih

            Councillor Helmer                                           Councillor Cassidy

            Councillor Squire                                            Councillor Morgan

            Councillor Ridley                                             Councillor Usher


b)         the proposed Terms of Reference, as appended to the staff report dated January 26, 2015, for a Governance Working Group BE APPROVED; and


c)         the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to call the first meeting of the Governance Working Group so that it may begin its work to fulfill its mandate by September 2015.



4:00 PM – Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee


That the following actions be taken with respect to the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee:


a)            the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee (IEPC) BE DISCONTINUED;


b)            subject to the approval of a), above, the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to bring forward proposed amendments to the Council Procedure By-law to reallocate the mandate of the IEPC to the appropriate remaining Standing Committee(s); and


c)            subject to the approval of a), above, the attached revised proposed by-law (Appendix “A) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on January 27, 2015 for the purpose of amending By-law No. A-45, as amended, entitled “A by-law to provide for the Rules of Order and Procedure for the Council of The Corporation of the City of London”, to discontinue the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee (IEPC) and to reallocate the mandate of the IEPC to the appropriate remaining Standing Committees, with the London Arts Council and the Cultural Prosperity Plan to be included in the mandate of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee;


it being pointed out that there were no members of the public wishing to make a submission at the public participation meeting regarding the proposed changes to the Council Procedure By-law.



Community Economic Strategy – Verbal (Lauren Millier, Millier Dickinson Blais)


That the attached presentation by the City Manager and L. Millier, Millier, Dickinson, Blais, with respect to a Community Economic Road Map for London, BE RECEIVED for information.



Strategic Plan – Verbal


That the summary of public input on the proposed strategies for the City of London's Strategic Plan, as detailed in the staff report dated January 26, 2015, BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee meeting to be held on February 6, 2015, for further discussion and consideration; it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard the attached presentation from the Managing Director, Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services.



Appointment to the Middlesex-London Health Unit (Requires 1)


That the filling of the vacancy on the Middlesex-London Health Unit for the term ending November 30, 2018 BE REFERRED back to the Civic Administration to allow additional time for citizens to submit their name for consideration for appointment; it being noted that any applications already received to date would remain on the potential list of appointees.





Argyle BIA Composition


That NO FURTHER ACTION BE TAKEN at this time to expand the membership of the Argyle BIA from 9 to 10.



Request for Orientation by Boards and Commissions


That the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to make the necessary arrangements to invite all Boards and Commission, including the Western Fair, to carry out an orientation exercise at future meetings of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, after the completion of the 2015 Budget process.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion made by Councillor A. Hopkins to Approve clause 7.



Appointment to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (Requires 1)


That Murray M. Blackie BE APPOINTED to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority for the term ending November 30, 2017


Motion Passed


YEAS:  M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)


NAYS:  M. Salih (1)


RECUSE:  P. Hubert (1)

4th Report of the Corporate Services Committee

Councillor M. Cassidy presents.





Motion made by Councillor M. Cassidy to Approve clauses 1 and 2.


  1.  Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.


  1.  Accessibility of 2014 Municipal Election


That, on the recommendation of the City Clerk, the staff report dated January 27, 2015 regarding the accessibility of the 2014 City of London Municipal Election BE RECEIVED for information.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)

At 8:04 PM Councillor B. Armstrong leaves the meeting.


                        3rd  Report of the Committee of the Whole

                        Councillor P. Hubert presents.


PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown and Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman and C. Saunders (City Clerk).


ALSO PRESENT:  A. Zuidema, J.P. Barber, J. Braam, J.M. Fleming, P. Foto, M. Hayward, G. Kotsifas, V. McAlea Major, D. Mounteer, L.M. Rowe, and B. Warner.


Motion made by Councillor P. Hubert and seconded by Councillor V. Ridley to Approve clauses 1 to 3, inclusive.



1.                     That, as a procedural matter pursuant to Section 239 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the following recommendation be forwarded to City Council for deliberation and a vote in public session:


That, on the recommendation of the Manager of Realty Services, with the concurrence of the Managing Director and City Engineer, Environmental and Engineering Services, and the Director of Environment, Fleet and Solid Waste, with respect to the property at 5861 White Oak Road, the following actions be taken:


a)         the W12A Landfill Property Value Protection Plan Agreement attached as Appendix “C” for 5861 White Oak Road BE APPROVED; and


b)          5861 White Oak Road BE PURCHASED by the City subject to negotiating an agreement at fair market value price for the property.



2.                     That, as a procedural matter pursuant to Section 239 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the following recommendation be forwarded to City Council for deliberation and a vote in public session:


That, on the recommendation of the Manager of Realty Services, with the concurrence of the Managing Director and City Engineer, Environmental and Engineering Services, and the Director of Environment, Fleet and Solid Waste, with respect to the property at 5751 Wellington Road, the following actions be taken:


a)         the W12A Landfill Property Value Protection Plan Agreement attached as Appendix “C” for 5751 Wellington Road South BE APPROVED; and


b)          5751 Wellington Road South BE PURCHASED by the City subject to negotiating an agreement at fair market value price for the property.



3.                     That, as a procedural matter pursuant to Section 239 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the following recommendation be forwarded to City Council for deliberation and a vote in public session:


That, on the recommendation of the Manager of Realty Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the Settlement Agreement submitted by Rozeluk and Company Inc., for the property that was expropriated by the City located at 1570 Hyde Park Road, being Part Lot 25, Concession 3, shown as Parts 2 and 3, Reference Plan 33R-3896, further described as Part 1, Expropriation Plan ER-936605 registered on October 16, 2014, and containing an area of 3,054.8 square feet, for the purpose of the Hyde Park Road Widening and Improvements Project - Phase II, between South Carriage Road and Fanshawe Park Road West:


a)         the Settlement Agreement, attached as Appendix “B”, submitted by Rozeluk and Company Inc. (the “Owner”) to settle in full, final and complete settlement of all claims of the Owner, including interest, against the City arising out of or in any way connected with the expropriation, BE ACCEPTED subject to the following conditions:


i)              the City agreeing to pay the Owner’s reasonable legal and appraisal costs, including fees, disbursements and applicable taxes to complete this transaction, subject to assessment;


ii)             the City agreeing to arrange for and to pay for the installation and connection of municipal water service to the building including the cost for the water meter, and all necessary connections with the water line size and meter. The City also being responsible to arrange and pay for the costs of decommissioning the existing well(s) in accordance with all existing legislation and regulations. Any repair and/or replacement costs to the parking, sidewalks, landscaping, building, etc., related to the installation of the water service and/or the decommissioning of the well(s) being the City’s sole responsibility and being completed in a first class manner reasonably satisfactory to the Owner; and,


b)         the financing for this settlement BE APPROVED as set out in the    Sources of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A”.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)























Motion made by Councillor H.L. Usher and seconded by Councillor V. Ridley to Approve Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.s 39 to 60, and Added Bill No.s 61 to 65, excluding Bill No. 42.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


Motion made by Councillor H.L. Usher and seconded by Councillor V. Ridley to Approve Second Reading of Bill No.s 39 to 60, and Added Bill No.s 61 to 65, excluding Bill No. 42.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)




Motion made by Councillor A. Hopkins and seconded by Councillor S. Turner to Approve Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No.s 39 to 60, and Added Bill No.s 61 to 65, excluding Bill No. 42.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)


At 8:08 PM Councillor J. Helmer leaves the meeting.




Motion made by Councillor S. Turner and seconded by Councillor T. Park to Approve Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.  42.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)




Motion made by Councillor M. Cassidy and seconded by Councillor V. Ridley to Approve Second Reading of Bill No. 42


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)




Motion made by Councillor J. Zaifman and seconded by Councillor J. Morgan to Approve Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No. 42.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)


The following by-laws are passed and enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London:



Bill No. 39

By-law No. A.-7215-30

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 27th day of January, 2015. (City Clerk)

Bill No. 40

By-law No. A.-7216-31


A by-law to exempt from taxation for municipal and school purposes a portion of the multi-residential assessed value of the property at 753 Dundas Street, in the City of London. (4/3/CSC)


Bill No. 41

By-law No. A.-7217-32


A by-law to approve an Agreement between the Corporation of The City of London and the National Trails Coalition; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (6/3/PEC)


Bill No. 42

By-law No. A.-7218-33



A by-law to authorize and approve an Agreement between London Golf Club Inc and The Corporation of the City of London. (3/2/CPSC)

Bill No. 43

By-law No. C.P.-1284(rd)-34


A by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to 305, 309 and 315 Southdale Road West. (9/3/PEC)


Bill No. 44

By-law No. L.S.P.-3444-35


A by-law to designate 2770 Sheffield Place to be of historical and contextual value or interest. (11/20/PEC-2014)

Bill No. 45

By-law No. S.-5706-36


A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Ridout Street South, north of Grand Avenue) (in accordance with Zoning By-law Z-1) (Chief Surveyor)


Bill No. 46

By-law No. S.-5707-37


A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Adelaide Street North south of Sunningdale Road) (in accordance with Zoning By-law Z-1) (Chief Surveyor)


Bill No. 47

By-law No. S.-5708-38


A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Decker Drive) (in accordance with Zoning By-law Z-1) (Chief Surveyor)


Bill No. 48

By-law No. S.-5709-39


A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Hamilton Road, east of Gore Road) (registered as Instrument No. ER962700 on December 05, 2014) (Chief Surveyor)


Bill No. 49

By-law No. S.-5710-40


A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Hyde Park West – Phase 1; 33M-541) (City Engineer)




Bill No. 50

By-law No. S.-5711-41


A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Hyde Park West – Phase 4; 33M-617) (City Engineer)

Bill No. 51

By-law No. S.-5712-42


A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Westfield Village Estates; Plan No. 33M-621) (City Engineer)


Bill No. 52

By-law No. W.-2026(b)-43


A By-law to amend by-law No. W.-2026-216 entitled, “A by-law to authorize the Fanshawe Road East Widening (Project No. TS1475)” (12/7/CWC-2012)



Bill No. 53

By-law No. W.-5571-44


A by-law to authorize the Southern Ontario Water Consortium – London Wastewater Facility (Project No. ES1721) (12/4/CWC-2013)


Bill No. 54

By-law No. W.-5572-45


A by-law to authorize the Clare Bridge (Old Victoria Road Over Dingman Creek) (Project No. TS1212) (5/12/CWC-2012)


Bill No. 55

By-law No. W.-5573-46


A by-law to authorize the Bus Purchase Replacement. (Project No. MU1044-13) (4b/5/SPPC-2013)

Bill No. 56

By-law No. W.-5574-47


A by-law to authorize the LTC Existing Facility Maintenance and Upgrades. (Project No. MU1136-13) (4b/5/SPPC-2013)

Bill No. 57

By-law No. W.-5575-48


A by-law to authorize the Relocate Fire Station No. 7 (Project No. PP1089) (9/3/CPSC-2013)

Bill No. 58

By-law No. W.-5576-49


A by-law to authorize the Sarnia Road Widening CPR Bridge Replacement (Project No. TS1349) (6/6/BNEC-2011)

Bill No. 59

By-law No. Z.-1-152374


A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to remove the holding provisions from the zoning on lands located at 1452 Byron Baseline Road. (2/3/PEC)


Bill No. 60

By-law No. Z.-1-152375


A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 305, 309 and 315 Southdale Road West. (9/3/PEC)

Bill No. 61

By-law No. A-45-15003

A by-law to amend By-law No. A-45, as amended, entitled, “A by-law to provide for the Rules of Order and Procedure for the Council of The Corporation of the City of London”, to discontinue the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee (IEPC) and reallocate the mandate of the IEPC to the appropriate remaining Standing Committees. (3b/6/SPPC)


Bill No. 62

By-law No. A.-7219-50

A By-law to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Property Value Protection Plan Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Milan Jugovic and Ana Jugovic and Eva Komsic and Rudi Komsic, to provide property value protection for the property located at 5751 Wellington Road South, for the City’s W12A landfill site. (C2/3/CSC)


Bill No. 63

By-law No. A.-7220-51

A by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Property Value Protection Plan Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Phillip Ignatius Johnston, to provide property value protection for the property located at 5861 White Oak Road, for the City’s W12A landfill site. (C1/3/CSC)


Bill No. 64

By-law No. A.-7221-52

A By-law to authorize a Settlement Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Rozeluk and Company Inc., for the settlement of 1570 Hyde Park Road, further described as Part 1, Expropriation Plan ER-936605 and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (C3/3/CSC)


Bill No. 65

By-law No. A.-

A by-law to repeal and replace Council Policy 18(23).














Motion made by Councillor M. Cassidy and seconded by Councillor P. Squire to Adjourn.


Motion Passed


The meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM.



                                                                                                Matt Brown, Mayor




                                                                                                Catharine Saunders, City Clerk

No Item Selected