Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee


Meeting #:The 12th Meeting of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee
Committee Rooms #1 and #2
  • PRESENT:  S. Levin (Chair), L. Banks, A. Bilson Darko, C. Dyck, P. Ferguson, L. Grieves, S. Hall, S. Heuchan, B. Krichker, K. Moser, B. Samuels, R. Trudeau and I. Whiteside and H. Lysynski (Clerk)


    ALSO PRESENT:  G. Barrett, C. Creighton, M. Fabro, S. Hudson, J. MacKay and L. McDougall


    ABSENT:  I. Arturo, A. Boyer, A. Cleaver, R. Doyle, S. Esan, J. Khan, I. Mohamed, S. Sivakumar and M. Wallace



    The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM

  • That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee heard the attached presentation from G. Barrett, Manager, Long Range Planning and Sustainability, with respect to the differences between city-owned and privately owned Environmentally Significant Areas.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 11th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on October 17, 2019, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee reviewed and received a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on October 15, 2019, with respect to the 10th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee reviewed and received a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on October 15, 2019, with respect to the 8th Report of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 5, 2019.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee reviewed and received a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on November 12, 2019, with respect to the 11th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on October 17, 2019.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of S. Levin and S. Hall with respect to environmental considerations relating to studies and reports; it being noted  that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee reviewed and received a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on November 12, 2019, with respect to these matters.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee reviewed and received the Civic Administration's comments relating to the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee's comments on the White Oak Dingman Secondary Plan.

  • That, the following actions be taken with respect to the Byron Gravel Pit Subject Land Status Report:


    a)   the Working Group comments relating to the Byron Gravel Pit Subject Land Status Report BE FORWARDED to the Civic Administration for consideration; and,


    b)    during the development of the Secondary Plan the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to consider opportunities for retention of part or all unique landscapes, in particular, bank swallow habitat.

  • That the Working Group comments with respect to the Environmental Management Guidelines BE FORWARDED to the Civic Administration for consideration.

  • That B. Samuels and L. Grieves BE APPOINTED to the Bird Friendly Guidelines Working Group as the representative and alternate, respectively.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of I. Whiteside (lead), C. Dyck, P. Ferguson and B. Krichker, with respect to the Subject Lands Status Report for the Kilally South, East Basin Stormwater Servicing and to report back at the January 16, 2020 Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee meeting.

  • That it BE NOTED that "A Wetland Conservation Strategy for London: A Discussion Paper on Best Practices" has been forwarded to the Civic Administration for their consideration.

  • The meeting adjourned at 6:21 PM.