



Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee


including addeds


meeting to be held on December 8, 2014, commencing at 4:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


Committee Members:  Mayor M. Brown and Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman and L. Rowe (Secretary). 







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest






Deputy Mayor Policy






Not to be heard before 4:00 PM - Tabling of the 2015 Draft Budgets (Annual Tax-Supported Operations, Capital, Water and Wastewater Treatment)



Not to be heard before 4:30 PM - Public Participation Meeting - Amendments to Council Procedure By-law






Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee



Council's Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee (IEPC)



Consideration of Appointment to the Investment and Economic Prosperity Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Stephen Turner (CH)

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong


Paul Hubert (CH)

Josh Morgan


Phil Squire (CH)

Tanya Park


Michael van Holst

Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Consideration of Appointment to the Medical Commercialization Steering Committee



Consideration of Appointment to the Civic Works Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Tanya Park

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Harold Usher (CH)

Virginia Ridley

Jesse Helmer

Michael van Holst (CH)

Mohamed Salih

Anna Hopkins



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Stephen Turner



Jared Zaifman






Consideration of Appointment to the Community and Protective Services Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong (CH)

Anna Hopkins

Maureen Cassidy

Josh Morgan (CH)

Jesse Helmer

Paul Hubert

Tanya Park

Stephen Turner (CH)

Harold Usher (CH)

Virginia Ridley

Michael van Holst


Mohamed Salih

Jared Zaifman (CH)




Consideration of Appointment to the Corporate Services Committee (Requires 4 Council Members and the Municipal Council's section for the Deputy Mayor who shall serve as Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong

Josh Morgan

Paul Hubert

Jesse Helmer

Jared Zaifman

Virginia Ridley

Tanya Park


Stephen Turner

Mohamed Salih


Harold Usher

Phil Squire



Michael van Holst



Consideration of Appointment to the Planning and Environment Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Maureen Cassidy (CH)

Josh Morgan

Bill Armstrong

Jesse Helmer

Tanya Park

Anna Hopkins

Paul Hubert (CH)


Virginia Ridley

Phil Squire


Mohamed Salih

Stephen Turner


Harold Usher



Michael van Holst



Argyle Business Improvement Association



Request to Amend the Argyle Business Improvement Association By-law Board of Directors from 9 Directors to 10 Directors



Consideration of Appointment to the Argyle BIA Board of Management (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong


Maureen Cassidy



Anna Hopkins



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Tanya Park



Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Jared Zaifman


Members (Requires 8 Members)


Jeff Baggaley

Jeremy Burns

Gus Dupuis

Elissa Ielapi

Dale Irwin

Matt McHardy

Crissy Viglianti

Mark Wilkie-Facchin

Erik Lasch





Consideration of Appointment to the Audit Committee (Requires 3 Council Members and the Mayor's selection for Deputy Mayor who shall serve as Chair)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong

Paul Hubert

Jesse Helmer

Tanya Park

Stephen Turner

Josh Morgan

Virginia Ridley

Michael van Holst

Jared Zaifman

Mohamed Salih



Consideration of Appointment to the City of London and London District Catholic School Board Liaison Committee (Requires 3 Council Members and the Deputy Mayor selected by the Municipal Council)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Michael van Holst

Anna Hopkins

Maureen Cassidy


Paul Hubert

Josh Morgan


Tanya Park

Phil Squire


Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the City of London and Thames Valley District School Board Liaison Committee (Requires 3 Council Members and the Deputy Mayor selected by the Municipal Council)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Jesse Helmer

Virginia Ridley

Paul Hubert

Anna Hopkins

Phil Squire

Tanya Park

Josh Morgan

Jared Zaifman


Mohamed Salih



Stephen Turner



Michael van Holst



Consideration of Appointment to the Covent Garden Market Corporation Board of Directors (Requires 2 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Anna Hopkins

Tanya Park

Josh Morgan

Paul Hubert

Jared Zaifman

Virginia Ridley

Michael van Holst


Mohamed Salih



Stephen Turner



Harold Usher




Consideration of Appointment to the Dearness Home Committee of Management (Requires 5 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins


Bill Armstrong

Tanya Park


Maureen Cassidy

Harold Usher


Paul Hubert

Jared Zaifman


Josh Morgan



Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Stephen Turner



Michael van Holst











Consideration of Appointment to the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management (Requires 3 Council Members and 3 Alternates)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong

Tanya Park

Virginia Ridley

Anna Hopkins

Josh Morgan

Harold Usher

Paul Hubert

Mohamed Salih

Michael van Holst

Jared Zaifman




Consideration of Appointment to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority - 3 Year Term (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference


Anna Hopkins

Bill Armstrong



Maureen Cassidy



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Tanya Park



Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System Joint Management Board (Requires 4 Council Members and 4 Alternates)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong

Anna Hopkins

Virginia Ridley

Josh Morgan

Paul Hubert

Michael van Holst

Jared Zaifman

Tanya Park



Mohamed Salih



Harold Usher



Consideration of Appointment to the London and Middlesex Housing Corporation Board of Directors (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Josh Morgan

Bill Armstrong


Virginia Ridley

Maureen Cassidy


Stephen Turner

Paul Hubert


Michael van Holst

Tanya Park



Mohamed Salih



Jared Zaifman



ADDED - London and Middlesex Housing Corporation Board Appointments



London Convention Centre



Appointment Recommendations for the London Convention Centre Board of Directors



Consideration of Appointment to the London Convention Centre Corporation (Requires 2 Council Members + Mayor)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Anna Hopkins

Paul Hubert

Tanya Park

Virginia Ridley

Josh Morgan

Mohamed Salih

Phil Squire

Jared Zaifman


Michael van Holst






Consideration of Appointment to the London Downtown Business Association Board of Management (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Tanya Park

Phil Squire

Bill Armstrong


Jared Zaifman

Maureen Cassidy



Anna Hopkins



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Consideration of Appointment to the London Hydro Inc. Board of Directors (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Josh Morgan

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Michael van Holst

Paul Hubert

Jesse Helmer


Tanya Park

Anna Hopkins


Virginia Ridley

Mohamed Salih


Stephen Turner

Harold Usher


Jared Zaifman




Consideration of Appointment to the London Police Services Board (Requires 1 Council Member + Mayor)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Jesse Helmer

Paul Hubert

Bill Armstrong

Josh Morgan

Virginia Ridley

Maureen Cassidy

Mohamed Salih

Harold Usher

Anna Hopkins

Stephen Turner

Michael van Holst

Tanya Park



Jared Zaifman



London Public Library



London Public Library Board Request to Extend the Appointment of Certain London Public Library Board Members



Consideration of Appointment to the London Public Library Board (Requires 2 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Tanya Park

Bill Armstrong


Virginia Ridley

Maureen Cassidy


Harold Usher

Jesse Helmer



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Mohamed Salih



Stephen Turner



Michael van Holst



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the London Transit Commission (Requires 2 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy

Phil Squire

Josh Morgan

Jesse Helmer


Virginia Ridley

Paul Hubert


Stephen Turner

Tanya Park


Michael van Holst

Mohamed Salih


Jared Zaifman

Harold Usher





Consideration of Appointment to the London Transit Commission Long Term Growth Report Working Group (Requires any Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Anna Hopkins

Josh Morgan

Bill Armstrong

Paul Hubert

Tanya Park

Maureen Cassidy

Phil Squire

Michael van Holst

Jesse Helmer

Harold Usher


Virginia Ridley

Jared Zaifman


Mohamed Salih



Middlesex-London Health Unit



City of London Appointees to the Middlesex-London Health Unit Board of Health



Consideration of Appointment to the Middlesex-London Health Unit (Requires 3 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Jesse Helmer

Tanya Park

Bill Armstrong

Anna Hopkins


Maureen Cassidy

Paul Hubert


Anna Hopkins

Stephen Turner


Josh Morgan

Michael van Holst


Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Jared Zaifman



ADDED - Request of Appointment to the Middlesex-London Health Unit



Consideration of Appointment to the Museum London (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference


Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy


Mohamed Salih

Paul Hubert


Michael van Holst

Josh Morgan



Tanya Park



Virginia Ridley



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the Old East Village Business Improvement Area Board of Management (Requires 1 Council Member and 14 Additional Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Jesse Helmer

Paul Hubert

Bill Armstrong



Maureen Cassidy



Anna Hopkins



Josh Morgan



Tanya Park



Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the Public Utility Commission of the City of London (Requires 3 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference


Anna Hopkins

Maureen Cassidy


Josh Morgan

Paul Hubert


Jared Zaifman

Virginia Ridley



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Consideration of Appointment to the Tourism London Board of Directors (Requires 2 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Maureen Cassidy

Josh Morgan

Bill Armstrong

Paul Hubert

Tanya Park

Anna Hopkins

Mohamed Salih

Virginia Ridley


Jared Zaifman

Michael van Holst




Consideration of Appointment to the Town and Gown Committee (Requires 4 Council Members and the Deputy Mayor selected by the Municipal Council)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Tanya Park

Maureen Cassidy

Bill Armstrong

Mohamed Salih

Josh Morgan

Anna Hopkins

Phil Squire

Jared Zaifman

Paul Hubert



Virginia Ridley



Michael van Holst



Consideration of Appointment to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - 3 Year Term (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Stephen Turner

Paul Hubert

Maureen Cassidy


Josh Morgan

Anna Hopkins


Virginia Ridley

Tanya Park


Mohamed Salih

Michael van Holst


Harold Usher



Jared Zaifman



Consideration of Appointment to the Western Fair Association Board of Governors (Requires 1 Council Member)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Bill Armstrong

Jesse Helmer

Maureen Cassidy

Josh Morgan

Jared Zaifman

Anna Hopkins

Virginia Ridley


Paul Hubert



Tanya Park



Mohamed Salih



Stephen Turner



Michael van Holst



Preferred Qualification for the Western Fair Association Board of Governors



Revisions to the Association's By-laws



Consideration of Appointment to the Western Fair Association Programming Council (Requires 2 Council Members)


1st Preference

2nd Preference

3rd Preference

Virginia Ridley

Bill Armstrong

Maureen Cassidy



Jesse Helmer



Anna Hopkins



Paul Hubert



Josh Morgan



Tanya Park



Mohamed Salih



Michael van Holst



Jared Zaifman



Revisions to the Association's By-laws



Consideration of Appointment to Western University Board of Governors (Requires Mayor OR Alternate)


1st Report of the Striking Committee


(Secretary's Note: The Striking Committee report will be provided at the meeting.)






ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the Committee of Adjustment (Requires 5 Members)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the Committee of Revision/Court of Revision (Requires 3 Members)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to Eldon House (Requires 9 Members)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the London and Middlesex Heritage Museum Board of Directors (Requires 1 Member)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the Council for Adult Education (Requires 1 Member)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority - 3 Year Term (Requires 1 Member)



ADDED - Consideration of Appointment to the Plumbers' and Drain Layers' Examining Board (Requires 3 Members)





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