<A> AGENDA ACCESSIBILITY Advisory Committee meeting to be held on November 24, 2016, commencing at 3:00 PM, in Committee Room #4, Second Floor, London City Hall. I. CALL TO ORDER 1. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest II. SCHEDULED ITEMS 2. 3:05 PM L. McNiven, Parks Project Coordinator - Recreational Trails, External Paths of Travel and Play Spaces 3. 3:15 PM C. Smith, Senior Planner- Proposed Subsidized Transit Model 4. 3:40 PM S. Maguire, Division Manager, Roadway Lighting and Traffic Control - Audible Pedestrian Signal Installations Update III. SUB-COMMITTEES & WORKING GROUPS 5. Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee 6. Education and Awareness Sub-Committee 7. Policy Sub-Committee 8. Mental Health Working Group IV. CONSENT ITEMS 9. 10th Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee 10. Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held November 8, 2016 with respect to the Appointment of Camille Chung to the Accessibility Advisory Committee 11. Promoting a Culture of Accessibility and Inclusion 12. Promoting Subsidy Model for Public Transportation and Information Regarding Children Under 12/13 Years of Age Ride Free V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 13. Financial Resource Guide - Discussion VI. DEFERRED MATTERS/ADDITIONAL BUSINESS VII. CONFIDENTIAL (Confidential Appendix enclosed for Members only.) C-1. A personal matter pertaining to identifiable individuals, including municipal employees, with respect to the 2017 Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List VIII. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING DATE: To be Determined No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.315 PM C. Smith Senior Planner- Proposed Subsidi - 2016-11-15 Staff Report - Proposed Subsidy Model for Public Transportation and Information Regarding Children Under 12-13 Years of Age Ride for Free.pdf1.10th Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committe - 2016-10-27 ACCAC Report 10.pdf1.Promoting a Culture of Accessibility and Inclusion - 2016-11-24 Promoting a Culture of Accessbility and Inclusion - e-mail.pdf2.Promoting a Culture of Accessibility and Inclusion - 2016-11-24 Promoting a Culture of Accessbility and Inclusion.pdf1.Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee - 2016-11-24 Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee - Minutes.pdf2.Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee - 2016-11-24 Accessible Playgrounds Survey.pdf3.Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee - 2016-11-24 General Service review of Accessible Cabs.pdf4.Built Environment and Facilities Sub-Committee - 2016-11-24 Position of Support for the completion of the Medway North Trail System.pdf1.Education and Awareness Sub-Committee - 2016-11-24 Education and Awareness Sub-Committee.pdf1.Mental Health Working Group - 2016-11-24 Mental Health Working Group.pdf2.Mental Health Working Group - 2016-11-24 Workplace Mental Health Strategy.pdf1.Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meetin - 2016-11-01 Resolet 17-26-CSC 002.pdf