Council AgendaIncluding AddedsThe 8th Meeting of City Council Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.Council ChambersThe City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports for Council, Standing or Advisory Committee meetings and information, upon request. To make a request for any City service, please contact or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425. The Council will break for dinner at approximately 6:30 PM, as required.1.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest This item has Video2.Recognitions This item has Video3.Review of Confidential Matters to be Considered in Public This item has Video4.Council, In Closed Session 5.Confirmation and Signing of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s) This item has Video5.17th Meeting held on April 7, 2020 1.2020-04-07 Council Minutes.pdf6.Communications and Petitions This item has Video6.1(ADDED) Contract Award: RFT20-31 2020 Infrastructure Renewal Program Contract 7 - Devonshire Phase 2 (Refer to the Civic Works Committee Stage for Consideration with Item 9 (2.4) of the 5th Report of the Civic Works Committee)1.S. Mathers, Director, Water and Wastewater and A. Rammeloo, Division Manager 1.2020-04-21 MEMO - Devonshire.pdf7.Motions of Which Notice is Given This item has Video8.Reports 8.17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee This item has Video1.2020-04-14 CSC Report 7-Complete.pdf1.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2.(2.1) 2020 Debenture Issuance 3.(2.2) Provincial Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program 2019/2020 (Relates to Bill No. 149) 4.(2.6) 2019 Compliance Report in Accordance with the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy 8.(4.1) Board of Directors - Federation of Canadian Municipalities 9.(4.2) Association of Municipalities Ontario - Board of Directors, Large Urban Caucus 5.(2.3) Year 2020 Tax Policy (Relates to Bill No.'s 150, 151, 152, 153 and 154) This item has Video6.(2.4) Year 2020 Education Tax Rates (Relates to Bill No. 155) This item has Video7.(2.5) Property Tax Deferral Options This item has Video8.25th Report of the Civic Works Committee This item has Video1.2020-04-15 CWC Report 5.pdf1.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2.(2.1) Contract Price Increase: Tender T17-52 Infrastructure Renewal Program - Frances Street, Margaret Street and Ethel Street Reconstruction 3.(2.2) Water Service Area Financial Plan Update 4.(2.3) Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Construction Administration Services: 2020 Infrastructure Renewal Program - Spruce Street and Haig Street 5.(2.5) Contract Award: RFT 20-03 2020 Infrastructure Renewal Program Contract 5 - Chippendale Crescent Reconstruction 6.(2.6) Contract Award: Tender T20-06 - Wonderland Road Sanitary Sewer Extension 7.(2.7) Exeter Road and Wellington Road Intersection Improvements - Appointment of Consultant 8.(2.8) Operation of the City's Materials Recovery Facility: Next Steps in the Transition to Industry Responsibility for Recycling Services 10.(4.1) Sidewalk Extension on Forward Avenue 11.(5.1) Deferred Matters List 12.(5.2) Street Sweeping 9.(2.4) Contract Award: RFT20-31 2020 Infrastructure Renewal Program Contract 7 - Devonshire Phase 2 This item has Video8.38th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee This item has Video1.2020-04-07 Special SPPC Report 9-Complete.pdf1.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2.(2.1) London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc. Meeting of the Shareholder Resolutions Regarding Interim Board Appointments (Relates to Bill No.'s 145, 146 and 147) 9.Added Reports This item has Video10.Deferred Matters This item has Video11.Enquiries This item has Video12.Emergent Motions This item has Video13.By-laws This item has VideoBy-laws to be read a first, second and third time:13.1Bill No. 144 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 144 - Confirming By-law.pdfA by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 21st day of April, 2020. (City Clerk)13.2Bill No. 145 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 145 - LMCH repeal.pdfA by-law to repeal By-law No. A.-7891-265 being “A by-law to appoint an interim director of the London Middlesex Community Housing”. (2.1/9/SPPC)13.3Bill No. 146 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 146 - LMHC Spec Resolution.pdfA by-law to ratify and confirm the Special Resolution to the Shareholder of London & Middlesex Community Housing amend the Board composition to provide for an Interim Board of Directors. (2.1b/9/SPPC)13.4Bill No. 147 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 147 - LMHC Resolutions.pdfA by-law to ratify and confirm the Resolutions of the Shareholder of London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc. (2.1c/9/SPPC)13.5Bill No. 148 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 148.pdfA by-law levying tax rates for property classes in 2020. (4.16/4/SPPC)13.6Bill No. 149 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 149.pdfA by-law to authorize the execution of a Letter of Agreement for the transfer of Provincial Gas Tax funding. (2.2/7/CSC)13.7Bill No. 150 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 150.pdfA by-law setting tax ratios for property classes in 2020. (2.3a/7/CSC)13.8Bill No. 151 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 151.pdfA by-law to opt to have Section 8.0.2 of Ontario Regulation 73/03, as amended, apply within the City of London for the year 2020 and subsequent years to exempt certain properties in the commercial classes, industrial classes and multi-residential property class from the application of Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001. (2.3b/7/CSC)13.9Bill No. 152 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 152.pdfA by-law to exercise the option to establish a phase out and end to the capping of property taxes under Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001 for eligible property classes. (2.3c/7/CSC)13.10Bill No. 153 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 153.pdfA by-law to exclude reassessment related tax increases after 2016 from the capping provisions of Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001 (2.3d/7/CSC)13.11Bill No. 154 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 154.pdfA by-law to opt to use certain subsections of section 329.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, in the calculation of taxes in the commercial, industrial, and multi-residential property classes. (2.3e/7/CSC)13.12Bill No. 155 By-law No. A.-_______-____ 1.Bill No. 155.pdfA by-law levying rates for 2020 for school purposes in the City of London. (2.4a/7/CSC)13.13Bill No. 156 By-law No. W.-5643(__)-____ 1.Bill No. 156.pdfA by-law to amend By-law No. W.-5643-22 entitled, “A by-law to authorize the ILDS Sanitary Servicing Trunk and Internal Oversizing (Project ID1057).” (2.5/4/CWC)13.14Bill No. 157 By-law No. W.-______-____ 1.Bill No. 157.pdfA by-law to authorize the Dundas Street Old East Village Streetscape Improvements – PTIS (project TS1749). (2.4/4/CWC)13.15Bill No. 158 By-law No. W.-______-____ 1.Bill No. 158.pdfA by-law to authorize the Huron Street Upgrades VMP Easterly Railway (project TS1410). (2.5/4/CWC)13.16Bill No. 159 By-law No. W.-______-____ 1.Bill No. 159.pdfA by-law to authorize the New Thames Valley Parkway (project PK212419). (2.5/4/CWC)13.17Bill No. 160 By-law No. W.-______-____ 1.Bill No. 160.pdfA by-law to authorize project TS1328 – Intersection – Hamilton - Egerton (Optimization). (2.16/4/CWC)14.Adjournment This item has Video No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments1.2020-04-07 Special SPPC Report 9-Complete.pdf1.2020-04-07 Council Minutes.pdf1.Bill No. 144 - Confirming By-law.pdf1.Bill No. 145 - LMCH repeal.pdf1.Bill No. 146 - LMHC Spec Resolution.pdf1.Bill No. 147 - LMHC Resolutions.pdf1.2020-04-14 CSC Report 7-Complete.pdf1.Bill No. 149.pdf1.Bill No. 150.pdf1.Bill No. 151.pdf1.Bill No. 152.pdf1.Bill No. 153.pdf1.Bill No. 154.pdf1.Bill No. 155.pdf1.Bill No. 156.pdf1.Bill No. 157.pdf1.Bill No. 158.pdf1.Bill No. 159.pdf1.Bill No. 160.pdf1.2020-04-15 CWC Report 5.pdf1.2020-04-21 MEMO - Devonshire.pdf1.Bill No. 148.pdf