Trees and Forests Advisory Committee


The 4th Meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting - during the COVID-19 Emergency
  • PRESENT: A. Morrison (Chair), A. Cantell, M. Demand, A. Hames, J. Kogelheide, R. Mannella, P. Nicholson, S. Thapa and A. Valastro and H. Lysynski (Acting Committee Clerk).

    ALSO PRESENT: A. Beaton, D. MacRae, M. Schulthess and J.A. Spence

    The meeting was called to order at 12:18 PM; it being noted that the following Members were in remote attendance: A. Cantell, M. Demand, A. Hames, J. Kogelheide, R. Mannella, A. Morrison, P. Nicholson, S. Thapa and A. Valastro.

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 3rd Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee from its meeting held on April 28, 2021, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on May 4, 2021, with respect to current Advisory Committee appointments, was received.

  • That the Educational Initiatives and Outreach Sub-Committee recommendations, appended to the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee (TFAC) Agenda, BE FORWARDED to the Civic Administration for consideration and to report back at a future meeting of the TFAC; it being noted that the TFAC reviewed and received the "May 2021:  TFAC Educational Initiatives and Outreach Subcommittee: A Few Suggestions and Comments" on the City of London Website.

  • That the matter presented by A. Cantell, with respect to the Review of Implementation Tasks - Urban Forest Strategy Implementation Plan, BE DEFERRED to the next meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee.

  • That it BE NOTED that A-M. Valastro will provide photographs of the size and types of trees that have been planted in her neighbourhood to the next Trees and Forests Advisory Committee meeting.

  • That, the following actions be taken with respect to creating ecosystems in London:


    a)  a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of J. Kogelheide, A. Hames and A. Morrison, to review the creation of ecosystems in the City; and,


    b)  the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to attend a future Trees and Forests Advisory Committee meeting to provide an update on the initiatives currently being undertaken;


    it being noted that the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee reviewed and received a communication from J. Kogelheide with respect to this matter.

  • That it BE NOTED that the communication from J. Kogelheide, with respect to tree planting for students was received.

  • That, the following actions be taken with respect to the Advisory Committee Review - Interim Report VI:


    a)  A. Cantell BE REQUESTED to prepare recommendations on the Advisory Committee Review - Interim Report VI and to report back at the next meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee meeting; and,


    b)  the Chair of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee (TFAC) BE REQUETED to attend a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting to provide an overview of the TFAC recommendations with respect to these matters;


    it being noted that the TFAC reviewed and received staff report dated May 17, 2021, with respect to these matters.

  • That, the following actions be taken with respect to the Urban Forestry Communications Strategy:


    a)  Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to attend the next meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee to provide an update on the Urban Forestry Communications Strategy;


    b)  P. Nichoson BE INCLUDED on the existing Working Group; it being noted that the Working Group consists of A. Cantell and M. Demand; and,


    c)  the Urban Forestry Communications Strategy BE INCLUDED on the 2021 Trees and Forests Advisory Committee Work Plan. 

The meeting adjourned at 2:17 PM.