Animal Welfare Advisory Committee


Meeting #:8th Meeting of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
Committee Room #4
  • PRESENT:  W. Brown (Chair), H. de Hoog, M. Gelinas,  A. Hayes, P. Lystar, M. Morris, D. Simpson  M. Toplak and P. Shack (Secretary)
    REGRETS:  K. Ashe, A. Cheng and A.M. Evans
    The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM.

  • That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 7th Report of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on July 5, 2018, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Notice of Completion, from B. Hutson, Dillon Consulting Limited and M. Elmadhoon, City of London, with respect to the Highbury Avenue/Hamilton Road Interesection Improvements Environmental Assessment Study, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that a verbal update from W. Brown, with respect to the sub-committee activities, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee held a general discussion with respect to Pets in Hot Cars.

  • That, the following actions be taken with respect to the proposed amendments to the London Animal Control By-law PH-3:

    a)  the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee(AWAC) regarding amendments to the London Animal Control By-law PH-3, as previously submitted by the AWAC by the end of August, 2018;

    b)  the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the AWAC believes there is some urgency and that the staff report be expedited for the Community and Protective Services Committee and the Municipal Council's consideration as a private zoo business has stated its intent to and has reportedly been working to establish a facility in London;

    it being noted that a significant part of the proposed business involves the off-site use of a wide variety of exotic animals in a diversity of venues, a practice that potentially brings with it a whole range of additional issues, challenges and problems that have not yet been considered and discussed;

    it being further noted that, as stated previously, AWAC has a number of concerns about animal welfare, human health and safety, environmental protection, as well as real concerns about the City's lack of capacity to provide proper oversight, to assess conditions and to identify problems, proactively mitigate against them happening, and to address them after they arise; prior to any new zoological facility establishing itself in the City, it is critical that the proposed changes to the by-law be considered first;

    it being also noted that during the past decade London has made steady progress toward becoming an enlightened and compassionate City known for its actions on behalf of animal welfare; in keeping with this shift in societal attitude toward animals there are currently no public or private zoos or menageries operating in London, a modern, progressive circumstance and one that all Londoners can be proud of; and,

    it is our hope that London will continue to be a regional leader in demonstrating a modern, enlightened relationship with animals that reflects our best intentions and values. Therefore we request that CPSC expedite the staff report on proposed amendments to London's animal control bylaw.


  • That the following actions be taken with respect to potential amendments to the Zoning By-law Licensing in Homes for Pet Related Services:

    a) The Civic Administration BE ADVISED of the following comments from Animal Welfare Advisory Committee(AWAC):

    -standards for good animal welfare be addressed in terms of physical space, and also caring for these animals such as:

    -basic obedience training

    -CPR First Aid

    -human First Aid

    -fire & safety measures must be put in place

    -sanitation protocol and standards

    -vaccination and insurance requirements

    -fence height restriction

    -education requirements

    -determine if current business owners are meeting these standards and if not, recommend timeline to be established to met

     b) The Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to AWAC with respect to the feasibility of implementing AWAC recommendations.



The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.