His Worship the Mayor recognizes the following City of London Employees who have achieved 25 years of service during 2019:
From London Police Service: D'Arcy Bruce, Brian Crossman, Ron Grasman, Rosemary Guil, Lori-Ann Kirk, Pat MacInnis, Jason McCulloch, Trevor Pitts, Bernadette Sladek, and Jeannette Veenstra.
From the City Manager’s Office: Julie Gaul and Zac Machado.
From Environmental & Engineering Services: Craig Duffenais, Cory Duncan, Daniel P. Entwistle, Shawn Essey, David Scott Gee, Paul S. Howard, Jim Humphries, Trevor Johnson, Tracey Lee, Patricia Lupton, Ulises A. Neira, Charles Ormerod, Giuseppi Joe Palmeri, Tony Pawlaszyk, Wayne Piper, Rick Postma, Brent Robinson, Roy F. Scott, John A. Simon, James Somerville, John Vermeeren, Peter Vriends, and Steven W. Welch.
From Finance and Corporate Services: Keith Gilbank, Bill Haas, Cheryl Intzandt, Robin Szwec, Kendra Teeter, and Catherine Van Aarsen.
From Housing, Social Services and Dearness Home: Katherine Biskupski, Flordeliza Bulzan, Lisseth D'Andrea, Jacqueline Harwood, Rosa Henriquez, Helen Martin, Dave McCormack, Mona Sankar, Justyna Sliwka, and Estela Ticman.
From Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services: Jeff Barrett, Jeff Brewster, Michael Duncan, Randy Evans, James Foster, Randy Geene, Joe Haygarth, Jeffrey Hoad, J. Scott Jackson, Jan Joosten, John MacDaniel, Mark Mandich, Gary Martin, Jason McLaren, Alan O'Neil, Robert Oud, Mike Padega, Keith Pugh, John Spiegelberg, Ron Vermeltfoort, and Scott Walsh.
From Parks and Recreation: Nancy Leblanc, Mike Skinner, and Dwayne Wright.