Trees and Forests Advisory Committee


Meeting #:8th Meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee
Committee Room #4
  • PRESENT:  R. Mannella (Chair), A. Cantell, M. Demand, A. Hames, J. Kogelheide, A. Thompson, A. Valastro; and P. Shack (Secretary)


    REGRETS:   A. Morrison


    ALSO PRESENT:  A. Beaton, D. MacRae, J. Parsons, S. Rowland, M. Schulthess, J. Turner and B. Westlake-Power


    The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM.

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the attached and verbal presentation from J. Turner, Organizer, Emancipation Day, with respect to Emancipation Day Celebrations to be held on September 22, 2019, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 7th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on July 24, 2019, was received.

That consideration of the Urban Forest Strategy update BE DEFERRED to the next Trees and Forests Advisory Committee.

  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the draft Tree Protection By-law:

    a)     that the Civic Administration BE ADVISED of the following comments from the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee with respect to the draft Tree Protection By-law:

    -concern the by-law is about how to remove a tree, rather than how to protect and plant more trees;

    -focus on trees and future trees, without legal or political barriers;

    -need to consider tree protection at a generational scale, not human scale in context of climate change, wildlife (cavity trees) and the environment;

    -must protect young trees or replacement trees outside of the Tree Protection Area for future canopy;

    -diameter threshold of 50 cm or greater is above attainable size for many species and does not reflect what other municipalities are doing in their by-laws (for example Toronto 12" or 30 cm);

    -consensus across community that size threshold needs to be lower, acknowledging there may be budget implications and a business case may need to be put forward;

    -need to define "hazardous" tree and evidence for removal;

    -trees can be made hazardous by unnatural causes for example building an addition;

    -photo should be part of application to remove tree;

    -checklist of Arborist best practices to justify tree removal;

    -education program may be less expensive than enforcing the by-law. For example, planting a replacement tree before the original tree is removed (shadow planting);

    -cemeteries and golf courses should not be exempt from the by-law, and there should be a policy to require City of London golf courses to follow the spirit of the by-law;

    -fines must always be higher than the total cost of fees that would have been required, or it will not work;

    -provisions for on-line payments should be considered;

    -tree protection required by section 9.3 of the by-law should match other specific policies;

    -no need for section 7.3 of the by-law because no fee is taken until application determined;

    -inconsistency in Part 2-Definitions with regards to "meter" and "m";

    -leave snags on trees for housing of wildlife (for example birds of prey);

    b)     that delegation status BE REQUESTED by the Chair or designate of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee at the Planning and Environment Committee on September 9, 2019.

  • That consideration of the 2019 work plan for the Trees and Forests Advisory (TFAC) Committee BE DEFERRED to the next meeting of TFAC.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee held a general discussion with respect to Volcano Mulching.

The meeting adjourned at 1:55 PM.