


Community and Protective Services Committee


meeting held on August 25, 2015, commencing at 4:02 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor J. Morgan (Chair), Councillors B. Armstrong, T. Park, V. Ridley and M. Salih and B. Mercier (Secretary).


ALSO PRESENT:  Councillors J. Helmer and M. van Holst; G. Barrett, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, T. Kyle, L. Livingstone, K. Murray, C. Smith, S. Spring, S. Stafford and B. Westlake-Power.







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.






London Community Garden Program Strategic Plan (2015-2019)


That the following actions be taken with respect to the London Community Gardens Program Strategic Plan (2015 – 2019):


a)         on the recommendation of the Managing Directors of Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services and of Parks and Recreation, the London Community Gardens Program Strategic Plan (2015 – 2019) and the year one Implementation Plan, as appended to the staff report dated August 25, 2015 as Schedule A, BE ENDORSED; and,


b)         the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to consult with key stakeholders and to report back at a future meeting of the appropriate standing committee, with respect to the feasibility of an overarching urban agriculture policy that will outline the following:


i)          an inventory of parcels of City-owned land that are potential locations for urban farming;

ii)         the role the City of London could play with regard to urban farming on public lands;

iii)         a clear definition of “urban agriculture”; and,

iv)        a review of the current license policies and by-laws to ensure that the City plays a role that does not hinder the various aspects of urban agriculture such as land preparation, food growth, food production and food sales.  (2015-S12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, T. Park, V. Ridley, M. Salih (5)



Healthy Kids Community Challenge and Transfer Payment Agreement


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, the proposed by-law, appended to the staff report dated August 25, 2015 as Appendix A, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council Meeting of September 1, 2015 to:


a)         approve a Transfer Payment Agreement, (Appendix B) between The Corporation of the City of London and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (“the Province of Ontario”), for  funding to deliver/implement the Healthy Kids Community Challenge Project in London;


b)         authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement in (a) above;



c)         delegate to the Managing Director of Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services the authority to authorize and approve such further and other documents that may be required in furtherance of the Agreement, and that do not require additional funding or are provided for in the City's current budget, and that do not increase the indebtedness of The Corporation of the City of London.  (2015-L04A/S08)


Motion Passed


YEAS: B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, T. Park, V. Ridley, M. Salih (5)






Middlesex-London in motion™ Community Challenge


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director of Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, the staff information report dated August 25, 2015, with respect to the Middlesex-London in motion™, BE RECEIVED; it being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee heard a verbal delegation and received the attached presentation from M.L. Albanese, Chair, Middlesex-London Community Challenge, with respect to this matter. (2015-S12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, T. Park, V. Ridley, M. Salih (5)






1st Report of the City of London and Thames Valley District School Board Liaison Committee



That the following actions be taken with respect to the 1st Report of the City Of London and Thames Valley District School Board Liaison Committee from its meeting held on May 13, 2015:


a)         the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to submit a letter to the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) requesting concurrence with a change to the Terms of Reference of the City of London and TVDSB Liaison Committee to reflect the recent City of London governance change appointing the Deputy Mayor selected by Municipal Council as a member of the City of London and TVDSB Liaison Committee, instead of the Mayor;



b)         the London Transit Commission (LTC) BE REQUESTED to attend a future joint meeting of the City of London and Thames Valley District School Board Liaison Committee and the London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) Liaison Committee to discuss the potential for LTC bus passes for elementary and secondary school students;


c)         the following actions be taken with respect to a joint meeting of the School Board Liaison Committees:


i)          the Administrations of the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), the London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) and the City of London BE REQUESTED to co-ordinate a joint meeting of the two School Board Liaison Committees, to be held in the Fall of 2015 to discuss areas of mutual interest including, but not limited to, the following matters:  London Transit Commission (LTC) bus passes for elementary and secondary school students; traffic safety in school zones and the SHIFT:  Rapid Transit Initiative; and potential partnerships to achieve a greater degree of coordination and financial efficiencies; and,


ii)         a joint meeting of the City of London and Thames Valley District School Board Liaison Committee and the City of London and London District Catholic School Board Liaison Committee BE HELD at least once a year; and,


d)         clauses 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9 to 11 BE RECEIVED.

Motion Passed


YEAS: B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, T. Park, V. Ridley, M. Salih (5)






Deferred Matters List


That the Deferred Matters List for the Community and Protective Services Committee BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, T. Park, V. Ridley, M. Salih (5)



Playground Vandalism


That it BE NOTED that the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation provided a verbal update to the Community and Protective Services Committee, with respect to the recent playground vandalism.



Pesticide Use


That it BE NOTED that the Managing Director of Parks and Recreation provided a verbal update to the Community and Protective Services Committee, with respect to the recent required pesticide use at various city-owned locations.





            The meeting adjourned at 5:07 PM.