Advisory Committee on the Environment


Meeting #:4th Meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Environment
Committee Room #4
  • PRESENT:   A. Tipping (Acting Chair), K. Birchall, M. Bloxam, S. Brooks, S. Hall, M. Hodge, C. Lyons and D. Szoller and J. Bunn (Secretary)
    ABSENT:   J. Howell, L. Langdon and S. Ratz
    ALSO PRESENT:   T. Arnos, G. Barrett, A. Macpherson and J. Stanford
    The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM.

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That Municipal Council BE REQUESTED to consider creating voting member positions on the Advisory Committee on the Environment and the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee for each of the indigenous communities that surround the City of London; it being noted that a verbal presentation from K. Riley, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, with respect to the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the attached presentation from A. Macpherson, Division Manager, Parks Planning and Operations, with respect to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 3rd Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment, from its meeting held on March 6, 2019, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Municipal Council resolution, from its meeting held on March 5, 2019, with respect to the 2nd Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Notice of Proposed Changes to the Site Plan Control By-law, dated March 21, 2019, from L. Maitland, Site Development Planner, with respect to site plan control by-law proposed changes related to bird-friendly development, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the letter of resignation from the Advisory Committee on the Environment from T. Stoiber, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the following items with respect to the Blue Communities Project and its application to the City of London, were received:

    ·         a Municipal Council resolution from its meeting held on March 26, 2019; and,

    ·         a staff report, dated March 18, 2019, from the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer.

  • That it BE NOTED that the following items with respect to the “Toilets Are Not Garbage Cans” sticker initiative, were received:

    ·         a Municipal Council resolution from its meeting held on March 26, 2019; and,

    ·         a staff report, dated March 18, 2019, from the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer.

  • That Municipal Council BE REQUESTED to pass a motion, in the spirit of the following, to declare a climate emergency:

    “Whereas climate change is currently contributing to billions of dollars in property and infrastructure damage worldwide, stressing local and international economies;

    Whereas climate change is currently jeopardizing the health and survival of many species and other natural environments worldwide, stressing local and international eco systems;

    Whereas climate change is currently harming human populations through rising sea levels and other extraordinary phenomena like intense wildfires worldwide, stressing local and international communities;

    Whereas recent international research has indicated a need for massive reduction in carbon emissions in the next 11 years to avoid further and devastating economic, ecological, and societal loss;

    Whereas the climate in Canada is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world, as per Canada’s Changing Climate report;

    Whereas current initiatives such as the green of the city’s fleet and energy reduction initiatives are not sufficient to meet the targets as defined by the IPCC scientists,

    Whereas an emergency can be defined as "an often dangerous situation requiring immediate action";

    Whereas municipalities such as Kingston, Vancouver and Hamilton have already declared climate emergencies;

    Therefore, a climate emergency BE DECLARED by the City of London for the purposes of naming, framing, and deepening our commitment to protecting our economy, our eco systems, and our community from climate change.”

  • That it BE NOTED that the communication from M. Bloxam, with respect to the 2019 Federal Budget and Property Assessment for Clean Energy (PACE), was received.

  • That the communication dated March 18, 2019, from A. Tipping, with respect to a dark sky community/park, BE DEFERRED to the May 2019 meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Environment.

  • That the communication dated March 18, 2019, from A. Tipping, with respect to a South Street park, BE DEFERRED to the May 2019 meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Environment.

The meeting adjourned at 2:02 PM.