



Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee


meeting held on March 21, 2016, commencing at 4:04 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown and Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman and L. Rowe (Secretary). 


ALSO PRESENT:  A. Zuidema, J.P. Barber, L. Bruni, A. Dunbar, J.M. Fleming, P. Foto, K. Graham, M. Hayward, G. Kotsifas, C. Parker, C. Saunders, S. Spring and J. Yanchula.







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that Councillor J. Morgan disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 3 of this Report, particularly as it relates to Council Policy 8(14) – Grants to U.W.O. and Fanshawe College, by indicating that he is employed by the University of Western Ontario.






Music, Entertainment and Culture Districts Background Study Status Report


That the staff BE DIRECTED to continue on with the public engagement process and completion of the Music, Entertainment and Cultural District Background Study which may result in recommended amendments to various City by-laws and processes for the 2017 event season.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)



Repeal Financial Services Policies


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the proposed by-law attached as Appendix "A" to the staff report dated March 21, 2016 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting of March 22, 2016 to repeal the following Council Policies as they are no longer required because they are outdated and no longer necessary to form part of the financial framework:


•           8(3) Appropriation Transfer Policy;

•           8(7) Capital Budget Guidelines;

•           8(14) Grants to UWO and Fanshawe College;

•           8(15) London Medical, Health Services and Advanced Technology Reserve Fund, including Appendix 8(15A);

•           8(19) Current and Capital Budget Binders; and

•           8(26) Acceleration of Capital Works Projects.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (13)


RECUSED: J. Morgan (1)












Creating a Vibrant and Competitive Downtown


That it BE NOTED that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard the attached presentation from J. MacDonald, CEO and General Manager, Downtown London, outlining Downtown London’s request for $540,000 to support their recruitment initiative, Creating a Vibrant and Competitive Downtown.




Motion to Approve the delegation request.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion to Approve:


That the following actions be taken with respect to the request from Downtown London for financial support for their “Creating a Vibrant and Competitive Downtown” recruitment initiative:


a)            immediate funding in the amount of $200,000, to be paid from the Economic Development Reserve Fund, BE APPROVED in order for Downtown London to engage Live Work Learn Play (LWLP) to commence their “Creating a Vibrant and Competitive Downtown” recruitment initiative; and


b)            Downtown London BE REQUESTED to report back to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee by no later than December 2016, with respect to the progress made as a result of the initial investment approved in a), above.


Motion Failed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, H.L. Usher, T. Park (7)


NAYS: B. Armstrong, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, J. Zaifman (8)


Motion to Approve:


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, with the concurrence of Managing Director, Planning and City Planner:

a)            the request from Downtown London for $540,000 to support their recruitment initiative, Creating a Vibrant and Competitive Downtown, BE APPROVED;


b)            the financing for this request BE APPROVED as set out in Appendix A.


Motion Failed


YEAS: M. Brown, H.L. Usher, T. Park (3)


NAYS: M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, J. Zaifman (12)



10th Report of the Governance Working Group


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 10th Report of the Governance Working Group from its meeting held on February 29, 2016:


a)         the draft Council Procedure By-law appended to the January 11, 2016, Governance Working Group Agenda, subject to the inclusion of a definition of the term “Point of Privilege” and a definition of the term “generally accepted parliamentary procedure” BE FORWARDED to a Public Participation Meeting before the Corporate Services Committee for consideration;


b)         the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to investigate and report back to the April 18, 2016 meeting of the Governance Working Group on potential options that would provide Members of Council with a forum to have more fulsome discussions on matters that are innovative and technology based, which may assist with future policy-making decisions; and


c)         clauses 1, 2 and 4 BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (14)








CONFIDENTIAL (Confidential Appendix enclosed for Members only.)


The Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee convened in camera from 6:51 PM to 7:01 PM after having passed a motion to do so with respect to the following matter:



A matter pertaining to personal matters, including information regarding an identifiable individual with respect to employment related matters, advice which is subject to solicitor client privilege, advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation including communications necessary for that purpose and the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation.





              The meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM.