Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee


2nd Meeting of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting - during the COVID-19 Emergency
Please check the City website for current details of COVID-19 service impacts.
  • PRESENT: S. Levin (Chair), I. Arturo, L. Banks, A. Boyer, S. Esan, P. Ferguson, S. Hall, S. Heuchan, B. Krichker, I. Mohamed, K. Moser, B. Samuels, S. Sivakumar, R. Trudeau, M. Wallace and I. Whiteside and H. Lysynski (Committee Clerk)
    ABSENT:   A. Bilson Darko, L. Grieves and J. Khan 
    ALSO PRESENT:  S. Butnari, C. Creighton, G. Dales, K. Edwards, M. Fontaine, K. Johnson, J. MacKay, M. McKillop, B. Page, E. Williamson and P. Yanchuk
    The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM

That it BE NOTED that M. Wallace disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1, having to do with the Working Group comments on the property located at 4519 Colonel Talbot Road, by indicating that his employer  has a business relationship with the company that prepared the Environmental Impact Study.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of S. Heuchan, B. Krichker, K. Moser and S. Sivakumar, with respect to the Oxford Street West and Gideon Drive Intersection Improvements Environmental Assessment; it being noted that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) heard a presentation from T. Doucette, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited, with respect to this matter.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of I. Arturo, S. Hall, S. Levin, K. Moser and B. Samuels, with respect to the Windermere Road Improvements Municipal Class Environmental Assessment; it being noted that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) heard a presentation from D. Eusebi, Stantec Consulting Ltd., with respect to this matter.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 1st Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on December 16, 2021, was received.

  • That the Working Group report relating to the property located at 4519 Colonel Talbot Road BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration for consideration.

  • That the attached Trails Advisory Group presentation BE RECEIVED for information; it being noted that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee heard a presentation from K. Moser, with respect to this matter.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of S. Levin, B. Krichker and S. Sivakumar, with respect to the Notice of Planning Application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments dated January 6, 2022 and an Environmental Impact Study, relating to the property located at 1160 Wharncliffe Road South.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Notice of Planning Application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments dated January 12, 2022, relating to the property located at 3207 Woodhull Road, was received.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of S. Levin and K. Moser, with respect to the Environmental Impact Study for the Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant.

  • That a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED consisting of P. Ferguson, B. Krichker and I. Whiteside, with respect to the Environmental Impact Study for the Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) heard a presentation from K. Johnson, Engineer In Training and M. Fontaine, Manager, Public Engagement, with respect to the Mobility Master Plan.

The meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.