



Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee


meeting held on February 24, 2016, commencing at 4:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown and Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman and C. Saunders (Acting Secretary). 


ALSO PRESENT:  A. Zuidema, J.P. Barber, J. Braam, I. Collins, S. Corman, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, A. Dunbar, J. Fleming, P. Foto, M. Hayward, G. Kostifas, L. Livingstone, A. Macpherson, K. Murray, D. O’Brien, L. Palarchio, J. Senese, S. Spring and B. Westlake-Power.







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


            That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:


a)            Councillor P. Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest in all matters having to do with Ontario Works by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency with a Purchase of Service Agreement with Ontario Works.


b)            Councillor S. Turner discloses a pecuniary interest in any matters having to do with Childreach (Grant funding), by indicating that his spouse is employed by Childreach.






Assessment Growth Policy and Allocation of 2016 Assessment Growth Funding


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to assessment growth policy:


a)         the attached revised proposed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on March 10, 2016 to enact an Assessment Growth Policy, in order to provide Civic Administration with a set of guidelines to manage the allocations of assessment growth funds; and


b)         the revised allocation of 2016 assessment growth funding BE PREPARED for information.


Motion Passed


Voting Record:


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion to refer the matter of the Assessment Growth Policy and Allocations back to the Manager Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, in order to provide a further report back to the SPPC, providing options to establish permanent funding to the infrastructure gap.  


Motion Failed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert (7)


NAYS: M. Salih, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (8)


Motion to revise section d) of Schedule A of the proposed by-law, to read as follows:


"25% to Capital Infrastructure Gap Reserve Fund" to "50% to Capital Infrastructure Gap Reserve Fund" and, to delete part d) III in its entirety. 


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, T. Park, J. Zaifman (11)


NAYS: P. Squire, P. Hubert, S. Turner, H.L. Usher (4)






2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget - Public Participation Meeting


That the delegations from the 2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget Public Participation Meeting #2 BE RECEIVED for consideration by the Municipal Council as part of its 2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget approval process;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions in connection therewith.   


Motion Passed


Voting Record:


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion to open the Public Participation Meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)


Motion to close the Public Participation Meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)






2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget - Urban Forest Strategy - E. Arellano


That the communication dated February 8, 2016, from Erick Arellano, Forester-Economist, regarding the 2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget for Urban Forest Strategy BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)




2016-2019 Multi-Year Budget - Environmentally Significant Areas - A. Caveney


That the communication dated February 10, 2016, from Anita Caveney, regarding the 2016-2019 Multi-Year  Budget for Environmentally Significant Areas BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park, J. Zaifman (15)










              The meeting adjourned at 6:34 PM.

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