

Meeting #:8th Meeting of City Council
Council Chambers
  • Mayor M. Brown,
  • M. van Holst,
  • M. Salih,
  • J. Helmer,
  • M. Cassidy,
  • P. Squire,
  • J. Morgan,
  • P. Hubert,
  • A. Hopkins,
  • V. Ridley,
  • S. Turner,
  • H. Usher,
  • T. Park,
  • and J. Zaifman
  • B. Armstrong
Also Present:
  • A.L. Barbon, B. Card, S. Corman, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, J. M. Fleming, T. Gaffney, G. Kotsifas, M. Johnson, L. Livingstone, D. O’Brien, A. Patis, M. Ribera, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, S. Stafford, J. Stanford, B. Warner, B. Westlake-Power.


    The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM.

Councillor V. Ridley discloses a pecuniary interest in clauses 2.4 and 6.1 of the 6th Report of the Civic Works Committee, having to do with the Outcome of Ontario Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Challenge Fund Applications and a Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to Any Negotiations/Confidential Trade Secret or Scientific, Technical, Commercial or Financial Information Belonging to the City, respectively, by indicating that her spouse works for Enbridge.

Councillor V. Ridley further discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 6.1 of the 5th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee having to do with a matter pertaining to a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality, including communications necessary for the purpose, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of London Hydro Inc. and for the purpose of giving instructions to officers and employees of the City of London, by indicating that her husband is employed by Enbridge. 

Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest in clauses 2.3 of the 6th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee and the related Bill No. 165, as well as clause 2.1 of the 7th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, having to do with the designation of 44 Grey Street to be of cultural heritage value or interest and the consulting services for the Thames Valley Corridor SoHo Neighbourhood, respectively, by indicating that her family owns property in the area of both matters.

Councillor T. Park further discloses a pecuniary interest in the Added Bill No.’s 175 and 176, having to do with Agreements to Purchase properties at 30 Wellington Road and 251 Wellington Road, respectively, by indicating that her family owns property in the area.

Councillor S. Turner discloses a pecuniary interest in the Added Bill No.’s 175 and 176, having to do with Agreements to Purchase properties at 30 Wellington Road and 251 Wellington Road, respectively, by indicating that he owns property in the area.

Note: Recognitions were completed later in the meeting; see page 28.

  • Motion made by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:J. Zaifman

    That Council rise and go into Council, In Closed Session, for the purpose of considering the following:

    4.1       Land Acquisition/Solicitor-Client Privileged Advice (6.1/8/CSC) – A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition;


    4.2       Land Acquisition/Solicitor-Client Privileged Advice (6.2/8/CSC) – A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which  could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition;


    4.3       Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to Any Negotiations/Confidential Trade Secret of Scientific, Technical, Commercial or Financial Information Belonging to the City (6.1/6/CWC)  – A matter pertaining to a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to negotiations carried on by the Corporation, including communications for that purpose, and commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality that has monetary value or potential monetary value, including communications for that purpose, as it relates to a Request for Proposals process being conducted by Union Gas Limited;


    4.4       ADDED Confidential Trade Secret or Scientific, Technical, Commercial, Financial or Labour Relations Information, Supplied to the City (6.1/5/SPPC) – A matter pertaining to trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality, including communications necessary for that purpose, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of London Hydro Inc., and for the purpose of giving instructions to officers and employees of the City of London.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    The Council rises and goes into the Council, In Closed Session, at 4:13 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillor B. Armstrong.

    At 4:16 PM, Councillors S. Turner and T. Park leave the meeting.

    At 4:19 PM, Councillor V. Ridley leaves the meeting.

    At 4:19 PM, Councillors S. Turner and T. Park enter the meeting.

    The Council, In Closed Session, rises at 4:21 PM and Council reconvenes at 4:24 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillor B. Armstrong.

  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:J. Zaifman

    That the Minutes of the 7th Meeting held on March 27, 2018 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That Items 1 to 13 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • That Items 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental & Engineering Services and City Engineer, the staff report dated April 4, 2018 with respect to the outcome of the Ontario Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Challenge Fund applications, BE RECEIVED. (2018-F11)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner

    That Items 1 to 10, excluding Item 4, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the by-law appended to the staff report dated April 3, 2018 to designate the property located at 440 Grey Street to be of cultural heritage value or interest BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 10, 2018; it being noted that this matter has been considered by the London Advisory Committee on Heritage and public notice has been completed with respect to the designation in compliance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act. (2018-R01)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That Items 1 to 12, excluding Item 2, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report dated April 4, 2018, related to Consulting Services for the Thames Valley Corridor SoHo Neighbourhood:

    a)            the proposal submitted by Dillon Consulting for the provision of Consulting Services for the Thames Valley Corridor SoHo Neighbourhood in accordance with RFP18-07, at a total estimated cost of $300,997.60 (HST extra), BE ACCEPTED;

    b)            the financing for this purchase BE APPROVED in accordance with the Source of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)            the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this purchase;

    d)            the approvals given herein BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract for this purchase; and,

    e)            the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract, statement of work or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2018-D09)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    That Items 1 to 3 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That pursuant to Section 17.4 of the Council Procedure By-law, leave be given for discussion and debate and the making of a substantive motion with respect to clause(s) 1 and 2 of the 8th Report of the Council, In Closed Session.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    1.         Property Acquisition – 30 Wellington Road – Bus Rapid Transit Project

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director of Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, the Director, Roads and Transportation and the Project Director, Rapid Transit Implementation, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, with respect to the property located at 30 Wellington Road, further described as Part Lot 19, Plan 11 (4th), and Part Lots 1 and 9, Plan 95 (4th), designated as Part 2 on Plan 33R-16388, further described as PIN 083570362, having a lot size of approximately 4,445 square feet, as shown on the location map attached, for the purpose of future road improvements to accommodate Bus Rapid Transit initiative, the following actions be taken:

    a)         the offer submitted by Karine Khachakjian and Herpsime Keuchkerian to sell the subject property to the City, for the sum of $200,000.00, BE ACCEPTED subject to the following conditions:

          i)             the City having the right to view the property two (2) further times prior to closing;

          ii)            the transaction includes all the existing fixtures, chattels, and appliances; and

     b)         the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the revised Source of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A”.

    2.         Property Acquisition – 251 Wellington Road South – Bus Rapid Transit Project   

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director of Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, the Director, Roads and Transportation and the Project Director, Rapid Transit Implementation, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, with respect to the property located at 251 Wellington Road South, further described as Part Lot 31, Plan 452, having a lot size of approximately 33 x 130 feet, as shown on the location map attached, for the purpose of future road improvements to accommodate the Bus Rapid Transit initiative, the following actions be taken:

    a)         the offer submitted by Rylie Jean Guest and Zachary Levi Jenkins Baribeau to sell the subject property to the City, for the sum of $195,000.00, BE ACCEPTED subject to the following conditions:

         i)             the City agrees to pay the Vendors’ reasonable legal costs, including fees, disbursements and applicable taxes, to complete this transaction, subject to assessment;

        ii)            the City having the right to view the property two (2) further times prior to closing;

         iii)           the City will assume the rental contract for the hot water tank;

         iv)           the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $7,000.00 for the existing fridge, stove, washer and dryer, for the installation of main floor baseboard and a proper fitting kitchen counter; and, 

    b)         the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the revised Source of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A”.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)


  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:M. Cassidy

    Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.’s 159 to 174, excluding the revised Bill No.165.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins
    Seconded by:S. Turner

    Second Reading of Bill No.’s 159 to 174, excluding the revised Bill No. 165.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No.’s 159 to 174, excluding the revised Bill No. 165.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    Introduction and First Reading of the revised Bill No. 165.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Zaifman
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    Second Reading of the revised Bill No. 165.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    Third Reading of the revised Bill No. 165.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    Introduction and First Reading of the Added Bill No.’s 175 and 176.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:J. Zaifman

    Second Reading of the Added Bill No.’s 175 and 176.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:V. Ridley

    Third Reading of the Added Bill No.’s 175 and 176.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)

    The following by-laws are enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London:

    Bill No. 159

    By-law No. A.-7708-121

    A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2018. (City Clerk)


    Bill No. 160

    By-law No. A.-7709-122


    A by-law to approve a Service Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and ICO Technologies to access Software as a Service for a Records Management and Reporting Software Solution for Fire Services. (2.2/7/CPSC)


    Bill No. 161

    By-law No. A.-7710-123

    A by-law levying rates for 2018 for school purposes in the City of London. (2.5/8/CSC)


    Bill No. 162

    By-law No. C.P.-1524-124


    A by-law to exempt from Part Lot Control, lands located at 1013, 1133, 1170 and 1250 Meadowlark Ridge, legally described as a Parts of Blocks 1, 3, 4 and 13 in Registered Plan 33M-603, more particularly described as Parts 1-35 in Plan 33R-20017 in the City of London and County of Middlesex. (2.4/6/PEC)


    Bill No. 163

    By-law No. E.-181(a)-125

    A by-law to amend By-law No. E.-181-115 being “A By-law to establish the dates for advance voting and the hours during which voting places shall be open on those dates for the 2018 Municipal Election” by providing for an additional advance voting day on October 4, 2018. (2.1/8/CSC)


    Bill No. 164

    By-law No. L.S.P.- 3474-126

    A by-law to designate 163 Oxford Street East to be of cultural heritage value or interest. (2.2/6/PEC)


    Bill No. 165

    By-law No. L.S.P.-3475-127


    A by-law to designate 440 Grey Street to be of cultural heritage value or interest. (2.3/6/PEC)


    Bill No. 166

    By-law No. S.-5922-128


    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Fanshawe Park Road East, east and west of Glengarry Avenue). (Chief Surveyor - require dedication at the present time (due to an oversight in 1960) as public highway)


    Bill No. 167

    By-law No. S.-5923-129


    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Fanshawe Park Road, west of Foxwood Avenue). (Chief Surveyor - that require dedication at the present time as public highway)


    Bill No. 168

    By-law No. S.-5924-130


    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume certain reserves in the City of London as public highway. (as part of Canvas Way and as part of Superior Drive). (Chief Surveyor - , to be dedicated as public highway for unobstructed legal access throughout the Subdivision)


    Bill No. 169

    By-law No. S.-5925-131


    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume certain reserves in the City of London as public highway. (as part of Blue Heron Drive). (Chief Surveyor - for unobstructed legal access throughout the Subdivision)


    Bill No. 170

    By-law No. S.-5926-132


    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Sunray Avenue, east of Colonel Talbot Road). (Chief Surveyor - pursuant to Consent B.013/17 and in accordance with Zoning By-law Z-1)


    Bill No. 171

    By-law No. S.-5927-133


    A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Foxwood Crossing – Phase 1; 33M-546). (City Engineer)

    Bill No. 172

    By-law No. S.-5928-134


    A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Foxwood Crossing – Phase 2; 33M-690). (City Engineer)



    Bill No. 173

    By-law No. W.-5638-135


    A by-law to authorize the Road Networks Improvements (Project No. TS144618). (2.4c/5/CWC)

    Bill No. 174

    By-law No. Z.-1-182664


    A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 1039, 1041, 1043, 1045, 1047 Dundas Street. (3.2/6/PEC)


    Bill No. 175

    By-law No. A.-7711-136

    A by-law to authorize and approve an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Karine Khachakjian and Herpsime Keuchkerian, for the acquisition of 30 Wellington Road, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (3.1/5/CSC)


    Bill No. 176

    By-law No. A.-7712-137


    A by-law to authorize and approve an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Rylie Jean Guest and Zachary Levi Jenkins Baribeau, for the acquisition of 251 Wellington Road South and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (3.2/5/CSC)


    Motion made by Councillor H. Usher and seconded by Councillor A. Hopkins to Approve that Council recess.

    Motion Passed

    The Council recesses at 5:00 PM, and reconvenes at 5:45 PM with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillors B. Armstrong and V. Ridley.


In recognition of the community contributions made by students attending London's post-secondary educational institutions, His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council recognized representatives of the Students' Councils from Western University, Huron University College, Brescia University College, King's University College and Fanshawe College

University Students' Council, Western University: Tobi Solebo, President and Mitchell Pratt, President-Elect

Huron University College Students' Council: Dylan Matthews, President and Inam Teja, President-Elect

Brescia University College Students' Council: Rachel Ogilvie, President and Mikaila Hunter, President-Elect

King's University College Students' Council: Violette Khammad, President and Hadia Fiaz, President-Elect

Society of Graduate Students, Western University: Mary Blake Bonn, President

Fanshawe Student Union: Morganna Sampson, President and Jahmoyia Smith, President-Elect

  • Motion made by:M. Salih
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    That the Meeting Adjourn at 5:59 PM.

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)