

Meeting #:10th Meeting of City Council
Council Chambers
  • Mayor M. Brown,
  • M. van Holst,
  • B. Armstrong,
  • M. Salih,
  • J. Helmer,
  • M. Cassidy,
  • P. Squire,
  • J. Morgan,
  • P. Hubert,
  • A. Hopkins,
  • S. Turner,
  • H. Usher,
  • T. Park,
  • and J. Zaifman
  • V. Ridley
Also Present:
  • M. Hayward, A.L. Barbon, B. Card, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, J. M. Fleming, T. Gaffney, G. Kotisfas, D. O’Brien, A. Patis, M. Ribera, L. Rowe, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, C. Smith, S. Stafford, B. Warner, B. Westlake-Power.

    The meeting was called to order at 4:04 PM.

Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Project, specifically as it relates to that portion of the proposed Rapid Transit route that passes along Wellington Street, between Horton Street and the Thames River and between the Thames River and Bond Street, as contained in the South Leg of the proposed route, by indicating that her family owns property in the area. 

Councillor A. Hopkins discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 6.1 of the 10th Report of the Corporate Services Committee, having to do with proposed land acquisition and advice that is subject to Solicitor-Client privilege, by indicating that she owns property in the area. 

Councillor J. Morgan discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Project, specifically as it relates to parts a)i), b), c), d), g) and h) of the staff recommendation, by indicating that his employer is Western University.  Councillor J. Morgan further discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Project, specifically as it relates to discussions regarding the lands owned by Western University, by indicating that he is employed by Western University.

Councillor J. Morgan further discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2.3 of the 8th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee, having to do with an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board related to the properties at 661-667 Talbot Street, by indicating that he is involved with another property matter with the proponent.

Councillor P. Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3.6 of the 8th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee, having to do with supervised consumption facility locations, by indicating that he is the Executive Director of an organization whose property is located in close proximity to a proposed location.

Councillor S. Turner disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Project, specifically as it relates to that portion of the proposed Rapid Transit route that passes between the Thames River and Baseline Road East, as contained in the South Leg of the proposed route. Councillor S. Turner further discloses a pecuniary interest in part d) of clause 3.3 of the 7th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with the Municipal Accommodation Tax, by indicating that he supervises CUPE 101 employees.

Councillor S. Turner also discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 14 of the 8th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee, having to do with the location of potential Supervised Consumption Facilities in London, by indicating that the Middlesex-London Health Unit is his employer. 

  • Motion made by:P. Hubert
    Seconded by:B. Armstrong

    That Council rise and go into Council, In Closed Session, for the purpose of considering the following:

    4.1     A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value;  information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (6.1/10/CSC)

    4.2     (ADDED) A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition.  (6.1/7/SPPC)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (2)V. Ridley, and S. Turner

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    The Council rises and goes into the Council, In Closed Session, at 4:14 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present, except Councillors S. Turner and V. Ridley.

    At 4:16 PM Councillor A. Hopkins leaves the meeting.

    At 4:17 PM Councillor A. Hopkins enters the meeting.

    At 4:23 PM Councillor S. Turner enters the meeting.

    The Council, In Closed Session, rises at 4:20 PM and Council reconvenes at 4:24 PM with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present, except Councillor V. Ridley.

  • Motion made by:J. Zaifman
    Seconded by:B. Armstrong

    That the Minutes of the 9th Meeting held on April 24, 2018 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the communications listed on the Public Added Agenda BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED as noted on the Public Added Agenda.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner

    That Items 1 to 13, excluding Item 4, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, in response to the letter of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board, received November 27, 2017 submitted by Ian Flett, on behalf of AnnaMaria Valastro, relating to the Zoning By-law Amendment Z.-1-172622 concerning  the properties located at 661 and 667 Talbot Street, the Ontario Municipal Board BE ADVISED that the Municipal Council has reviewed its decision relating to this matter and sees no reason to alter it. (2018-D09)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Recuse: (1)J. Morgan
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by Councillor A. Hopkins that clause 14 BE APPROVED. 

    That, the following actions be taken with respect to supervised consumption facility locations:

    a)              the provision of supervised consumption facilities in London BE ENDORSED;

    b)             the provision of supervised consumption services at 241 Simcoe St and 446 York St BE ENDORSED subject to the properties meeting the criteria for the location of supervised consumption facility in accordance with Council policy "Siting of Supervised Consumption Facilities (SCF) and Temporary Overdose Prevention Sites (TOPS)";

    c)               the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to consult with the London Police Services, Middlesex London Health Unit, Regional HIV AIDS Connection, London and Middlesex Housing Corporation, Resident and Business Associations of an area being considered for a proposed supervised consumption site, with respect to the preparation of a Neighborhood Safety Plan; and,

    d)              that Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to consult with the London and Middlesex Housing Corporation to work on any required changes to the Articles of Incorporation and Shareholder agreements;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee heard the attached presentation from Dr. Mackie, Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer, Middlesex-London Health Unit, with respect to this matter;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter:

     ·                     a communication dated April 22, 2018, from G. Coakley, Coakleys;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from L. McCardle, 31 Cartwright Street;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from B. Speagle, 434 Wilkins Street;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from A. Lukach, President, SoHo Community Association;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from D.J. Lizotte, by e-mail;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from C. Bodkin, 15 Ravenglass Crescent;

    ·                     a communication dated April 26, 2018, from M. Richings, Founder, Red Ten Women's Peer Support Network;

    ·                     a communication from D. Ruston, by e-mail; and,

    ·                     a communication dated April 27, 2018, from J. Densky, by e-mail.   (2018-S08)


    The motion to approve parts a), c) and d) is put.

    Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, the following actions be taken with respect to supervised consumption facility locations:

    a)    the provision of supervised consumption facilities in London BE ENDORSED;

    c)     the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to consult with the London Police Services, Middlesex London Health Unit, Regional HIV AIDS Connection, London and Middlesex Housing Corporation, Resident and Business Associations of an area being considered for a proposed supervised consumption site, with respect to the preparation of a Neighborhood Safety Plan; and, 

    d)    that Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to consult with the London and Middlesex Housing Corporation to work on any required changes to the Articles of Incorporation and Shareholder agreements;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee heard the attached presentation from Dr. Mackie, Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer, Middlesex-London Health Unit, with respect to this matter; 

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter:

    ·       a communication dated April 22, 2018, from G. Coakley, Coakleys;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from L. McCardle, 31 Cartwright Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from B. Speagle, 434 Wilkins Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from A. Lukach, President, SoHo Community Association;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from D.J. Lizotte, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from C. Bodkin, 15 Ravenglass Crescent;

    ·       a communication dated April 26, 2018, from M. Richings, Founder, Red Ten Women's Peer Support Network;

    ·       a communication from D. Ruston, by e-mail; and,

    ·       a communication dated April 27, 2018, from J. Densky, by e-mail.   (2018-S08)

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Recuse: (2)P. Hubert, and S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • At 4:49 PM, His Worship the Mayor places Councillor J. Morgan in the Chair, and takes a seat at the Council Board.

    Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    The motion to Approve part b) is put.


    b)    the provision of supervised consumption services at:

    i)              241 Simcoe St BE ENDORSED subject to the properties meeting the criteria for the location of supervised consumption facility in accordance with Council policy "Siting of Supervised Consumption Facilities (SCF) and Temporary Overdose Prevention Sites (TOPS)";and;

    ii)             446 York St BE ENDORSED subject to the properties meeting the criteria for the location of supervised consumption facility in accordance with Council policy "Siting of Supervised Consumption Facilities (SCF) and Temporary Overdose Prevention Sites (TOPS)";

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, and T. Park
    Nays: (2)P. Squire, and J. Zaifman
    Recuse: (2)P. Hubert, and S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)

    At 4:52 PM, His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair, and Councillor J. Morgan takes his seat at the Council Board.

  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That Items 1 to 13, excluding Items 4, 8 and 11 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Development and Compliance Services and Chief Building Official, the following actions be taken with respect to Short Term Accommodations:

    a)            the staff report dated May 1, 2018 BE RECEIVED;

    b)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) with respect to the potential administration of transient tax on short term rentals; and,

    c)            the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to the CPSC with respect to an update on the status of short term rentals in London, in approximately one year;

    it being noted that communications from C. Keeling, C. Robichaud and T. McBride were received with respect to this matter. (2018-S11)

  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That Item 4.2 BE AMENDED in part c) to direct staff to hold a public participation meeting before the Community and Protective Services Committee on draft by-law amendments to a number of by-laws, to address licensing, zoning and taxation issues with a focus on the municipal purposes of health / safety and residential stability

    Yeas: (6)B. Armstrong, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and T. Park
    Nays: (8)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Failed (6 to 8)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    The motion to approve part a) is put.

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Development and Compliance Services and Chief Building Official, the following actions be taken with respect to Short Term Accommodations:

    a)            the staff report dated May 1, 2018 BE RECEIVED;

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    The motion to approve part b) is put.

    b)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) with respect to the potential administration of transient tax on short term rentals; and,

    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Hubert, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)P. Squire, J. Morgan, and A. Hopkins
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (11 to 3)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    The motion to approve part c) is put.

    c)            the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to the CPSC with respect to an update on the status of short term rentals in London, in approximately one year;

    it being noted that communications from C. Keeling, C. Robichaud and T. McBride were received with respect to this matter. (2018-S11)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (1)A. Hopkins
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)

At 5:36 PM, His Worship the Mayor places Councillor P. Hubert in the Chair, and leaves the meeting.

At 5:38 PM, His Worship the Mayor enters the meeting, and takes a seat at the Council Board.

  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That NO AMENDMENT BE MADE to the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 with respect to the application made to substitute an existing licensed Adult Entertainment Parlour location at 2010 Dundas Street to a proposed location at 802 Exeter Road;

    it being noted that the attached presentation from O. Katolyk, Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, was received with respect to this matter;

    it being further noted that a communication from M. Quarcoopome, Weston Consulting, was received with respect to this matter;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission regarding this matter. (2018-P09)

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, and A. Hopkins
    Recuse: (1)S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (10 to 3)

    At 5:45 PM, His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair, and Councillor P. Hubert takes his seat at the Council Board.

  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That the communication dated April 4, 2018, from C. Mackie, Medical Officer of Health, MLHU, with respect to an update on the Opioid Crisis Working Group, BE RECEIVED. (2018-S08)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Recuse: (1)S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That Items 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That Items 4, 5 and 7 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)A. Hopkins, B. Armstrong, H. Usher, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, J. Zaifman, M. Cassidy, M. Salih, M. van Holst, Mayor M. Brown, P. Hubert, P. Squire, and T. Park
    Recuse: (1)S. Turner

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    4.     (2.4) Request for Council Reconsideration of Sources of Financing – Bus Rapid Transit Property Acquisitions and Leasehold Improvements

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to Sources of Financing for property acquisitions pertaining to 26 Wellington Road South, 28 Wellington Road South, 1195 Dundas Street East and 240 Huron Street and for leasehold improvements for the Rapid Transit Implementation Office (251 Dundas Street):

    a)            the following matters BE RECONSIDERED:

    i)              part b) of clause 2 of the 21st Report of the Council, In Closed Session, from its meeting held on September 19, 2017, having to do with approval of the Source of Financing for the acquisition of property located at 26 Wellington Road South;

    ii)             part b) of clause 2 of the 23rd Report of the Council, In Closed Session, from its meeting held on October 17, 2017, having to do with approval of the Source of Financing for leasehold improvements for the Rapid Transit Implementation Office (251 Dundas Street);

    iii)            part b) of clause 1 of the 24th Report of the Council, In Closed Session, from its meeting held on October 30, 2017, having to do with approval of the Source of Financing for the acquisition of property located at 28 Wellington Road South;

    iv)           part c) of clause 2 of the 1st Report of the Council, In Closed Session, from its meeting held on December 12, 2017, having to do with approval of the Source of Financing for the acquisition of property located at 1195 Dundas Street East;

    v)            part b) of clause 3 of the 1st Report of the Council, In Closed Session, from its meeting held on December 12, 2017, having to do with approval of the Source of Financing for the acquisition of property located at 240 Huron Street; and

    b)            subject to the approval of reconsideration of a) i) to a) v), inclusive, above, the following Sources of Financing BE APPROVED:

    i)              the Source of Financing appended to the staff report dated May 1, 2018 as Appendix A for the acquisition of property located at 26 Wellington Road South;

    ii)             the Source of Financing appended to the staff report dated May 1, 2018 as Appendix B for the leasehold improvements for the Rapid Transit Implementation Office (251 Dundas St);

    iii)            the Source of Financing appended to the staff report dated May 1, 2018 as Appendix C for the acquisition of property located at 28 Wellington Road South;

    iv)            the Source of Financing appended to the staff report dated May 1, 2018 as Appendix D for the acquisition of property located at 1195 Dundas Street East; and

    v)           the Source of Financing appended to the staff report dated May 1, 2018 as Appendix E for the acquisition of property located at 240 Huron Street.


    5.     (2.2) Employee Absenteeism 2017

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and Chief Human Resources Officer, the staff report dated May 1, 2018, regarding Employee Absenteeism 2017, BE RECEIVED for information.

    7.     (4.2) Confirmation of Appointment to the Advisory Committee on the Environment

    That Andrew Powell BE APPOINTED to the Advisory Committee on the Environment as a Non-Voting Representative of the Middlesex-London Health Unit, for the term ending February 28, 2019.

  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    That Items 1 to 8, excluding Items 4 (3.2) and 5 (3.3) BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    That on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, the following actions be taken with respect to the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative:

    a)    the Recommended Preliminary Engineering Design for the BRT Network approved by Council May 16, 2017, as described in parts i) through v), BE APPROVED to proceed through the Transit Project Assessment Process in accordance with Ontario Regulation 231/08;  

    i)             North Leg, north of Queens Avenue, consisting of dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Clarence Street, Richmond Street, University Drive, Lambton Drive, Western Road and Richmond Street to just south of Fanshawe Park Road;

    ii)            East Leg, east of Wellington Street, consisting of dedicated curbside transit lanes on King Street and Ontario Street, and dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Dundas Street, Highbury Avenue, and Oxford Street East to Fanshawe College;

    iii)           South Leg, south of King Street, consisting of dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Wellington Street and Wellington Road to south of Bradley Avenue, and transit operating in mixed traffic to the south turnaround using Holiday Avenue or the park-and-ride on Exeter Road near Bessemer Road;

    iv)           West Leg, west of the Thames River, consisting of dedicated westbound curbside and eastbound centre-running transit lanes on Riverside Drive, transit operating in mixed traffic on Wharncliffe Road, dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Oxford Street West to Wonderland Road, and transit operating in mixed traffic to the west turnaround using Capulet Walk and Capulet Lane;

    v)            The Downtown Couplet, consisting of dedicated curbside transit lanes on Queens Avenue, Ridout Street, Clarence Street, Wellington Street, and King Street;

    b)    the Notice of TPAP Commencement, appended to the staff report dated April 23, 2018 as Appendix B, BE FILED with the Municipal Clerk; 

    c)    the Bus Rapid Transit Project BE SUPPORTED for funding application under Ontario’s Infrastructure Plan for Federal Government funding under the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream;

    d)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to take all necessary steps to submit the City of London’s application for funding; 

    e)    Infrastructure Ontario, BE APPOINTED to undertake a Procurement Options Analysis and Value for Money Assessment in accordance with the provided estimate in the amount of $111,142.00 (excluding HST) in accordance with Section 14.3 of the City’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy; 

    f)     the financing for the Infrastructure Ontario assignment BE APPROVED in accordance with the “Sources of Financing Report” appended to the staff report dated April 23, 2018 as Appendix D; 

    g)    the Mayor and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations; and 

    h)   the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project.

    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) received a communication dated April 12, 2018 from C. Butler, a communication dated April 22, 2018 from J. Grainer, President, London Region Branch, Architectural Conservancy Ontario, and a communication dated April 13, 2018 from J. MacDonald, CEO and General Manager, Downtown London, G. Gallacher, Chair, LDBA and D. McCallum, Chair, MainStreet London, with respect to this matter; it being further noted that the SPPC also received the attached presentation from the Project Director, Rapid Transit Implementation.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve parts a)i), b), c), d), g) and h)


    That on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, with the concurrence of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, the following actions be taken with respect to the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative:

    a)i)             North Leg, north of Queens Avenue, consisting of dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Clarence Street, Richmond Street, University Drive, Lambton Drive, Western Road and Richmond Street to just south of Fanshawe Park Road;

    b)              the Notice of TPAP Commencement, appended to the staff report dated April 23, 2018 as Appendix B, BE FILED with the Municipal Clerk;

    c)              the Bus Rapid Transit Project BE SUPPORTED for funding application under Ontario’s Infrastructure Plan for Federal Government funding under the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream;

    d)              the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to take all necessary steps to submit the City of London’s application for funding;

    g)              the Mayor and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations; and

    h)             the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project;


    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)M. van Holst, and P. Squire
    Recuse: (1)J. Morgan
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to Approve part a)iii) as follows:

    a)iii)             South Leg, south of King Street, consisting of dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Wellington Street and Wellington Road to south of Bradley Avenue, and transit operating in mixed traffic to the south turnaround using Holiday Avenue or the park-and-ride on Exeter Road near Bessemer Road;

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)M. van Holst, and P. Squire
    Recuse: (2)S. Turner, and T. Park
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve part a)ii), e) and f).

    a)ii)              East Leg, east of Wellington Street, consisting of dedicated curbside transit lanes on King Street and Ontario Street, and dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Dundas Street, Highbury Avenue, and Oxford Street East to Fanshawe College;


    e)              Infrastructure Ontario, BE APPOINTED to undertake a Procurement Options Analysis and Value for Money Assessment in accordance with the provided estimate in the amount of $111,142.00 (excluding HST) in accordance with Section 14.3 of the City’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy;

    f)               the financing for the Infrastructure Ontario assignment BE APPROVED in accordance with the “Sources of Financing Report” appended to the staff report dated April 23, 2018 as Appendix D;


    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) received a communication dated April 12, 2018 from C. Butler, a communication dated April 22, 2018 from J. Grainer, President, London Region Branch, Architectural Conservancy Ontario, and a communication dated April 13, 2018 from J. MacDonald, CEO and General Manager, Downtown London, G. Gallacher, Chair, LDBA and D. McCallum, Chair, MainStreet London, with respect to this matter; it being further noted that the SPPC also received the attached presentation from the Project Director, Rapid Transit Implementation.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)M. van Holst, and P. Squire
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve parts iv) and v) of part a) as follows:

    a)iv)             West Leg, west of the Thames River, consisting of dedicated westbound curbside and eastbound centre-running transit lanes on Riverside Drive, transit operating in mixed traffic on Wharncliffe Road, dedicated centre-running transit lanes on Oxford Street West to Wonderland Road, and transit operating in mixed traffic to the west turnaround using Capulet Walk and Capulet Lane;

    a)v)              The Downtown Couplet, consisting of dedicated curbside transit lanes on Queens Avenue, Ridout Street, Clarence Street, Wellington Street, and King Street;

    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)M. van Holst, P. Squire, and J. Morgan
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (11 to 3)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve the preamble of part a) as follows:

    a)              the Recommended Preliminary Engineering Design for the BRT Network approved by Council May 16, 2017, as described in parts i) through v), BE APPROVED to proceed through the Transit Project Assessment Process in accordance with Ontario Regulation 231/08;  

    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)M. van Holst, and P. Squire
    Recuse: (1)J. Morgan
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to implementing the new Municipal Accommodation Tax (formerly “transient accommodation tax”):

    a)            a four percent (4%) Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) on the purchase price of transient accommodation in the City of London BE ADOPTED effective October 1, 2018; 

    b)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to bring back the required by-laws and agreements referenced in c) through f) below for approval by Municipal Council prior to implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax:

    c)            the key principles included in Appendix A to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, with respect to establishing a tax on the purchase of municipal accommodation in the City of London, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in the by-law; 

    d)            the following staff recommendation BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration for report back at a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee with respect to the implications of the proposed collection model on the provisions of The Corporation of the City of London’s Collective Agreement with CUPE Local 101: 

    “the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to negotiate an agreement with the Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA) for the collection of the Municipal Accommodation Tax in the City of London and that the key principles included in Appendix B to the staff report dated May 7, 2018 BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in an agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and ORHMA;”.

    e)            the key principles included in Appendix C to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, with respect to the use and monitoring of funds from the Municipal Accommodation Tax received by Tourism London, as the eligible tourism entity in the City of London, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in an agreement between the Corporation of the City of London and Tourism London; and 

    f)             the key principles included in Appendix D to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, for the establishment of a new reserve fund for the purposes of receiving and distributing the City’s net 50% share of revenue from the Municipal Accommodation Tax, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be incorporated into a reserve fund by-law;

    it being also noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a communication dated April 20, 2018, and heard a verbal presentation, from J. Winston, General Manager, Tourism London, with respect to this matter.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve parts a), b), c) and e).

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to implementing the new Municipal Accommodation Tax (formerly “transient accommodation tax”):

    a)            a four percent (4%) Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) on the purchase price of transient accommodation in the City of London BE ADOPTED effective October 1, 2018;

    b)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to bring back the required by-laws and agreements referenced in c) through f) below for approval by Municipal Council prior to implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax;

    c)            the key principles included in Appendix A to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, with respect to establishing a tax on the purchase of municipal accommodation in the City of London, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in the by-law;

    e)            the key principles included in Appendix C to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, with respect to the use and monitoring of funds from the Municipal Accommodation Tax received by Tourism London, as the eligible tourism entity in the City of London, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in an agreement between the Corporation of the City of London and Tourism London; and

    it being also noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a communication dated April 20, 2018, and heard a verbal presentation, from J. Winston, General Manager, Tourism London, with respect to this matter.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)P. Squire, and A. Hopkins
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion to approve part d).

    the following staff recommendation BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration to report back at a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee with respect to the implications of the proposed collection model on the provisions of The Corporation of the City of London’s Collective Agreement with CUPE Local 101:

    “d)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to negotiate an agreement with the Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA) for the collection of the Municipal Accommodation Tax in the City of London and that the key principles included in Appendix B to the staff report dated May 7, 2018 BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be included in an agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and ORHMA;”.

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)M. Cassidy, P. Squire, and P. Hubert
    Recuse: (1)S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (10 to 3)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher

    Motion made to Approve part f).

    f)             the key principles included in Appendix D to the staff report dated May 7, 2018, for the establishment of a new reserve fund for the purposes of receiving and distributing the City’s net 50% share of revenue from the Municipal Accommodation Tax, BE ENDORSED; it being noted that these key principles will be incorporated into a reserve fund by-law;

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (4)M. Cassidy, P. Squire, A. Hopkins, and S. Turner
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (10 to 4)
  • Motion made by:P. Hubert

    PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown, Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman

    ABSENT:  Councillors V. Ridley and S. Turner

    ALSO PRESENT:  M. Hayward, A.L. Barbon, B. Card, L. Rowe, K. Scherr, C. Saunders, B. Warner and B. Westlake-Power

    Councillor P. Hubert reported progress on the following matters:

    1.         That the Council in Closed Session met, in camera, for the purpose of considering the following:

    a)    A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; Information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (3.1/10/CSC)


    b)   (ADDED) A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (6.1/7/SPPC)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Recuse: (1)A. Hopkins
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)


  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:B. Armstrong

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.'s 191 to 202, and the Added Bill No.’s 203 to 241, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    That Second Reading of Bill No.’s 191 to 202, and the Added Bill No.’s 203 to 241, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Zaifman
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No.’s 191 to 202, and the Added Bill No.’s 203 to 241, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Absent: (1)V. Ridley

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    The following by-laws are enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London:

    Bill No. 191

    By-law No. A.-7720-150

    A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 8th day of May, 2018. (City Clerk)


    Bill No. 192

    By-law No. A.-7721-151

    A by-law to approve the Funding Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Federal Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada under the Homelessness Partnering Strategy; and, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this Agreement. (2.2/8/CPSC)


    Bill No. 193

    By-law No. C.P.-1525-152

    A by-law to exempt from Part Lot Control lands located on the east side of Kains Road, north of Shore Road; being composed of all of Block 1 Plan 33M-721, more accurately described as Parts 1-54 inclusive on Reference Plan 33R- 20077 in the City of London and County of Middlesex. (2.4/8/PEC).


    Bill No. 194

    By-law No. C.P.-1284(TT)-153

    A by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to addition of the Archaeological Management Plan as a Guideline Document. (3.1/8/PEC)


    Bill No. 195

    By-law No. C.P.-1284(tu)-154

    A by-law to amend the “Our Move Forward- London’s Downtown Plan” for the City of London, relating to Temporary Downtown Commercial Parking Lots. (3.3/8/PEC)


    Bill No. 196

    By-law No. C.P.-1284(tv)-155­

    A by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to Temporary Downtown Commercial Parking Lots. (3.3/8/PEC)


    Bill No. 197

    By-law No. S.-5931-156

    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Base Line Road East, west of Wellington Road) (Chief Surveyor)


    Bill No. 198

    By-law No. S.-5932-157

    A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume certain reserves in the City of London as public highway. (as part of Savoy Street) (Chief Surveyor)


    Bill No. 199

    By-law No. Z.-1-18-2665

    A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to delete and replace an existing Holding Provision in Section 3.8 (Holding Zones). (3.1/8/PEC).


    Bill No. 200

    By-law No. Z.-1-18-2666

    A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 100 Kellogg Lane (south portion). (3.5/8/PEC)


    Bill No. 201

    By-law No. Z.-1-18-2667

    A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 200 Villagewalk Boulevard. (3.2/8/PEC)

    Bill No. 202

    By-law No. W.-5641-158

    A by-law to authorize the Storm Water Management Servicing-Oxford Business Park (Project ID2095OXF). (2.3/7/PEC)


    Bill No. 203

    By-law No. CPOL.-234-159

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-107-359 “Sharing Fence Costs with City”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 204

    By-law No. CPOL.-235-160

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-99-351 being “Classification of Warranted and Unwarranted Sidewalks and Roadworks”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 205

    By-law No. CPOL.-236-161

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-100-352 being “New Sidewalk Installations”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 206

    By-law No. CPOL.-237-162

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-111-363 being “Railway Crossing Protection Drawings”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 207

    By-law No. CPOL.-238-163

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-116-368 being “Painting of Municipal Address Numbers on City Curbs”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 208

    By-law No. CPOL.-239-164

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-195-447 being “Sewer Clean-Outs”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 209

    By-law No. CPOL.-240-165

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-198-450 being “Connection to Water Services”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 210

    By-law No. CPOL.-241-166

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-200-452 being “Servicing Dry Industrial Uses in the Annexed Area”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 211

    By-law No. CPOL.-242-167

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-209-461 being “All-Way Stops”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 212

    By-law No. CPOL.-243-168

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-211-463 being “Temporary Road Closures”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 213

    By-law No. CPOL.-244-169

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-160-412 being “Non-Issuance of Lifetime Golf Memberships”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 214

    By-law No. CPOL.-245-170

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-34-230 being “Releasing of Assets Once Residents’ Costs Paid”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 215

    By-law No. CPOL.-246-171

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-37-233 being “Preferred Accommodation Charges”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 216

    By-law No. CPOL.-247-172

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-76-308 being “Risk Management Policy”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 217

    By-law No. CPOL.-248-173

    AADDED by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-106-358 being “Establishment and Review of Council Policies”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 218

    By-law No. CPOL.-249-174

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-87-339 being “Spills Policy”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 219

    By-law No. CPOL.-250-175

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-91-343 being “Assessment, Circulation and Repayment of Road Local Improvements”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 220

    By-law No. CPOL.-251-176

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-93-345 being “Absence of Private Drain Connections”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 221

    By-law No. CPOL.-252-177

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-95-347 being “Assessing Rectangular Corner Lots”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 222

    By-law No. CPOL.-253-178

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-104-356 being “Noise Attenuation Barriers”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 223

    By-law No. CPOL.-254-179

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-196-448 being “Cleaning of Sewer System”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 224

    By-law No. CPOL.-255-180


    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-210-462 being “Noise Barriers on Arterial Roads”. (4.1/7/SPPC)

    Bill No. 225

    By-law No. CPOL.-256-181


    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-212-464 being “Responsibility for Installation and Maintenance of Driveway Culverts”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 226

    By-law No. CPOL.-257-182

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-216-468 being “School Crossing Guard Program Policy”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 227

    By-law No. CPOL.-258-183

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-218-470 being “Coloured Crosswalk Policy”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 228

    By-law No. CPOL.-259-184

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-226-478 being “Overnight Parking Pass Program Policy”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 229

    By-law No. CPOL.-260-185

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-96-348 being “Interest Rate”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 230

    By-law No. CPOL.-261-186

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-97-349 being “Commuting Charges”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 231

    By-law No. CPOL.-262-187

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-98-350 being “Expediting Charges”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 232

    By-law No. CPOL.-263-188

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-101-353 being “Street Services Implementation and Financing”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 233

    By-law No. CPOL.-264-189

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-146-398 being “Parking Tickets Received by Employees”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 234

    By-law No. CPOL.-265-190

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-149-401 being “Temporary Vacancies”.


    Bill No. 235

    By-law No. CPOL.-266-191

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-150-402 being “Workplace Safety and Insurance Act Claims”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 236

    By-law No. CPOL.-267-192

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-152-404 being “Benefits for Non-Union Employees on Long Term Disability”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 237

    By-law No. CPOL.-268-193

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-158-410 being “Leaves of Absence Without Pay”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 238

    By-law No. CPOL.-269-194

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-35-231 being “Funeral Expenses for Indigent Residents”.(4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 239

    By-law No. CPOL.-270-195

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-36-232 being “Interest from Bequest Fund”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 240

    By-law No. CPOL.-271-196

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-163-415 being “Survey Documents Suitable for Ontario Basic Mapping”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


    Bill No. 241

    By-law No. CPOL.-272-197

    ADDED A by-law to repeal By-Law No. CPOL.-143-395 being “Use of Inflatable Amusement Devices During Rental of City Parks or Other Facilities”. (4.1/7/SPPC)


  • Motion made by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the meeting adjourn.

    Motion Passed

    The meeting adjourns at 6:34 PM.