Accessibility Advisory Committee


Meeting #:The 11th Meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Committee Room #4
  • PRESENT:   J. Menard (Acting Chair), M. Dawthorne, T. Eadinger, N. Judges, G. LaHay, P. Moore, D. Ruston and K. Steinmann and J. Bunn (Clerk)
    ABSENT:  A. Bueschleb, J. Madden and P. Quesnel
    ALSO PRESENT: K. Husain, H. Klausnitzer, J. Michaud and M. Stone
    The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM.

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the attached presentation from S. Shannon, Dillon Consulting Limited and J. Michaud, Landscape Architect, with respect to the East Lions Park and Community Centre construction and the reconstruction of Churchill Avenue and Winnipeg Boulevard, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the attached presentation from H. Klausnitzer, Manager, Emergency Operations Centre, with respect to emergency management for persons with disabilities, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 10th Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on October 24, 2019, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Public Meeting Notice, dated November 13, 2019, from L. Mottram, Senior Planner, with respect to a Zoning By-law Amendment related to the property located at 1395 Riverbend Road, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the letter of resignation, as appended to the agenda, from J. Wilson, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the letter of resignation, dated October 24, 2019, from G. Ashford-Smith, was received.

  • That the Notice of Planning Application, dated November 21, 2019, from A. Lockwood, Urban Designer, with respect to an Official Plan Amendment related to City-Wide Urban Design Guidelines, BE REFERRED to the next meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Sub-Committee meeting for review.

  • That it BE NOTED that the communication dated November 20, 2019, from G. LaHay, with respect to barrier free sidewalks, was received.

  • That the draft Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) 2019 Work Plan, as appended to the agenda, BE REFERRED to the ACCAC Sub-Committee for review and a report back to the January 2020 meeting of the ACCAC.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) held a general discussion with respect to the distribution of various ACCAC brochures.

  • That delegation status for the Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, or designate, to speak at the January 23, 2020 Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee meeting with respect to the City of London Budget, BE REQUESTED.

  • That the start time of the January 23, 2020 Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting BE MOVED to 2:00 PM.

  • That the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that if the current Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) representative at the Community Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Leadership Table cannot attend a meeting, the Chair or Vice-Chair of the ACCAC will attend in their place.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.