


Planning and Environment Committee


meeting held on December 15, 2014, commencing at 3:31 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Committee Members:  Councillor P. Hubert (Chair) and Councillors M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire and S. Turner and H. Lysynski (Secretary). 


ALSO PRESENT:   Councillors A. Hopkins, J. Morgan, T. Park, H.L. Usher, M. Van Holst and J. Zaifman and I. Abushehada, G. Barrett, M. Davis, J. Edmunds, C. DeForest, M. Elmadhoon, J.M. Fleming, S. Galloway, K. Graham, T. Grawey, M. Henderson, B. Henry, P. Kokkoros, G. Kotsifas, J. Logan A. MacLean, A. Macpherson, D. MacRae, D. Mounteer, B. Page, N. Pasato, J. Ramsay, S. Spring, M. Tomazincic, S. Wise and J. Yanchula.







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


Recommendation:  That it BE NOTED that Councillor P. Hubert disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 9 of this report, by indicating that he operates a business within the Downtown Area and he is the President of a social enterprise that conducts business with the Downtown Business Association.



Election of Vice Chair for the term ending November 30, 2015


Recommendation:  That Councillor P. Squire BE ELECTED Vice-Chair of the Planning and Environment Committee for the term ending November 30, 2015.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)






11th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That the 11th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee from its meeting held on November 20, 2014, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



9th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That the 9th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee from its meeting held on November 26, 2014, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



1st Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment


Recommendation:  That the 1st Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment from its meeting held on December 3, 2014, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Byron Pits Secondary Plan - Terms of Reference (O-8434)


Recommendation:  That, the proposed Terms of Reference for the Byron Pits Secondary Plan, BE REFERRED back to the Civic Administration for discussion with the property owner and Sifton Properties Limited and to report back at a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting;


it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication dated December 9, 2014, from R.W. Topping, L. Topping & G.A. Topping, 651 Southdale Road West, with respect to this matter;


it being further noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the attached Orientation from the Manager, Long Range Planning and Research.  (2014-E10)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Candidate Approval for the Urban Design Peer Review Panel


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following candidates BE APPROVED for the positions listed below on the Urban Design Peer Review Panel:


a)            David Yuhasz – Position of Architect;


b)         Blair Scorgie – Position of Design Professional (Urban Designer); and,


c)         Julie Bogdanowicz – Position of Design Professional (Urban Designer). (2014-C06)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Property located at 1235 Eagletrace Drive (H-8415)


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, based on the application by Vista Woods Estates Inc., relating to the property located at 1235 Eagletrace Drive, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on December 18, 2014, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Holding Residential R1 (h*R1-4) Zone TO a Residential R1 (R1-4) Zone to remove the h- holding provision.  (2014-D14)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Amendment to By-law CP-2 - Expansion of London Downtown Business Association Improvement Area



Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the concurrence of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer and the City Clerk, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on December 18, 2014, for the purpose of amending By-law CP-2  entitled “A by-law to provide for the Improvement  Area to be known as the London Downtown Business Association Improvement Area and to establish a Board of Management Therefor”  to  expand the area designated as an improvement area, to amend the board of management, to amend certain procedures and to amend certain levy procedures for the purpose of managing the London Downtown Business Improvement Area. (2014-C01)

Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (4)


RECUSED: P. Hubert (1)



Properties located at 1400 & 1440 North Wenige Drive (Portion of Blocks 112 and 113 in Plan 33M-631) (P-8205)


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by Sifton Properties Limited to exempt the following lands from Part Lot Control:


a)            pursuant to subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at a future Municipal Council meeting, to exempt a portion of Blocks 112 and 113 in Registered Plan 33M-631 from the Part Lot Control provisions of subsection 50(5) of the said Act, for a period not to exceed three  (3) years; it being pointed out that these lands are subject to a registered subdivision agreement and a portion of Blocks 112 and 113 are zoned Residential R4 Special Provision (R4-6(7)) in Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, which permits street townhouse dwellings with a minimum lot frontage of 7.5m and minimum lot area of 145m2; it being further noted that the applicant shall submit to the City confirmation that the approved reference plan for final lot development has been deposited in the Land Registry Office;


b)         the following conditions of approval BE REQUIRED to be completed prior to the passage of a Part Lot Control by-law for a portion of Block 112 and 113 in Plan 33M-631, as noted in clause a), above:


i)              the applicant submit a draft reference plan to the Building Division for review and approval to ensure the proposed part lots and development plans comply with the regulations of the Zoning By-law, prior to the reference plan being deposited in the Land Registry Office;

ii)         prior to the reference plan being deposited in the Land Registry Office, the Applicant submit to Development Services for review a draft reference plan showing the proposed part lots are consistent with the subdivision servicing, site servicing, site plan, development agreement, subdivision agreement and conditions to the approval of this application;

iii)            the applicant submits to the Development Services a digital copy together with a hard copy of each reference plan to be deposited; it being noted that the digital file shall be assembled in accordance with the City of London's Digital Submission / Drafting Standards and be referenced to the City’s NAD83 UTM Control Reference;

iv)           the applicant submit each draft reference plan to London Hydro showing driveway locations and obtain approval for hydro servicing locations and above ground hydro equipment locations prior to the reference plan being deposited in the Land Registry Office;

v)            the applicant shall obtain confirmation from Development Services that the assignment of municipal numbering has been completed in accordance with the reference plan(s) to be deposited, should there be further division of property contemplated as a result of the approval of the reference plan prior to the reference plan being deposited in the Land Registry Office;

vi)           the applicant shall submit to Development Services confirmation that an approved reference plan for final lot development has been deposited in the Land Registry Office; and,

vii)          the subdivider be required to revise subdivision servicing drawings and   enter into any amending subdivision agreement with the City, if necessary; and,


c)         the Applicant BE ADVISED that the cost of registration of this by-law is to be borne by the applicant in accordance with City policy.  (2014-D25/D12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Building Division Monthly Report for October 2014


Recommendation:  That the Building Division Monthly Report for October 2014, BE RECEIVED.  (2014-D00)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)






General Orientation - Key Committee Matters


Recommendation:  That, the attached orientations from the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the Manager, Current Planning and the Managing Director, Development and Compliance Services & Chief Building Official, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Property located on a portion of 530 Sunningdale Road East (Lot 99, 39T-05510) (Z-8429)


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of the City of London, relating to a portion of the property located at 530 Sunningdale Road East (draft plan 39T-05510, proposed Lot 99), the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 13, 2015, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Open Space (OS1) Zone, which permits conservation lands and works, golf courses, private and public parks, campgrounds, managed forests, and the cultivation or use of land for agricultural/horticultural purposes TO a Residential R1 (R1-2) Zone, to permit single detached dwellings with a minimum lot area of 300 m2 and a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 m;


it being further pointed out that there were no oral submissions made at the public participation meeting associated with this matter.   (2014-D14)


Voting Record:


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)






Properties located at 300 Colborne Street and 405-411 Bathurst Street (Z-8411)


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Reverend John Trudgeon, relating to the properties located at 300 Colborne Street and 405-411 Bathurst Street, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 13, 2015, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Light Industrial (LI1/LI7) Zone TO a Light Industrial Special Provision (LI1(_)/LI7) Zone;


it being further pointed out that there were no oral submissions made at the public participation meeting associated with this matter.   (2014-D14)


Voting Record:


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)



Property located at 711 Oxford Street West (Z-8414)


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of 2233747 Ontario Inc., relating to the property located at 711 Oxford Street West, the proposed by-law, as appended to the staff report dated December 15, 2014, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 13, 2015, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Restricted Office/Residential R5/Day Care (RO2/R5-3/DC) Zone TO a Restricted Office Special Provision/Residential R5/Day Care (RO2(_)/R5-3/DC) Zone;


it being further pointed out that there were no oral submissions made at the public participation meeting associated with this matter.   (2014-D14)


Voting Record:


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)




Property located on a portion of 120 Gideon Drive (OZ-8365)


Recommendation:  That, the application of Johnston Brothers (Bothwell) Ltd., relating to a portion of the property located at 120 Gideon Drive, BE REFERRED back to the Civic Administration to undertake the following actions and to report back at the January 5, 2015, Planning and Environment Committee meeting;


a)            address the issue of groundwater and its effects on the natural heritage feature adjacent to the site;


b)            pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN in respect of the proposed by-law as a public participation meeting has been held with respect to this matter;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions in connection therewith.  (2014-D14)


Voting Record:


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Hubert, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, P. Squire, S. Turner (5)











The meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM.



No Item Selected