Animal Welfare Advisory Committee


Meeting #:3rd Meeting of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
Committee Room #4
  • PRESENT:  W. Brown (Chair), K. Ashe, H. de Hoog, A-M. Evans, A. Hayes, P. Lystar, D. Simpson and M. Toplak and H. Lysynski (Acting Secretary)


    ABSENT:  M. Morris


    ALSO PRESENT:   R. Oke



    The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM.

  • That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 2nd Report of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on February 7, 2019, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee heard a verbal update from W. Brown with respect to the Sub-Committee meeting; it being noted that progress was made on a number of items including mobile and private zoos.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee held a general discussion and established an online working group using Google docs, with respect to the chaining/tethering of dogs.

  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Work Plan:


    a)         the attached 2019 Work Plan for the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee BE FORWARDED to the Municipal Council for consideration;  and,


    b)            the attached 2018 Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Work Plan Summary BE FORWARDED to the Municipal Council for information.

  • That the following amendments to the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Terms of Reference BE REFERRED to the comprehensive Advisory Committee review that is currently being undertaken:


    a)            amending the Voting Resource Group to read:


    i)             One representative from each of the following three specific organizations:


    A)           deleting “Animal Rescue Group”;

    B)           deleting “Wildlife Rehabilitation Naturalist”; and

    C)           adding “Pound Service Provider”;


    ii)             under One representative from each of the following general categories:


    A)           deleting “Wildlife rehabilitation including naturalists with either educational credentials or active involvement with wildlife through an organization”; and,

    B)           deleting “Pet Shop Owner”;

    C)           increasing the “Members at Large” from 10 to 12;

    D)           adding “Prior and/or current experience related to wildlife rehabilitation, conservation and wildlife biology”


    b)            amending “Qualifications” as follows:


    Members shall be chosen for their special expertise, experience, dedication and commitment to the mandate of the Committee.  Interested candidates will have the necessary membership, experience, credentials and interest relative to the organization or category that they represent, including, but not limited to:

    ·                     a range of background experience operating a domestic animal kennel, a veterinarian clinic, animal rescue program, breeding operation or pet supply store;

    ·                     regard for the interest of all citizens, respecting that there are very diverse views on animal welfare;.

The meeting adjourned at 6:33 PM.