That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions BE TAKEN with respect to the staff report dated November 12, 2024, related to the Appointment of Consulting Engineers for the Infrastructure Renewal Program – Round 4:
a) the following consulting engineers BE APPOINTED to carry out consulting services for the identified projects, at the upset amounts identified below, in accordance with the estimate on file, and in accordance with Section 15.2(e) of the City of London’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy:
i) Spriet Associates London Limited BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design, and detailed design for the reconstruction of Childers Street, from Brydges Street to Wilton Avenue, and Wilton Avenue, from Childers Street to Ashland Avenue in the total amount of $242,145.20 including contingency (excluding HST);
ii) Development Engineering (London) Limited BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design, and detailed design for the reconstruction of Bridle Path, from Kipps Lane to north limit, and Country Lane, from Kipps Lane to Bridle Path in the total amount of $272,107.00 including contingency (excluding HST);
b) the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report as appended to the above-noted staff report;
c) the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project;
d) the approval given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract; and,
e) the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-E01)