That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken:
a) the staff report BE RECEIVED for information;
b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to use the City of London’s Strategic Plan Performance Dashboard format for the 2024 Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) Progress Report;
c) Agencies, Boards and Commissions of the City BE REQUESTED to submit Climate Action Plans no later than May 31, 2026 that would be included in the 2025 CEAP Progress Report and to measure progress on their respective plans every year after starting with the 2027 CEAP Progress Report; and
d) the list of active, proposed, and future potential projects to be or that could be submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund identified on Table 3 and described in Appendix "C" as appended to the staff report dated January 14, 2025 BE RECEIVED for information.