


Planning and Environment Committee


meeting held on January 8, 2018, commencing at 4:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor S. Turner (Chair) and Councillors M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins and T. Park and H. Lysynski (Secretary). 


ALSO PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown; Councillors M. van Holst and J. Zaifman; I. Abushehada, G. Barrett, M. Corby, A. Dunbar, M. Elmadhoon, M. Feldberg, J.M. Fleming, G. Kotsifas, A. Macpherson, H. McNeely, L. Mottram, N. Pasato, M. Pease, L. Pompilii, C. Saunders, S. Spring, M. Tomazincic, B. Westlake-Power, S. Wise, J. Yanchula and P. Yeoman. 







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:


a)            Councillor T. Park disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 12 of this Report having to do with the property located at 440 Grey Street, by indicating that her family owns property in the area of the subject property.


b)            Councillor S. Turner disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 13 of this Report having to do with the location of potential Supervised Consumption Facilities in London, by indicating that his employer, Dr. C. Mackie, CEO and Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit, is requesting delegation status.






1st Report  of the Advisory Committee on the Environment


That the 1st Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment from its meeting held on December 6, 2017 BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Properties located at 1733 Hamilton Road and 2046 Commissioners Road East - Hajjar Subdivision (H-8841)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, based on the application by Sifton Properties Limited, relating to lands located at 1733 Hamilton Road and 2046 Commissioners Road East, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 16, 2018 to amend Zoning By-law Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM a holding Residential R1 Special Provision (h•R1-2(10)) Zone TO a Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-2(10)) Zone to remove the holding (h) provision.  (2017-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)








Property located at 1691 Hamilton Road (H-8859)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, based on the application by Thames Village Joint Venture Corporation, relating to lands located at 1691 Hamilton Road, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 16, 2018 to amend Zoning By-law Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM a holding Residential R1 Special Provision (h•R1-3(17)) Zone TO a Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-3(17)) Zone to remove the holding (h) provision.  (2017-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Edgevalley Subdivision (39T-05505)


That, on the recommendation of the Manager, Development Planning, the following actions be taken with respect to entering into a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Drewlo Holdings Inc., for the subdivisions of land over Block ‘C’, Registered Plan No. 795 and Part of Lot 7, Concession 2, (Geographic Township of London), City of London, County of Middlesex, situated on the north side of Kilally Road, East of Highbury Avenue North, municipally known as 1522 Kilally Road Street:


a)            the Special Provisions, to be contained in a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Drewlo Holdings Inc., for the Edgevalley Subdivision (39T-05505) appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “A”,  BE APPROVED;


b)            the applicant BE ADVISED that Development Finance has summarized the claims and revenues appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “B”,


c)            the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “C”; and,


d)            the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute this Agreement, any amending agreements and all documents required to fulfill its conditions.  (2017-D12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Summerside Subdivision Phase 13A (39T-92020)


That, on the recommendation of the Manager, Development Planning, the following actions be taken with respect to entering into a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Drewlo Holdings Inc., for the subdivisions of land over Part of Lots 14 and 15, Concession 1, (Geographic Township of Westminster), City of London, County of Middlesex, situated on the north side of Bradley Avenue, between Highbury Avenue South and Jackson Road:


a)            the Special Provisions, to be contained in a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Drewlo Holdings Inc., for the Summerside Subdivision – Phase 13A (39T-92020) appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “A”,  BE APPROVED;


b)            the applicant BE ADVISED that Development Finance has summarized the claims and revenues appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “B”;



c)            the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 as Schedule “C”; and,


d)            the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute this Agreement, any amending agreements and all documents required to fulfill its conditions.  (2017-D12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Property located at 7 Annadale Drive (H-8855)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with respect to the application of The Corporation of the City of London, relating to the property located at 7 Annadale Drive, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 16, 2018 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Holding Open Space (h-18•OS1) Zone, a Holding Residential R1 Special Provision (h-18•R1-5(13)) Zone, and a Holding Residential R6 Special Provision (h-5•h-18•R6-3(8)) Zone TO an Open Space (OS1) Zone, a Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-5(13)) Zone, and a Holding Residential R6 Special Provision (h-5•R6-3(8)) Zone to remove the “h-18” holding provision.  (2017-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Reform Bill 139 Potential Regulations


That, the staff report dated January 8, 2018, entitled "Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Reform: Bill 139 Potential Regulations", BE FORWARDED to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of the Attorney General for their information.  (2017-A01)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)






Property located at 1843 Frederick Crescent (Z-8836)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, based on the application of Futurestreets Inc., relating to the property located at 1843 Frederick Crescent, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 16, 2018 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Holding Residential R1 (h-82*R1-3) Zone TO a Residential R1 (R1-3) Zone;


it being noted that no individuals spoke at the public participation meeting associated with this matter;


it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:


               a single detached dwelling can be accommodated on the subject site by way of the recommended zoning without any special provisions therefore, it is unreasonable to hold out this lot from future development; and,

               any future development to the west will need to address the street alignment between developments and any “sliver” of the land that might be created abutting the subject site.  The future development may be required in the future to merge this silver of land with the subject site to avoid an inconsistent lot pattern or the realignment of the street to avoid creating a sliver of land.  (2017-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Property located at 653 Talbot Street (Z-8808)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of London Language Institute, relating to the property located at 653 Talbot Street:


a)            the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated January 8, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on January 16, 2018 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Residential R3/Office Conversion (R3-1/OC2) Zone TO a Residential R3 Special Provision/Neighbourhood Facility Special Provision (R3-1(_)/NF1(_)) Zone, and an Open Space (OS4) Zone; and,


b)            on the advice of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage from its meeting held on September 13, 2017, the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner BE DIRECTED to prepare a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest for the property located at 653 Talbot Street and to report back to the Planning and Environment Committee at a future date with respect to a Notice of Intent to Designate under the provisions of section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act;


it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication dated January 3, 2018, from A.M. Valastro, 133 John Street, with respect to this matter:


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission regarding these matters;


it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:


              the conversion and enlargement of the existing building for the private school use is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 and contributes to the existing mix of uses that area complementary to the neighbourhood; 

              the recommended amendment is consistent with the Community Facility policies of the existing Official Plan as well as the Neighbourhoods policies of The London Plan; and,

              the proposed London Language Institute is compatible with the surrounding residential neighbourhood, and represents a positive adaptive reuse of an existing heritage resource.  (2017-D09)




Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)






1st Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage



That the following actions be taken with respect to the 1st Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage from its meeting held on December 13, 2017:


a)            on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the application made under Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act to erect a new building on the property located at 915 Queens Avenue, within the Old East Heritage Conservation District, BE PERMITTED as described in the staff report dated December 13, 2017, subject to the following terms and conditions:


•           the addition of corner quoins to be constructed on the front elevation;

•           the horizontal installation of fiber-cement siding on side and rear elevations;

•           the installation of brick masonry veneer base to the clad concrete foundation at side elevations;

•           the re-design of gabled pediment detail at front elevation, to better conform with conventional heritage patterns, approved by heritage planner prior to construction; and,

•           the Heritage Alteration Permit to be displayed in a location visible from the street until the work is completed;


it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) received a presentation from L. Dent, Heritage Planner, appended to the 11th Report of the LACH, related to this matter;


b)            on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, notice BE GIVEN under the provisions of Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 18, of Municipal Council’s intent to designate the property located at 163 Oxford Street East to be cultural heritage value or interest, as outlined in the attached Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest; it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) received a presentation from K. Gonyou, Heritage Planner, appended to the 11th Report of the LACH, with respect to this matter;


c)         N. Pasato, Senior Planner, BE ADVISED that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage expressed concern regarding the revisions to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment for 660 Sunningdale Road East (39T-09501/Z-8818), as it is not clear how the two barns recommended for designation will be protected and conserved in the revised Draft Plan; it being noted that the notice of intent to designate the property has been appealed to the Conservation Review Board and, until such time as an appeal is resolved, the property is treated as if it were designated, as per Section 30(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,


d)         clauses 1, 2, 5 to 8, 10 to 14, BE RECEIVED.

Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)



Notice of Intention to Designate - 440 Grey Street


That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH), notice BE GIVEN under the provisions of Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 18, of Municipal Council’s intent to designate the property located at 440 Grey Street to be of cultural heritage value or interest based on the revised Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest appended to the 10th Report of the LACH; it being noted that the subject property is located within the ‘SoHo’ area, which has been identified as a potential Heritage Conservation District.   (2017-R01)


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (5)


RECUSED: T. Park (1)






(ADDED) C. Mackie - Middlesex-London Health Unit


That delegation status BE GRANTED to Dr. C. Mackie, CEO and Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit, at the January 22, 2018 Planning and Environment Committee with respect to the siting of supervised consumption sites and other harm reduction matters.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (5)


RECUSED: S. Turner (1)



(ADDED) 1st Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 1st Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee from its meeting held on December 21, 2018:


a)            the following actions be taken with respect to the One River Master Plan Environmental Assessment Study - Phase 2 Stage 1: Recommended Option for Springbank Dam:


i)              the September 28, 2017 Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee recommendation with respect to this matter, adopted by Municipal Council on October 17, 2017, BE SUBMITTED to the Civic Works Committee meeting of January 9, 2018 for consideration;

ii)             C. Therrien BE REQUESTED to attend the One River Master Plan Environmental Assessment Study - Phase 2 Stage 1: Recommended Option for Springbank Dam Public Participation meeting, at the Civic Works Committee meeting noted in part a) above, on behalf of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee; and,

iii)            it BE NOTED that the Notice related to the January 9, 2018 Notice of Public Participation Meeting relating to the One River Master Plan Environmental Assessment, from S. Levin, was received;


b)            the revised Working Group comments appended to the 1st Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, related to the Environmental Impact Statement for W3 Farms, located at 3700 Colonel Talbot Road and 3645 Bostwick Road BE FORWARDED to N. Pasato, Senior Planner, for consideration;


c)            the EEPAC Members BE REQUESTED to review the list of potential Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) initiatives appended to the 1st Report to the EEPAC, provided by S. Madhavji, for discussion at the next EEPAC meeting;


d)         the revised Notice of application by Extra Realty relating to the property located at 660 Sunningdale Road East, was received; it being noted that the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) has previously commented on this application and the proposed revision to the application does not affect the Environmentally Significant Area on the property, in the opinion of the EEPAC;


e)         a Working Group consisting of S. Levin (lead), J. Stinziano, R. Trudeau and I. Whiteside BE ESTABLISHED to review the application by Sifton Properties Limited, relating to the properties located at 3614, 3630 Colonel Talbot Road and 6621 Pack Road and to report back at the February 15, 2018 Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) meeting; it being noted that the EEPAC received an Environmental Impact Study with respect to this matter;      


f)         consideration of clause 14 of the 1st Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC) BE POSTPONED to a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting when the above-noted matter is discussed; clause 14 reads as follows:


“the following actions be taken with respect to the Medway Environmentally Significant Area Conservation  Master Plan 2017:


i)          K. Moser BE REQUESTED to attend the Planning and Environment Committee (PEC), on behalf of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, when the above-noted matter is considered by the PEC;

ii)         based on a serious risk to the ecological integrity and biodiversity of the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (MVHF ESA), the Municipal Council BE REQUESTED to reject any Conservation Master Plan that includes the hardening of trails or bridge crossings of the Medway Creek;

iii)         the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, BE ENCOURAGED to focus the Conservation Master Plan (CMP) more on protecting the ecological integrity of the MVHF ESA and less on recreation use in a revised CMP; it being noted that there should be better development of more detailed plans for monitoring, trail closures and education in a revised CMP in order that EEPAC and others can accurately assess those plans; and,

iv)        the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner BE ENCOURAGED, in consultation with EEPAC, to  create a demonstration site of best practices for the protection of ecological integrity, diversity and species at risk within an urban Environmentally Significant Area;”; and,


g)         clauses 1 to 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15 and 16, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: M. Brown, S. Turner, T. Park, M. Cassidy, J. Helmer, A. Hopkins (6)





The meeting adjourned at 4:54 PM.



No Item Selected