Agenda Including Addeds

Community and Protective Services Committee

Meeting #:11th Meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee
Council Chambers

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d) the following recommendation of the Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) BE REFERRED to the next meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) for consideration:

"Municipal Council BE REQUESTED to take no action with respect to the proposed "Green Standards for Light Pollution and Bird-Friendly Development" document submitted by the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, pending the completion of a review and report back to the Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) by Civic Administration with respect to how the proposal relates to accessibility and the ACCAC has been able to provide input on the draft proposal; it being noted that the ACCAC received the draft proposal for review the May 24, 2018 meeting of the committee"

A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, with respect to proposed amendments to the Sound By-law and the Public Nuisance By-law regarding amplified live speech and personal invective.

A matter pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.