

Meeting #:9th Meeting of City Council
Council Chambers
  • Mayor M. Brown,
  • M. van Holst,
  • B. Armstrong,
  • J. Helmer,
  • M. Cassidy,
  • P. Squire,
  • J. Morgan,
  • P. Hubert,
  • A. Hopkins,
  • V. Ridley,
  • S. Turner,
  • H. Usher,
  • T. Park,
  • and J. Zaifman
  • M. Salih
Also Present:
  • ​M. Hayward, A. Anderson, A.L. Barbon, B. Card, B. Coxhead, S. Datars Bere, C. Dawidenko, K. Dawtrey, J. M. Fleming, T. Gaffney, G. Kotsifas, M. Johnson, L. Livingstone,  L. Loubert, A. Macpherson, D. O’Brien, A. Patis, K. Pawelec, M. Ribera, L. Rowe, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, S. Spring, S. Stafford, J. Stanford, B. Warner, B. Westlake-Power, P. Yeoman
    The meeting was called to order at 4:04 PM.


Councillor S. Turner discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.2 of the 7th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee, having to do with the request for delegation status by Dr. C. Mackie, Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer, Middlesex-London Health Unit, with respect to the proposed supervised consumption facilities, by indicating that the Middlesex-London Health Unit is his employer.

Councillor S. Turner further discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of the 6th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)iii) regarding the South Leg of the project in the area of Wellington Street, between Horton and the Thames River, and Wellington Road between the Thames River to Bond Street, by indicating that his family owns adjoining property.

Councillor T. Park discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of the 6th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)iii) regarding the South Leg of the project in the area of Wellington Street, between Horton and the Thames River, and Wellington Road between the Thames River to Bond Street, by indicating that her family owns adjoining property.

Councillor J. Morgan discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of the 6th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)i) regarding the North leg of the project, as well as those portions of parts b), c), d), g) and h) pertaining to that portion of the project, by indicating that the infrastructure of this leg of the project passes through the property of his employer, Western University.

Councillor P. Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 2.3 of the 9th Report of the Corporate Services Committee, having to do with the 2017 Compliance Report in accordance with the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, by indicating that he is the Executive Director of Pathways Skill Development, which is named in the Report. 



The Corporation of the City of London is recognized as the recipient of the Ontario Age-Friendly Community Recognition Award. 

  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:V. Ridley

    That the following Council, In Closed Session reason, related to clause 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee (Item 7 of Stage 8.2 of the Council Agenda), having to do with the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) – Conservation Master Plan BE APPROVED:

    A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; litigation or potential litigation with respect to the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) – Conservation Master Plan as it relates to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA); and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation concerning this matter.

    Yeas: (10)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, V. Ridley, S. Turner, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (4)P. Squire, A. Hopkins, H. Usher, and T. Park

    Motion Passed (10 to 4)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That Council rise and go into Council, In Closed Session, for the purpose of considering the following matters in addition to the Added reason approved above:

    4.1     A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; the subject matter pertains to litigation or potential litigation with respect to an appeal at the Conservation Review Board, and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation. (6.1/7/PEC)

    4.2    A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; the subject matter pertains to litigation or potential litigation with respect to an appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board, and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation. (6.2/7/PEC)

    4.3    A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed disposition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed disposition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. (6.1/9/CSC)

    ADDED - A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; litigation or potential litigation with respect to the Medway Value Heritage Forest Environmental Significant Area (South) – Conservation Master Plan as it relates to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA); and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation concerning this matter.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    The Council rises and goes into the Council, In Closed Session, at 4:25 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillor M. Salih.


    A.L. Barbon and B. Warner leave the meeting at 4:30 PM.


    J.M. Fleming enters the meeting at 5:03 PM


    The Council, In Closed Session, rises at 5:18 PM and Council reconvenes at 5:23 PM, with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillor M. Salih.

  • Motion made by:J. Zaifman
    Seconded by:B. Armstrong

    That the Minutes of the 8th Meeting held on April 10, 2018 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:T. Park
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    That the following actions be taken: 

    a)            the communications listed on the Public Added Agenda BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED as noted on the Public Added Agenda; and

    b)            the attached communication from J. Preston BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED to the Planning and Environment Committee Stage for consideration with clause 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)



  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That pursuant to section 6.4 of the Council Procedure By-law, the order of business be changed to permit consideration clause 3.2 of the 7th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee (Item No. 6 of Stage 8.2 of the Council Agenda), having to do with the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) – Conservation Master Plan at this time.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (1)J. Morgan

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)
  • The Managing Director, Planning and City Planner provided the attached presentation.

    Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the Conservation Master Plan for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South):

    a)    the Conservation Master Plan for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) attached as Appendix ‘A’, BE APPROVED in accordance with Section 15.3.8. of the Official Plan and policies 1421 and 1422 of the London Plan;

    b)    the Staff BE DIRECTED to work with our community partners in the implementation of the Conservation Master Plan with regards to external funding opportunities;

    c)    the members of ACCAC, EEPAC and the Local Advisory Committee and the community BE THANKED for their work in the review and comments on the document;

    d)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on the following matters with respect to the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (south) Conservation Master Plan:

    i)    ways to improve the public consultation process for any Environmentally Significant Areas and Conservation Master Plans; and,

    ii)    amending the Trails Systems Guidelines to incorporate consultation with neighbouring First Nations, Governments and Organizations at the beginning of the process;


    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter: 

     ·       a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on January 16, 2018;

    ·       the Environmental and Ecological Advisory Committee’s revised statement and recommendations;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from S. Dagnone, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication from S. and S. Pacifico, 1607 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication from S. Levin, 59 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from A. Cojocaru, 2345 Humberside Common;

    ·       a communication from L. Kari, 56 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D. Wake, 597 Kildare Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 6, 2018 from D. Lucas, Vice Principal, Finance and Administration, Huron University College;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from M. Trotter, 2408 Meadowlands Way;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from K. and L. Zerebecki, 205-240 Village Walk Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from R. Croft, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from R. Agathos, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from P. Agathos, 2112 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from C. Parvulescu, 397 Castlegrove Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Sheculksi, Vice-President, Sunningdale West Residents Association;

    ·       a communication from B. Morgan, 50 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication from L. Symmes, 797 Haighton Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from R. and A. Menon, 2131 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from T. Thrasher, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Peters, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from E. Westeinde, 3645 Boswick Road North;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D.R. Donnelly, Donnelly Law;

    ·       a communication dated April 3, 2018 from G. Miller, Miller Environmental Services Inc.;

    ·       a communication from W. and F. Fretz, 1984 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from B. Adair, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Carriere, 73-825 Dundalk Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Robinson, 2156 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from S. Russell, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from Dr. A. Guy Plint, Professor of Geology, Western University;

    ·       a communication dated March, 2018 from C. Dyck, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from M. Does, 161 Bruce Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from Susan Hall, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from G. Neish, 1706 Ironwood Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from R. Duench, 121, Wychwood Park;

    ·       a communication from W. Van Hemessen, Terrestrial Ecologist, Parsons Inc.;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from A. Caveney, 46 Kingspark Crescent;

    ·       a communication from J. Bruce Morton, 11 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated March 4, 2018 from G. Wood, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication dated February 5, 2018 from C. Blake, 18 Braemar Crescent;

    ·       a communication dated March 28, 2018 from J. Davies, 60 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from G. McGinn-McTeer, Stoneybrook Heights-Uplands Residents Association;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from P. Pendl and A. Vanstone, 74 Green Acres Drive;

    ·       a communication dated February 12, 2018 from J. Nesbitt, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from C. Boles, 455 Piccadilly Street;

    ·       a communication dated January 30, 2018 from D. Bickford, 64 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated January 24, 2018 from S. Levin, President, Orchard Park Sherwood Forest Ratepayers;

    ·       a communication from J. Farquar, 383 St. George Street;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from G. and S. Sinker, 1597 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from P. Hayman, 77 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated February 7, 2018 from D. Potten, 110 West Rivertrace Walk;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from D. Schmidt, Development Manager, Corlon Properties;

    ·       a communication from I. Connidis, 38 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from S. Handler, 54 Doncaster Place; and,

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from Professor J. Blocker, et. al;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters.

    Yeas: (4)Mayor M. Brown, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (10)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and T. Park

    Motion Failed (4 to 10)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:J. Zaifman

    That pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Councillor M. Cassidy be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to this matter. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:T. Park
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    That pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Councillor A. Hopkins be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to this matter. 

    Motion Passed
  • At 6:23 PM His Worship the Mayor places Councillor P. Hubert in the Chair, and takes a seat at the Council Board.


    Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    That pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Mayor M. Brown be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to this matter.

    Motion Passed

    At 6:30 PM His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair, and Councillor P. Hubert takes his seat at the Council Board.

  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:S. Turner

    That pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Councillor J. Morgan be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to this matter.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Zaifman
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Councillor S. Turner be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to this matter. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That reconsideration of the following parts of the previous motion be approved:

    b)    the Staff BE DIRECTED to work with our community partners in the implementation of the Conservation Master Plan with regards to external funding opportunities;

    c)    the members of ACCAC, EEPAC and the Local Advisory Committee and the community BE THANKED for their work in the review and comments on the document;

    d)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on the following matters with respect to the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (south) Conservation Master Plan:

    i)    ways to improve the public consultation process for any Environmentally Significant Areas and Conservation Master Plans; and,

    ii)    amending the Trails Systems Guidelines to incorporate consultation with neighbouring First Nations, Governments and Organizations at the beginning of the process;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter: 

     ·       a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on January 16, 2018;

    ·       the Environmental and Ecological Advisory Committee’s revised statement and recommendations;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from S. Dagnone, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication from S. and S. Pacifico, 1607 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication from S. Levin, 59 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from A. Cojocaru, 2345 Humberside Common;

    ·       a communication from L. Kari, 56 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D. Wake, 597 Kildare Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 6, 2018 from D. Lucas, Vice Principal, Finance and Administration, Huron University College;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from M. Trotter, 2408 Meadowlands Way;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from K. and L. Zerebecki, 205-240 Village Walk Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from R. Croft, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from R. Agathos, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from P. Agathos, 2112 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from C. Parvulescu, 397 Castlegrove Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Sheculksi, Vice-President, Sunningdale West Residents Association;

    ·       a communication from B. Morgan, 50 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication from L. Symmes, 797 Haighton Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from R. and A. Menon, 2131 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from T. Thrasher, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Peters, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from E. Westeinde, 3645 Boswick Road North;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D.R. Donnelly, Donnelly Law;

    ·       a communication dated April 3, 2018 from G. Miller, Miller Environmental Services Inc.;

    ·       a communication from W. and F. Fretz, 1984 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from B. Adair, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Carriere, 73-825 Dundalk Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Robinson, 2156 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from S. Russell, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from Dr. A. Guy Plint, Professor of Geology, Western University;

    ·       a communication dated March, 2018 from C. Dyck, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from M. Does, 161 Bruce Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from Susan Hall, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from G. Neish, 1706 Ironwood Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from R. Duench, 121, Wychwood Park;

    ·       a communication from W. Van Hemessen, Terrestrial Ecologist, Parsons Inc.;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from A. Caveney, 46 Kingspark Crescent;

    ·       a communication from J. Bruce Morton, 11 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated March 4, 2018 from G. Wood, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication dated February 5, 2018 from C. Blake, 18 Braemar Crescent;

    ·       a communication dated March 28, 2018 from J. Davies, 60 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from G. McGinn-McTeer, Stoneybrook Heights-Uplands Residents Association;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from P. Pendl and A. Vanstone, 74 Green Acres Drive;

    ·       a communication dated February 12, 2018 from J. Nesbitt, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from C. Boles, 455 Piccadilly Street;

    ·       a communication dated January 30, 2018 from D. Bickford, 64 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated January 24, 2018 from S. Levin, President, Orchard Park Sherwood Forest Ratepayers;

    ·       a communication from J. Farquar, 383 St. George Street;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from G. and S. Sinker, 1597 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from P. Hayman, 77 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated February 7, 2018 from D. Potten, 110 West Rivertrace Walk;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from D. Schmidt, Development Manager, Corlon Properties;

    ·       a communication from I. Connidis, 38 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from S. Handler, 54 Doncaster Place; and,

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from Professor J. Blocker, et. al;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    a)          the Conservation Master Plan (CMP) for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) (ESA), appended to the staff report dated April 16, 2018 BE REFERRED back to the Civic Administration to report back at a future meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee, after undertaking the following actions:

    i)            deleting proposed bridge A from the CMP;

    Yeas: (8)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Squire, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and T. Park
    Nays: (6)Mayor M. Brown, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (8 to 6)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    ii)    deleting proposed bridge D from the CMP:

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)Mayor M. Brown, J. Helmer, and M. Cassidy

    Motion Passed (11 to 3)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    iii)   undertaking further public consultation with respect to those portions of the CMP that effect changes to the eastern boundary of the ESA, including the use of public streets;


    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (3)J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, and S. Turner

    Motion Passed (11 to 3)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    iv)  undertaking further consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC), the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC), the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and neighbouring First Nations Governments and Organizations with respect to improved trail access and conditions;

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    b)    the Staff BE DIRECTED to work with our community partners in the implementation of the Conservation Master Plan with regards to external funding opportunities;

    c)    the members of ACCAC, EEPAC and the Local Advisory Committee and the community BE THANKED for their work in the review and comments on the document;

    d)     the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on the following matters with respect to the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (south) Conservation Master Plan:

    i)    ways to improve the public consultation process for any Environmentally Significant Areas and Conservation Master Plans; and,

    ii)    amending the Trails Systems Guidelines to incorporate consultation with neighbouring First Nations, Governments and Organizations at the beginning of the process;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter: 

     ·       a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on January 16, 2018;

    ·       the Environmental and Ecological Advisory Committee’s revised statement and recommendations;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from S. Dagnone, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication from S. and S. Pacifico, 1607 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication from S. Levin, 59 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from A. Cojocaru, 2345 Humberside Common;

    ·       a communication from L. Kari, 56 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D. Wake, 597 Kildare Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 6, 2018 from D. Lucas, Vice Principal, Finance and Administration, Huron University College;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from M. Trotter, 2408 Meadowlands Way;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from K. and L. Zerebecki, 205-240 Village Walk Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from R. Croft, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from R. Agathos, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from P. Agathos, 2112 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from C. Parvulescu, 397 Castlegrove Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Sheculksi, Vice-President, Sunningdale West Residents Association;

    ·       a communication from B. Morgan, 50 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication from L. Symmes, 797 Haighton Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from R. and A. Menon, 2131 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from T. Thrasher, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Peters, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from E. Westeinde, 3645 Boswick Road North;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D.R. Donnelly, Donnelly Law;

    ·       a communication dated April 3, 2018 from G. Miller, Miller Environmental Services Inc.;

    ·       a communication from W. and F. Fretz, 1984 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from B. Adair, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Carriere, 73-825 Dundalk Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Robinson, 2156 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from S. Russell, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from Dr. A. Guy Plint, Professor of Geology, Western University;

    ·       a communication dated March, 2018 from C. Dyck, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from M. Does, 161 Bruce Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from Susan Hall, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from G. Neish, 1706 Ironwood Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from R. Duench, 121, Wychwood Park;

    ·       a communication from W. Van Hemessen, Terrestrial Ecologist, Parsons Inc.;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from A. Caveney, 46 Kingspark Crescent;

    ·       a communication from J. Bruce Morton, 11 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated March 4, 2018 from G. Wood, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication dated February 5, 2018 from C. Blake, 18 Braemar Crescent;

    ·       a communication dated March 28, 2018 from J. Davies, 60 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from G. McGinn-McTeer, Stoneybrook Heights-Uplands Residents Association;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from P. Pendl and A. Vanstone, 74 Green Acres Drive;

    ·       a communication dated February 12, 2018 from J. Nesbitt, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from C. Boles, 455 Piccadilly Street;

    ·       a communication dated January 30, 2018 from D. Bickford, 64 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated January 24, 2018 from S. Levin, President, Orchard Park Sherwood Forest Ratepayers;

    ·       a communication from J. Farquar, 383 St. George Street;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from G. and S. Sinker, 1597 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from P. Hayman, 77 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated February 7, 2018 from D. Potten, 110 West Rivertrace Walk;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from D. Schmidt, Development Manager, Corlon Properties;

    ·       a communication from I. Connidis, 38 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from S. Handler, 54 Doncaster Place; and,

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from Professor J. Blocker, et. al;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters.


    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:T. Park

    That part a) be amended to add a new subpart v) a follows:


    v)          actions be taken to discourage crossings of the creek at sites A, B, C, D and E, as identified in the CMP;

    Yeas: (8)B. Armstrong, P. Squire, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and T. Park
    Nays: (6)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (8 to 6)
  • Motion made by:P. Squire
    Seconded by:T. Park

    That part a) be amended by adding a new subpart vi) as follows:


    vi)          hardscaped surfaces on the level 2 trails be limited to the greatest extent possible;

    Yeas: (8)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Squire, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, and T. Park
    Nays: (6)Mayor M. Brown, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (8 to 6)
  • That the motion to add a new subpart vi) to part a) BE REFERRED for consideration in conjunction with the referral of the staff report dated April 16, 2018.

    Yeas: (1)M. van Holst
    Nays: (13)Mayor M. Brown, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Failed (1 to 13)

    Item 7, as amended, reads as follows:


    That the following actions be taken with respect to the Conservation Master Plan for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South):

    a)         the Conservation Master Plan (CMP) for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (South) (ESA), appended to the staff report dated April 16, 2018, BE REFERRED back to the Civic Administration to report back at a future meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee, after undertaking the following actions:

    i)          deleting proposed bridge A from the CMP;

    ii)         deleting the proposed bridge D from the CMP;

    iii)        undertaking further public consultation with respect to those portions of the CMP that effect changes to the eastern boundary of the ESA, including the use of public streets;

    iv)        undertaking further consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC), the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee (EEPAC), the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and neighbouring First Nations Governments and Organizations with respect to improved trail access and conditions;

    v)         actions be taken to discourage crossings of the creek at sites A, B, C, D and E, as identified in the CMP;

    vi)        hardscaped surfaces on the level 2 trails be limited to the greatest extent possible;

    b)         staff BE DIRECTED to work with our community partners in the implementation of the CMP with regard to external funding opportunities;

    c)         the members of ACCAC, EEPAC and the Local Advisory Committee and the community BE THANKED for their work in the review and comments on the document;

    d)         the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on the following matters with respect to the Medway Valley Heritage Forest Environmentally Significant Area (south) Conservation Master Plan:

    i)          ways to improve the public consultation process for any Environmentally Significant Areas and Conservation Master Plans; and,

    ii)         amending the Trails Systems Guidelines to incorporate consultation with neighbouring First Nations, Governments and Organizations at the beginning of the process;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter: 

     ·       a Municipal Council resolution adopted at its meeting held on January 16, 2018;

    ·       the Environmental and Ecological Advisory Committee’s revised statement and recommendations;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from S. Dagnone, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication from S. and S. Pacifico, 1607 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication from S. Levin, 59 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from A. Cojocaru, 2345 Humberside Common;

    ·       a communication from L. Kari, 56 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Robinson, 2120 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D. Wake, 597 Kildare Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 6, 2018 from D. Lucas, Vice Principal, Finance and Administration, Huron University College;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from M. Trotter, 2408 Meadowlands Way;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from K. and L. Zerebecki, 205-240 Village Walk Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from R. Croft, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from R. Agathos, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from P. Agathos, 2112 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from C. Parvulescu, 397 Castlegrove Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from C. Sheculksi, Vice-President, Sunningdale West Residents Association;

    ·       a communication from B. Morgan, 50 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication from L. Symmes, 797 Haighton Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from R. and A. Menon, 2131 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from T. Thrasher, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Peters, 2048 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from E. Westeinde, 3645 Boswick Road North;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from D.R. Donnelly, Donnelly Law;

    ·       a communication dated April 3, 2018 from G. Miller, Miller Environmental Services Inc.;

    ·       a communication from W. and F. Fretz, 1984 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from B. Adair, 675 Eagletrace Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from L. Carriere, 73-825 Dundalk Drive;

    ·       a communication dated April 7, 2018 from J. Robinson, 2156 Valleyrun Boulevard;

    ·       a communication from S. Russell, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from Dr. A. Guy Plint, Professor of Geology, Western University;

    ·       a communication dated March, 2018 from C. Dyck, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from M. Does, 161 Bruce Street;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from Susan Hall, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from G. Neish, 1706 Ironwood Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from R. Duench, 121, Wychwood Park;

    ·       a communication from W. Van Hemessen, Terrestrial Ecologist, Parsons Inc.;

    ·       a communication dated April 5, 2018 from A. Caveney, 46 Kingspark Crescent;

    ·       a communication from J. Bruce Morton, 11 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated March 4, 2018 from G. Wood, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication dated February 5, 2018 from C. Blake, 18 Braemar Crescent;

    ·       a communication dated March 28, 2018 from J. Davies, 60 Longbow Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from G. McGinn-McTeer, Stoneybrook Heights-Uplands Residents Association;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from P. Pendl and A. Vanstone, 74 Green Acres Drive;

    ·       a communication dated February 12, 2018 from J. Nesbitt, by e-mail;

    ·       a communication from C. Boles, 455 Piccadilly Street;

    ·       a communication dated January 30, 2018 from D. Bickford, 64 Doncaster Place;

    ·       a communication dated January 24, 2018 from S. Levin, President, Orchard Park Sherwood Forest Ratepayers;

    ·       a communication from J. Farquar, 383 St. George Street;

    ·       a communication dated March 29, 2018 from G. and S. Sinker, 1597 Gloucester Road;

    ·       a communication dated April 8, 2018 from P. Hayman, 77 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated February 7, 2018 from D. Potten, 110 West Rivertrace Walk;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from D. Schmidt, Development Manager, Corlon Properties;

    ·       a communication from I. Connidis, 38 Doncaster Avenue;

    ·       a communication dated April 9, 2018 from S. Handler, 54 Doncaster Place; and,

    ·       a communication dated April 4, 2018 from Professor J. Blocker, et. al;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters.

  • Motion made by:B. Armstrong
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the Council recess.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    The Council recesses at 7:36 PM and reconvenes at 8:15 PM with Mayor M. Brown in the Chair and all Members present except Councillors Cassidy, Salih and Squire.

  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That Items 1, 2 and 4 to 19 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Environmental & Engineering Services and City Engineer, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 17, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 24, 2018 for the purpose of amending By-law PS-113 entitled “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London”. (2018-T08)

  • Motion made by:J. Morgan
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That Item 3 (2.2) BE AMENDED to provide a revised by-law for enactment that excludes Buroak Drive, in order to allow additional time for consultation.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley
    Seconded by:J. Morgan

    Item 3 as amended:

    That the attached, revised, proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 17, 2018 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 24, 2018 for the purpose of amending By-law PS-113 entitled “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London”. (2018-T08)

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner

    That Items 1 to 6, and 8 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That Dr. C. Mackie BE GRANTED delegation status at a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting;


    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter:


    ·                     a communication dated April 12, 2018 from S. Courtice, Executive Director, London InterCommunity Health Centre;

    ·                     a communication dated April 10, 2018 from L. Sibley, Executive Director, Addiction Services;

    ·                     a communication dated April 11, 2018 from B. Dokis, Chief Executive Officer, Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre;

    ·                     a communication dated April 10, 2018 from M. Walker, Executive Director, London Abused Women’s Centre.

    Yeas: (11)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)
  • Motion made by:T. Park
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    That part a) of Item 10, clause 5.1 of the 7th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee, having to do with the 5th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH),  requesting a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, as follows, BE AMENDED to refer this portion of the Report back to the LACH for further consideration.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:T. Park


    Approve Item 10, as amended, as follows:


    That, the following actions be taken with respect to the 5th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH), from its meeting held on April 11, 2018:

    a)            the request for the Heritage Planners to prepare a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest for the Fugitive Slave Chapel at its new location at 432 Grey Street pursuant to direction from the Municipal Council during the repeal of the heritage designating by-law for 275 Thames Street BE REFERRED back to the LACH for additional consideration; it being noted that the presentation appended to the 5th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) from G. Hodder and a verbal delegation from H. Neary, with respect to this matter, were received;


    b)            on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the application by Stantec Consulting Ltd., under Section 4.2 of the Ontario Heritage Act to alter The Green located at 165 Elmwood Avenue East, individually designated by By-law No. L.S.P.-2854-377 and within the Wortley Village-Old South Heritage Conservation District, BE PERMITTED; it being noted that the presentation from K. Gonyou, Heritage Planner, appended to the 5th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH), was received with respect to this matter;

     c)            C. Parker, Senior Planner, BE REQUESTED to attend the May 9, 2018 London Advisory Committee on Heritage meeting in order to discuss the proposed Old East Village Dundas Street Corridor Secondary Plan outlined in the Notice of Application dated March 12, 2018;

     d)            the following actions be taken with respect to the Stewardship Sub-Committee report from the meeting held on March 28, 2018:

                i)              the following properties BE LISTED on the Register (Inventory of Heritage Resources) based on the research and evaluation undertaken by the Western University Public History Program, on file with the Heritage Planners:

    •       306 Simcoe Street;

    •       397 Wortley Road; and,

    •       399 Wortley Road; and,

    ii)             it BE NOTED that the remainder of the Stewardship Sub-Committee report was received;

    e)            on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the request by P. Sergautis for the demolition of the heritage designated property located at 660 Sunningdale Road East BE REFUSED; it being noted that the presentation from K. Gonyou, Heritage Planner, appended to the 5th Report of the LACH was received with respect to this matter; it being further noted that a communication dated April 8, 2018, from M. Bloxam, ACO London, was received with respect to this matter;

    f)             clauses 1.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 to 3.3, 3.5 to 3.7, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 BE RECEIVED;


    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication from the British Methodist Episcopal Church, with respect to the Fugitive Slave Chapel.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That Items 1 to 3 and 5 to 12 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2017 Compliance Report in accordance with the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy:

    a)            an annual report of total payments where a supplier has invoiced the City a cumulative total value of $100,000 or more in a calendar year, as per the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, Section 8.11 (c),  BE RECEIVED for information (included as Appendix “A” to the staff report dated April 17, 2018);

    b)            the administrative contract awards for Professional Consulting Services with an aggregate total greater than $100,000, as per Section 15.1 (g) of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, decentralized from Purchasing and Supply that have been reported to the Manager of Purchasing and Supply and have been reviewed for compliance to the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, BE RECEIVED for information (included as Appendix “B” to the staff report dated April 17, 2018);

    c)            the list of administrative contract awards for Tenders with a value up to $3,000,000 that do not have an irregular result, as per Section 8.11 (c) of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, BE RECEIVED for information (included as Appendix “C” to the staff report dated April 17, 2018); and

    d)            the City Treasurer or delegate BE DELEGATED authority to, at any time, refer questions concerning compliance with the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy to the City’s internal auditor, and the City Treasurer or delegate is hereby further authorized to ratify and confirm completed awards or purchases between $15,000 and $50,000 where the City Treasurer or delegate is of the opinion that the awards or purchases were in the best interests of the Corporation.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:

    a)     Councillor T. Park disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of this Report having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)iii) regarding the South Leg of the project in the area of Wellington Street, between Horton and the Thames River, and Wellington Road between the Thames River to Bond Street, by indicating that her family owns adjoining property.

    b)     Councillor S. Turner disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of this Report having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)iii) regarding the South Leg of the project in the area of Wellington Street, between Horton and the Thames River, and Wellington Road between the Thames River to Bond Street, by indicating that his family owns adjoining property.

    c)     Councillor J. Morgan disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 of this Report having to do with the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative, particularly as it relates to subsection a)i) regarding the North leg of the project, as well as those portions of parts b), c), d), g) and h) pertaining to that portion of the project, by indicating that this leg of the project passes through the vicinity of his employer, Western University.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    At 9:02 PM Councillor P. Squire enters the meeting.

  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    Part b)

    b)     the communication dated April 15, 2018,  from Councilllor M. van Holst, requesting that the Civic Administration assist in clarifying the Municipal Council’s priorities with respect to the Rapid Transit Project, BE RECEIVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment Initiative:

    a)    the staff report dated April 23, 2018, entitled “Bus Rapid Transit – Environmental Assessment Initiative”, together with the associated presentation made by the Project Director, Rapid Transit Implementation at the April 23, 2018 meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, as well as the communication dated April 12, 2018, from C. Butler, BE REFERRED to the May 7, 2018 meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee for consideration and debate, in order to allow additional time for the public and the Council Members to review the information; and

    Yeas: (12)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)S. Turner, and H. Usher

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    Approve the introduction included in part b), as follows:

    b)            the expansion of a gaming site to include entertainment options that would allow for up to 1,200 slots at a casino, and up to 50 live table games, within the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of London, BE ENDORSED;

    Yeas: (9)Mayor M. Brown, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, V. Ridley, S. Turner, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (5)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, and H. Usher

    Motion Passed (9 to 5)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    Approve the remainder of part b), as follows:

    it being noted that The Corporation of the City of London prefers an expanded location at the Western Fair District;

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (1)S. Turner

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    Approve parts a) and d) as follows:


    That the following actions be taken with respect to the proposed expansion of a gaming site in London:

    a)            the staff report dated April 23, 2018 BE RECEIVED;

    d)                the Province of Ontario and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario BE REQUESTED to flow the additional revenues from expanded gaming in London back into the community in a more significant way than the current funding arrangement, and that the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to engage with relevant parties;

    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received the attached communication from J. Dales, Chair, Western Fair Association Board of Governors, with respect to this matter;

    it being pointed out that the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions with respect to the proposed expansion of a gaming site in London.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    Approve part c) as follows:

    c)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on how some or all of the incremental revenues from expanded gaming, paid to The Corporation of the City of London according to the contribution agreement with the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, could be allocated to prevent, reduce or mitigate harms in the Zone SW 4 bundle from problem gambling, including fostering a partnership between the local community and the gaming operator; and

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (1)P. Squire

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)
  • Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That the communication dated April 15, 2018, from Councillor M. van Holst, requesting that Council and Standing Committee meetings be scheduled during the day, where possible, with arrangements made to accommodate public participation meetings at appropriate times, BE RECEIVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    At 9:17 PM, Councillor M. Cassidy leaves the meeting.

  • PRESENT:  Mayor M. Brown, Councillors M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H.L. Usher, T. Park and J. Zaifman

    ABSENT:  Councillor M. Salih

    ALSO PRESENT:   M. Hayward, A. Anderson, A.L. Barbon, B. Card, K. Dawtrey, J.M. Fleming, L. Rowe, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, B. Warner and B. Westlake-Power.

    Motion made by:V. Ridley

    That, as a procedural matter pursuant to Section 239(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the following recommendation be forwarded to City Council for deliberation and a vote in public session: 

    That, on the recommendation of the City Solicitor’s Office, the following actions be taken with respect to ongoing proceedings before the Conservation Review Board relating to the property located at 660 Sunningdale Road East:

    a)          the attached Minutes of Settlement between The Corporation of the City of London and Peter Sergautis, attached as Schedule 1, BE APPROVED;

    b)          the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Minutes of Settlement approved in (a) above;

    c)          the City Solicitor’s Office BE AUTHORIZED to take all necessary actions with respect to the Minutes of Settlement, including filing all required documents with the Conservation Review Board.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    Councillor V. Ridley reported progress on the following matters:

    • A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; the subject matter pertains to litigation or potential litigation with respect to an appeal at the Conservation Review Board, and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation. (6.1/7/PEC)
    • A matter pertaining to instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed disposition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed disposition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial, information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition.
    • A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; litigation or potential litigation with respect to the Medway Value Heritage Forest Environmental Significant Area (South) – Conservation Master Plan as it relates to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA); and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation concerning this matter.


    At 9:19 PM His Worship the Mayor places Councillor P. Hubert in the Chair, and leaves the meeting. 

  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:H. Usher

    That pursuant to section 20.3 of the Council Procedure By-law leave be given for discussion and debate and making of a substantive motion with respect to the planning applications submitted by Southside Group for the properties located at 3234, 3263, 3274 Wonderland Road South.

    Yeas: (12)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to process the applications submitted by Southside Group for the properties located at 3234, 3263, 3274 Wonderland Road South requesting amendments to the Zoning by-law and the Official Plan to provide for commercial development on the subject properties, in accordance with the Planning Act.

    Yeas: (10)M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman
    Nays: (2)P. Hubert, and A. Hopkins

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)

    At 9:24 PM His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair, and Councillor P. Hubert takes his seat at the Council Board.

Councillor V. Ridley enquired about the distribution of “Respect the Limit” signage to Council Members. The Managing Director, Environmental & Engineering Services and City Engineer advised that staff determined it would be more efficient to make the signs available at the City’s various Community Centres, for pick up by interested residents, rather than providing the signage to the Council Members for them to distribute.

Councillor B. Armstrong enquired about the status of discussions with CP Railway and CN Railway officials regarding the possibility of rerouting rail traffic. The Managing Director, Environmental & Engineering Services and City Engineer advised that talks were under way and staff are hoping to provide an update report on the matter in June of this year.

  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:J. Zaifman

    Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.’s 177 to the Added Bill No. 190, including the revised Bill No.184.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    Second Reading of Bill No.’s 177 to the Added Bill No. 190, including the revised Bill No.184.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:H. Usher
    Seconded by:B. Armstrong

    Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No.’s 177 to the Added Bill No. 190, including the revised Bill No.184.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor M. Brown, M. van Holst, B. Armstrong, J. Helmer, P. Squire, J. Morgan, P. Hubert, A. Hopkins, V. Ridley, S. Turner, H. Usher, T. Park, and J. Zaifman

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    The following by-laws are enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London:

    Bill No. 177

    By-law No. A.-7713-138

    A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 24th day of April, 2018. (City Clerk)


    Bill No. 178

    By-law No. A.-7714-139


    A by-law setting tax ratios for property classes in 2018. (4.1/9/CSC)


    Bill No. 179

    By-law No. A.-7715-140

    A by-law to opt to have Section 8.0.2 of Ontario Regulation 73/03 as amended apply within the City of London for the year 2018 to exempt certain properties in the commercial classes, industrial classes and multi-residential property class from the application of Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001. (4.1/9/CSC)


    Bill No. 180

    By-law No. A.-7716-141

    A by-law to exercise the option to establish a phase out and end to the capping of property taxes under Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001 for eligible property classes. (4.1/9/CSC)


    Bill No. 181

    By-law No. A.-7717-142


    A by-law to exclude reassessment related tax increases after 2016 from the capping provisions of Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001.



    Bill No. 182

    By-law No. A.-7718-143

    A by-law to opt to use certain subsections of section 329.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, in the calculation of taxes in the commercial, industrial, and multi-residential property classes.



    Bill No. 183

    By-law No. CPOL.-18(a)-144

    A by-law to amend By-law No. CPOL.-18-214 being “A by-law to revoke and repeal Council policy related to Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List and replace it with a new Council policy entitled “Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List Policy" to replace the name of the nomination category “Persons with Disabilities” with the name “Accessibility”; and to replace the current description of the award from “(i.e. contributions to the promotion and facilitation of a barrier-free community for citizens of all abilities, including those with disabilities” to “(awarded to those who, through action and/or example, foster an environment of inclusion that embraces citizens of all abilities)”. (2.2/9/CSC)


    Bill No. 184

    By-law No. PS-113-18016


    A by-law to amend By-law No. PS-113 entitled, “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London.” (2.2/7/CWC).


    Bill No. 185

    By-law No. PS-113-18017


    A by-law to amend By-law PS-113 entitled, “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London.” and to repeal By-law No. PS-113-18013.” (2.3/7/CWC).


    Bill No. 186

    By-law No. S.-5929-145


    A by-law to rename the portion of Centre Street lying east of Pond Mills Road, in the City of London, to Deveron Crescent. (3.1/7/CWC)


    Bill No. 187

    By-law No. S.-5930-146


    A by-law to rename a portion of LA Stradella to La Stradella Gate; to rename a portion of Middlewoods to Middlewoods Drive; to rename a portion of Tailwood to Tailwood Circle and to rename a portion of The Birches to The Birches Place, effective September 1, 2018. (3.2/7/CWC)


    Bill No. 188

    By-law No. W.-5639-147


    A by-law to authorize the New Thames Valley Pathway Project (Project No. PD2124-15). (2.1/7/CPSC)


    Bill No. 189

    By-law No. W.-5640-148


    A by-law to authorize the New District Park Project (Project No. PD103316). (2.1/7/CPSC)

    Bill No. 190

    By-law No. A.-7719-149

    A by-law levying tax rates for property classes in 2018. (6/20/SPPC)

  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:T. Park

    That the Meeting adjourn.

    Motion Passed

    The meeting adjourns at 9:32 PM.

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