Community and Protective Services Committee


9th Meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee
Council Chambers - Please check the City website for additional meeting detail information. Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City Website.
The City of London is situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek (AUh-nish-in-ah-bek), Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-no-show-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Len-ah-pay-wuk) and Attawandaron (Add-a-won-da-run).
We honour and respect the history, languages and culture of the diverse Indigenous people who call this territory home. The City of London is currently home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit today.
As representatives of the people of the City of London, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and live in this territory.
  • Councillors D. Ferreira (Chair), 
  • H. McAlister, 
  • J. Pribil, 
  • and S. Trosow 
  • E. Peloza 
  • Deputy Mayor S. Lewis; Councillor A. Hopkins; M. Butlin, S. Corman, K. Dawtrey, M. Dellamora, K. Dickins, D. Escobar, M. Feldberg, L. Hancock, M. Hefferton, W. Jeffrey, P. Ladouceur, E. Ling, L. Marshall, S. Mathers, J.P. McGonigle, N. Musicco, K. Pawelec, J. Senese, C. Smith, J. Straub and J. Bunn (Committee Clerk)     
    Remote Attendance: Councillor C. Rahman; M. Schulthess 
    The meeting was called to order at 1:04 PM.


That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That Items 2.1 to 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.10 BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the communication, dated June 27, 2024, from the City Clerk and the Deputy City Clerks, with respect to the 2025 Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List Call for Nominations, BE RECEIVED. (2024-M11)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 6th and 7th Reports of the Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee (AWCAC):

    a)    the following actions be taken with respect to the 6th Report of the AWCAC, from the meeting held on June 6, 2024:

    i)    the following actions be taken with respect to Rodenticide use in City facilities:

    A)    the Senior Manager of Facilities BE INVITED to attend a future Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee meeting prior to the City renewing its contract for pest control service in 2025 to review the scope of the contract and discuss alternative strategies to use of poison at municipal facilities; and,
    B)    a Working Group BE ESTABLISHED to prepare recommendations for print and online communications to support public education about best practices to prevent rodent infestations and apply rodent exclusion methods at residential buildings;

    it being noted that the Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee received a communication from the Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee and the Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee and held a general discussion with respect to these matters;

    ii)    clauses 1.1, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4 to 5.6 BE RECEIVED;

    b)    the 7th Report of the AWCAC from the meeting held on July 4, 2024 BE RECEIVED.

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the 3rd Report of the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee, from the meeting held on June 27, 2024, BE RECEIVED.

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports and Deputy City Manager, Neighbourhood and Community-Wide Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to RFP-2024-100 Prime Consulting Services for CHOCC Teaching Kitchen and Elevator:

    a)    the proposal submitted by 17\21 architects inc., 1065 Valetta St, London, for the Prime Consultant Services for CHOCC Teaching Kitchen and Elevator project for a fee of $152,015.00 (excluding HST) BE ACCEPTED; it being noted that the evaluation team determined the proposal submitted by 17\21 architects inc. provided the best technical and financial value to the Corporation, met the City’s requirements in all areas and acceptance is in accordance with section 15.2 of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy; 

    b)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all administrative acts which are necessary in connection with the project;

    d)    the approvals given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract with the consultant for the work; and,

    e)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute a contract or any other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-A19)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports and Deputy City Manager, Neighbourhood and Community-Wide Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to RFP-2024-135 Prime Consulting Services for Kinsmen Arena Deep Energy Retrofit:

    a)    the proposal submitted by J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, 450 Speedvale Avenue West, Suite 107 in Guelph, for the Prime Consultant Services for the Kinsmen Arena Deep Energy Retrofit project for a fee of $199,595.00 (excluding HST) BE ACCEPTED; it being noted that the evaluation team determined the proposal submitted by J.L. Richards & Associates Limited provided the best technical and financial value to the Corporation, met the City’s requirements in all areas and acceptance is in accordance with section 15.2 of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy; 

    b)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all administrative acts which are necessary in connection with the project;

    d)    the approvals given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract with the consultant for the work; and

    e)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute a contract or any other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-A19)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMPS) By-law Housekeeping Amendments:

    a)    the proposed by-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on July 23, 2024, to amend By-law No. A-54, being “A by-law to implement an Administrative Monetary Penalty System in London”; and,

    b)    the proposed by-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on July 23, 2024, to amend By-law No. PW-11, being “A by-law to provide for the sale of fireworks and the setting off of fireworks and pyrotechnics within the City of London, and for requiring a permit and imposing conditions”. (2024-C01)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to the Vision SoHo Amendment to the Contribution Agreement with Chelsea Green Community Homes Society: 

    a)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to release funds attributed to the Roadmap grant and soil remediation forgivable loan to an upset limit of $1,071,675 and amend the Municipal Contribution Agreement to reflect the change under the existing delegation;

    b)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to release the remaining funds for soils and grants as outlined in the contribution agreement on confirmation of property tax exemption. (2024-L04A)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to Affordable Residential Unit Development Charge Exemption Agreements:

    a)    the proposed by-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on July 23, 2024, to:

    i)    approve the Affordable Residential Unit Rental Development Charge Exemption Agreement template, as appended to the above-noted by-law;
    ii)    approve the Affordable Residential Unit Ownership Development Charge Exemption Agreement template, as appended to the above-noted by-law;
    iii)    authorize the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development, or their written designate, to approve amendments to the above-noted Agreements; and,
    iv)    authorize the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development, or their written designate, to execute the above-noted Agreements, which may be amended pursuant to the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development’s authority;

    b)    the above-noted staff report BE RECEIVED. (2024-L04A)

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Neighbourhood and Community-Wide Services, the staff report dated July 15, 2024, with respect to a Subsidized Transit Program Update, BE RECEIVED; it being noted that a verbal delegation from J. Salisbury, with respect to this matter, was received. (2024-S04)

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)

    Additional Votes:

  • Moved by:J. Pribil
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    Motion to approve the request for delegation from J. Salisbury to be heard at this meeting.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to an Update to the Roadmap to 3,000 Affordable Units “Roadmap 2.0”:

    a)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to allocate up to $45,000 per affordable housing unit under the Roadmap to 3,000 for new projects that have not received approval from Council to enter into a contribution agreement;

    b)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to direct $10,000,000 of the Housing Accelerator Fund affordable housing grant to expand the programs and activities under the Roadmap to 3,000;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to direct $10,000,000 of Housing Accelerator Fund investment to the Highly Supportive Housing plan and programs under the Whole of Community System Response; and,

    d)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to prioritize pre-development and development support to London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc. and all Social and Community Housing Boards for redevelopment projects at publicly funded housing properties; and,

    e)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to assess the existing affordable unit bonus zones in Z-1 to consider a cash-in-lieu policy or other similar programs to enable the construction of new affordable units in London, and report back to Council with recommendations. (2024-S11)    

    Motion Passed

    Additional Votes:

  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    Motion to add an additional part e) which reads as follows:

    e)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to assess the existing affordable unit bonus zones in Z-1 to consider a cash-in-lieu policy or other similar programs to enable the construction of new affordable units in London, and report back to Council with recommendations.    

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    Motion to approve the main motion, as amended.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, related to a Draft Advocacy Message Sign By-law:

    a)    a public participation meeting BE HELD at a future meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee with respect to the draft Advocacy Message Sign By-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, as well as a by-law related to graphic images;

    b)    the draft Advocacy Message Sign By-law BE AMENDED to include additional wording under section 5.1, additional regulations, fourth bullet to read “with respect to a warning sign must be displayed alongside signage that shows images of deceased humans or animals, and must visibly state: ‘contains a Graphic Image(s) that may be offensive or disturbing to some people”; and,

    c)    the request for delegation from J. Bulsza, with respect to this matter, BE REFERRED to the future public participation meeting;

    it being noted that communications, as appended to the Added Agenda, from the following individuals were received with respect to this matter:

    •    J. Bulsza;
    •    K. Lyng;
    •    C. Connell;
    •    L. Gibbons;
    •    R. Connell;
    •    B. Dow;
    •    D. Arcand;
    •    W.R. Myers;
    •    V. Gedge;
    •    T. Gainey;
    •    S. Glover;
    •    R. Gedge;
    •    B. Smith;
    •    E. Moyer; and,
    •    I. Longworth. (2024-C01A)

    Motion Passed

    Additional Votes:

  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    Motion to refer the delegation request from J. Bulsza, as appended to the Added Agenda, to the future public participation meeting to be held with respect to this matter.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the motion be amended to add a new part:

    That the draft Advocacy Message Sign By-law BE AMENDED to include additional wording under section 5.1, additional regulations, fourth bullet to read “with respect to a warning sign must be displayed alongside signage that shows images of deceased humans or animals, and must visibly state: ‘contains a Graphic Image(s) that may be offensive or disturbing to some people".

    Yeas: (3)H. McAlister, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (1)J. Pribil
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (3 to 1)
  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    Motion to approve the main motion as amended.

    Yeas: (3)H. McAlister, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (1)J. Pribil
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (3 to 1)
  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated July 15, 2024, with respect to Renovicions: Renovation License and Relocation By-law Changes and public comments received (to date): 

    a)    the above-noted staff report BE RECEIVED for information purposes to summarize the comments received so far from the public regarding proposed amendments to the business licensing by-law to introduce a new license category pertaining to licensing renovation-induced evictions;

    b)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Community and Protective Services Committee on possible temporary alternate accommodations for displaced tenants or short-term rental top up; and,

    c)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Community and Protective Services Committee on draft language that would apply the protection in the by-law to residents who have already received the N13 Notice;

    it being noted that amendments will be brought forward to amend the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, the Administrative Monetary Penalties By-law No. A-54 to introduce penalties and amounts to Schedule A-4 pertaining to the and this proposed new license category, and to the Fees and Charges By-law No. A-59 to introduce fees and charges associated with this proposed licence category;

    it being further noted that the communications, as appended to the Added Agenda, from K. Pagniello and M. Laliberte, Neighbourhood Legal Services, C. Butler, M. Wallace, London Development Institute and L. Smith, Norquay Property Management, were received with respect to this matter;

    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with this matter:

    •    Sharon;
    •    Michelle;
    •    Felix;
    •    K. Andrews;
    •    D. Keenan;
    •    N. Chiles;
    •    Z. Ramsey;
    •    M. Wallace;
    •    L. Smith;
    •    Dominique;
    •    Tyler;
    •    G. Blake;
    •    Anonymous;
    •    C. Winnable;
    •    P. O’Connor;
    •    I. Grills;
    •    S. Smith;
    •    Candace;
    •    Andy;
    •    Robin S.
    •    J. Smith;
    •    Andrew; and,
    •    D. Hilton. (2024-C01)

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)

    Additional Votes:

  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    Motion to open the public participation meeting.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    Motion to close the public participation meeting.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:H. McAlister

    That, pursuant to section 27.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, a change in order of the Community and Protective Services Committee Agenda BE APPROVED, to provide for Items 6.1 to 6.3 in Stage 6, Confidential, to be considered after Stage 3, Scheduled Items.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the communication, dated May 28, 2024, from Councillors H. McAlister and D. Ferreira, with respect to the City-Operated Long Term Care Facility (Dearness Home): 

    a)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to explore options for expanding the facility capacity of the Dearness Home for consideration to be included the Mayor’s 2028-2031 Multi-Year Budget; and,

    b)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to present a report on potential expansion options to accommodate more residents to the Dearness Home Committee of Management prior to the Mayor preparing their 2028-2031 Multi-Year Budget. (2024-S03)

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)
  • Moved by:H. McAlister
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the Community and Protective Services Committee convene In Closed Session for the purpose of considering the following:

    6.1    Solicitor-Client Privilege        

    A matter pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, regarding the regulation of advocacy message signs on city streets.

    6.2    Land Acquisition / Solicitor-Client Privilege / Commercial, Financial Information of the Corporation with Monetary or

    Potential Monetary Value / Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction for Negotiation Purpose        
    A matter pertaining to the proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality, including communications necessary for that purpose, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, commercial and financial information that belongs to the municipality and has monetary value or potential monetary value and a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality.

    6.3    Personal Matters About Identifiable Individual        

    A matter pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, with respect to the Awarding of the 2024 Queen Elizabeth Scholarships.

    Yeas: (4)H. McAlister, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)E. Peloza

    Motion Passed (4 to 0)

    The Community and Protective Services Committee convened In Closed Session from 3:27 PM to 4:05 PM.

  • The meeting adjourned at 4:53 PM.

    Motion Passed