



Public Safety Committee


meeting held on January 24, 2012, commencing at 4:02 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor P. Hubert  (Acting Chair), Mayor J. Fontana, Councillors B. Armstrong, B. Polhill and J. Martin (Secretary). 


ABSENT:  Councillors D. Brown and J.P. Bryant.


ALSO PRESENT:  J. Braam, I. Collins, B. Duncan, O. Katolyk, J. Kobarda, P. Kokkoros, G. Kotsifas, D. O’Brien L. Marshall, S. Orser, J.Smout, J. Stanford, and B. Westlake-Power.








That Councillor P. Hubert declared a pecuniary interest in the development of a preventative anti-graffiti pilot project in the downtown by indicating that he has a business relationship with an Anti-Graffiti Business.






5th Report of the Town and Gown Committee


Recommendation:  That 5th Report of the Town and Gown Committee from its meeting held on November 29, 2011 BE RECEIVED.



11th and 1st Reports of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That the 11th and 1st Reports of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, from their meetings held on November 22, 2011 and January 10, 2012, respectively, BE RECEIVED.



Public Safety Committee Membership


Recommendation:  That the Municipal Council resolution, adopted at its meeting held on November 21, 2011, with respect to the membership of the Public Safety Committee BE RECEIVED.



2011 Northwestern Ontario Forest Fire Evacuations


Recommendation:  That the communication dated October 27, 2011, from A. J. Stuart, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief, Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, with respect to the 2011 Northwestern Ontario Forest Fire Evacuations BE RECEIVED.



Development of a Preventative Anti-Graffiti Pilot Project in the Downtown


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Building Controls, Chief Building Official, the following actions be taken with respect to the development of a preventative anti-graffiti pilot project in the downtown:


a)   Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to work with Downtown London to develop a preventative anti-graffiti pilot project in the downtown; and,


b)   the current by-law, which address graffiti, BE REVIEWED with a focus on differentiating between graffiti and “commissioned with permission” art murals.




Snow Removal on Private Rental Property


Recommendation:  That the on the recommendation of the Director of Building Controls and Chief Building Official, the report dated January 24, 2012, with respect to snow removal on private rental property BE RECEIVED; it being noted that current Property Standards protocol is currently addressing snow removal on private rental property in an adequate manner.



Vital Services By-law and Air Conditioning


Recommendation:  That on the recommendation of the Director of Building Controls and Chief Building Official, the report dated January 24, 2012, with respect to Vital Services By-law and air conditioning BE RECEIVED.



Vital Services By-law - Annual Caseload


Recommendation:  That on the recommendation of the Director of Building Controls and Chief Building Official, the report dated January 24, 2012, with respect to the annual caseload of the Vital Services By-law BE RECEIVED.



Noise By-law - Temporary Noise Permits - 2011


Recommendation:  That on the recommendation of the Director of Building Controls and Chief Building Official, the report dated January 24, 2012, with respect to the 2011 temporary noise permits issued under the Noise By-law BE RECEIVED.






Election of Vice Chair for the term ending November 30, 2012


Recommendation:  That Councillor P. Hubert BE ELECTED as the Public Safety Committee’s Vice Chair for the term ending November 30, 2012.



Flag Pole Banners for Info-Tech


Recommendation:  That the request from L. Mifsud, InfoTech, for an exemption under the Sign and Canopy By-law BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration for review and report back at the next meeting of the Public Safety Committee (PSC); it being noted that the PSC received a communication and a delegation from L. Mifsud, with respect to this matter.



8th Report of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That on the recommendation of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee (CSCP) the following actions be taken with respect to the 8th Report of the CSCP:


a)    the London Transit Commission (LTC) BE INVITED to a future meeting of the CSCP to provide an update on its role related to community safety initiatives that benefit the community, such as transit cameras and safety programs; and,


b)    clauses 2 to 8 of the 8th Report BE RECEIVED;


it being noted that the Public Safety Committee heard a delegation from L. Norman, Acting Chair, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee.



Compliance with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - Amendment to Taxicab By-law


Recommendation:  That on the recommendation of the Director of Buildings Controls, Chief Building Official and Licence Manager, the attached proposed by-law, BE INTRODUCED at the Council meeting of January 31, 2012, to amend By-law L.-126-256 (Taxi and Limousine Licencing By-law) to comply with the intent of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act;


it being noted that at the Public Participation Meeting, held in conjunction with this matter, received no submissions.



Committee Orientation


Recommendation:  That the Public Safety Committee (PSC) orientation BE DEFERRED to a future meeting.




Vehicle for Hire By-law


Recommendation:  That the attached revised proposed by-law (Appendix “A”) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on January 31, 2012 to provide for the licensing, regulating and governing of drivers, owners and brokers of vehicles for hire: it being noted that the following revisions were made to the by-law proposed by staff, at the direction of the Public Safety Committee (PSC):

a)    removal of all references prohibiting the hailing of executive limousines;

b)   removal of all references prohibiting window tinting on vehicles; and,

c)    revisions to the  title so that it now reads “Taxi and Limousine Licencing By-law”;

it being noted that the PSC received delegations from the following:


            a)         O. Katolyk, Manager II, By-law Enforcement

            b)         H. Savehilaghi, President, Yellow London Taxi Inc.;

            b)         B. Rice. Checker Limousine; and,

            c)         J. R. Donnelly, Aboutown;


it being further noted that the PSC received the following communications:


            a)         A ParkView B & B, dated December 26, 2011;

            b)         J. Lamport, dated December 15, 2011;

            c)         G. Danner, dated December 19, 2011;

            d)         Councillor S. Orser, dated January 20, 2012: and,

            e)         B. Rice, attached, dated January 23, 2012.







Expanding the Scope of Animal Welfare Initiatives - Short and Longterm Animal Shelter Solutions


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Director – Environmental Programs & Solid Waste, the following actions be taken with respect to expanding the scope of animal welfare initiatives:


(a)        the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to focus its short term municipal animal shelter solutions (2 to 4 years) on smaller facilities with a focused attention on immediate needs such as:

•           increasing the number of spayed/neutered animals in particular cats

•           increasing locations to adopt animals

•           increasing the space to reunite more stray animals with their owners

•           increasing the space available for cats;


(b)        the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to continue to examine the role of a large scale municipal animal shelter in both a local and regional context; it being noted that the Corporation of the City of London does not have capital funds set aside in 2012 or currently within the 10 year capital fund forecast;


(c)        the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to no longer explore a 100% municipally owned animal shelter at this time; and,


(d)        the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to include the final Council resolution and this Public Safety Committee report in the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for service providers interested and qualified to perform animal services activities, which will be released in the month of February 2012.



Ban on Shark Fin Products


Recommendation:  That the attached proposed by-law (Appendix “A”) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on January 31, 2012 to prohibit the possession, purchase, sale, trade, distribution, consumption, or preparation for consumption of shark fins within the City of London.



475 McCormick Blvd - Property Standards Related Demolition


Recommendation:  On the recommendation of the Director of Buildings Controls and Chief Building Official, the attached proposed by-law, BE INTRODUCED at the Council meeting of January 31, 2012 to approve the demolition of the building at 475 McCormick Blvd., and leave the property in a graded and leveled condition.








(Confidential Appendix enclosed for Members only.)



That the Public Safety Committee (PSC) move in camera from 6:55 PM to 7:04 PM. after having passed a motion to do so, with respect to the matter that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, with respect to banning shark fin products.






That the meeting adjourned at 7:04 P.M.



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