


Planning and Environment Committee


Special meeting held on October 24, 2012, commencing at 1:07 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor B. Polhill (Chair), Councillors D.G. Henderson, J.B. Swan and S. White and H. Lysynski (Secretary). 


ABSENT:  Councillor J.P. Bryant.


ALSO PRESENT:  Mayor J.F. Fontana and Councillor P. Hubert, G. Barrett, J. Braam, T. Copeland, P. Christiaans, M. Elmadhoon, J.M. Fleming, A. Macpherson, S. Mathers, H. McNeely, S. Milanovic, J. Ramsay, M. Ribera, C. Saunders, P. Yeoman and A. Zuidema.







That it BE NOTED no pecuniary interests were disclosed.
















Southwest Area Secondary Plan - Information Report (O-7609)


Recommendation:  That, further to the direction of Municipal Council at its meeting held on June 25, 2012, with respect to the application by the City of London for an Official Plan Amendment to change the existing land uses designations and to adopt a Secondary Plan for the area generally bounded by Southdale Road West, White Oak Road, Exeter Road, Wellington Road South, Green Valley Road, and the Urban Growth Boundary, the following actions be taken:


a)            the attached, revised, proposed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on October 30, 2012 to:


i)              amend Chapter 20-Secondary Plans, BY ADDING “Southwest Area Secondary Plan” to the list of Secondary Plans adopted by the Municipal Council in Section 20.2 of the Official Plan for the City of London;

ii)             amend Chapter 20-Secondary Plans, BY ADDING Section 20.5-Southwest Area Secondary Plan to the Official Plan for the City of London;

iii)            amend Chapter 4-Commercial BY ADDING a new land use designation “Wonderland Road Community Enterprise Corridor” to be applied along the Wonderland Road corridor between Southdale Road West and Hamlyn Street to permit a broad range of commercial, residential, office and institutional uses; subject to servicing and financing plans being provided to support development to ensure that it is economically viable;

iv)           change the land use designation of the subject lands within the Southwest Area Planning Area on Schedule “A”- Land Use of the Official Plan  FROM “Urban Reserve- Community Growth”, “Urban Reserve- Industrial Growth”, “Environmental Review”, “Agriculture”, “Low Density Residential”, “Multi-family, Medium Density Residential”, “Auto-oriented Commercial Corridor”, “Light Industrial”, and “Open Space” TO “Urban Reserve- Community Growth”, “Urban Reserve- Industrial Growth”, “Environmental Review”, “Low Density Residential”, “Multi-family, Medium Density Residential”, “Multi-family, High Density Residential”, “Community Facility”, “Auto-oriented Commercial Corridor”, “Main Street Commercial Corridor”, “Neighbourhood Commercial Node”, “Community Commercial Node,” “New Format Regional Commercial Node”, “Office Area”, “Light Industrial”, “Community Facility”, “Open Space”, “Rural Settlement” and “Wonderland Road Community Enterprise Corridor”;

v)            change to the southerly and easterly limits of the Urban Growth Boundary in the vicinity of the Brockley Area on Schedule “A”-Land Use of the Official Plan to remove a portion of the lands in the “Urban Reserve – Industrial Growth” designation, generally located north and south of Dingman Drive, and west of easterly limit of the Urban Growth Boundary;

vi)           change Schedule “B-1”-Natural Heritage Features of the Official Plan by adding “Environmentally Significant Area (ESA)”, “Potential ESAs”, “Significant Woodlands”, “Woodlands”, “Unevaluated Vegetation Patches”, “Significant Corridors”, “Locally Significant Wetlands”, and “Potential Naturalization Areas”;

vii)          change Schedule “C”-Transportation Corridors of the Official Plan by adding Primary Collector Roads, and Secondary Collector Roads; and,

viii)         change Schedule “D”- Planning Areas of the Official Plan to add the naming and delineation of the Southwest Area Secondary Plan;

ix)           the southerly portion of the property located at 457 Southdale Road West adjacent to the Bradley Avenue Extension, and the portion of the property located at 3080 Bostwick Road west of the open space be designated “Multi-Family, High Density Residential”;


it being noted that any changes to Schedule “B-1” Natural Heritage features will be subject to the completion of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to the satisfaction of the City; it being further noted that the Secondary Plan will be amended to remove reference to the 57 metre road width along Wonderland Road South, noting that the road grid in the Secondary Plan is conceptual, and it being also noted that the extension of the Wonderland Road Community Enterprise Corridor south of Exeter Road to Hamlyn Street will provide for high density residential uses on the east side of Wonderland Road and complimentary commercial uses on the east side of Wonderland Road;


b)            the proposed Official Plan Amendment to delete references to the Southside Pollution Control Plant and interim servicing policies, (File O-7971), BE CIRCULATED for public review and comment in advance of a public participation meeting to be scheduled at a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting;


c)            pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN in respect of the proposed by-law;


it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications:


·                     a communication, dated October 18, 2012, from L. Kirkness, Kirkness Consulting Inc.;

·                     a communication, dated October 23, 2012, from J.W. Harbell, Stikeman Elliott;

·                     a communication, dated October 23, 2012, from C. Wiebe, MHBC Planning;

·                     communications, dated October 19 and October 22, 2012, from R. Zelinka, Zelinka Priamo Ltd.    (2012-D11-09/2)
















The meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.