


Planning and Environment Committee


meeting held on November 14, 2016, commencing at 4:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor P. Squire (Chair) and Councillors J. Helmer, P. Hubert and T. Park and H. Lysynski (Secretary).   


ABSENT:  Councillor S. Turner.


ALSO PRESENT:   Councillors A. Hopkins, J. Morgan and H.L. Usher; J. Adema, G. Barrett, B. Debbert, L. Dent, M. Elmadhoon, J.M. Fleming, S. Galloway, T. Grawey, M. Henderson, J. Lucas, G. Kotsifas, J. MacKay, A. MacLean, A. Macpherson, L. Mottram, J. Ramsay, A. Riley, C. Saunders, C. Smith, S. Spring, R. Sutton, M. Tomazincic, B. Warner, S. Wise and J. Yanchula.







Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


That it BE NOTED that Councillor P. Squire disclosed a pecuniary interest in clauses 13 and 15 of this Report having to do with the application by The Roman Catholic Diocese of London, relating to the property located at 806 Victoria Street, by indicating that his wife works for the Diocese of London.






11th Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment


That the 11th Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment from its meeting held on November 2, 2016, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



10th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee


That the 10th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee from its meeting held on October 26, 2016, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Property located at 3260 Singleton Avenue (H-8668)


That, on the recommendation of the Planner II, Development Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Sifton Properties Limited, relating to the property located at 3260 Singleton Avenue:


a)            the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning on a portion the subject lands FROM a Holding Residential R5 Special Provision/Residential R6 Special Provision/Residential R7 Special Provision/Residential R8 Special Provision (h-54*h-71*h-100*h-105*h-136*R5-7(8)/R6-5(48)/R7(20)*D75* H13/R8-4(32)) Zone TO a Holding Residential R5 Special Provision/ Residential R6 Special Provision/Residential R7 Special Provision/ Residential R8 Special Provision (h-136*R5-7(8)/R6-5(48)/R7(20)*D75* H13/R8-4(32)) Zone, to remove the “h-54”, “h-71, “h-100”, and “h-105” holding provisions; and,


b)            the application to change the zoning on the remainder of the subject lands FROM a Holding Residential R5 Special Provision /Residential R6 Special Provision/Residential R7 Special Provision/Residential R8 Special Provision (h-54*h-71*h-100*h-105*h-136*R5-7(8)/R6-5(48)/R7 (20)*D75*H13/R8-4(32)) Zone, to remove the “h-54”, “h-71, “h-100”, “h-105”, and “h-136” holding provisions BE REFUSED for the following reasons:


•           the removal of the “h-54”, “h-71, “h-100”, “h-105”, and “h-136” holding provisions from the northerly portion of the subject lands is premature given that there is no application for Site Plan Approval at present; and,

•           the removal of the “h-136” from these lands is not required as the density of the proposed development falls within the maximum threshold permitted in the zone.   (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Property located at 805 Killarney Road (Part Block 141 in Plan 33M-580) (P-8612)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, based on the application by Auburn Developments Inc., the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016, to exempt Part Block 141 in Registered Plan 33M-580 from the Part Lot Control provisions of subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act, for a period not to exceed three (3) years.    (2016-D12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Downtown Business Improvement Area and Old East Village Community Improvement Area - Result of Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (Z-8625)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the staff report dated November 14, 2016, entitled "Downtown Business Improvement Area and Old East Village Community Improvement Area, Result of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board" BE RECEIVED for information.   (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Property located on a portion of 1300 Fanshawe Park Road East (H-8692)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, based on the application of Spriet Associates, relating to a portion of 1300 Fanshawe Park Road East, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016, to amend Zoning By-law Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning FROM a Holding Associated Shopping Area Commercial Special Provision (h-11*h-182*ASA1/ASA2/ASA3/ ASA4/ASA5(6)/ASA6/ASA7) Zone TO an Associated Shopping Area Commercial Special Provision (ASA1/ASA2/ASA3/ASA4/ASA5(6)/ASA6/ASA7) Zone to remove the h-11 and h-182 holding provision.  (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)







Properties located at 185 and 199 Commissioners Road East (39T-108501/Z-8682)


That the following actions be taken with respect to the applications of York Developments, relating to the properties located at 185 and 199 Commissioners Road East:


a)            the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that there were no issues raised at the public meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee with respect to the application by York Developments for the revised draft plan of subdivision (39T-08501), relating to the properties located at 185 and 199 Commissioners Road East;


b)            the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that the Municipal Council supports issuing draft approval of the recommended revised plan of residential subdivision, which shows 26 single detached residential lots, served by two (2) local streets SUBJECT TO the conditions contained in Appendix "B" appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016;


c)            the attached, revised proposed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Holding Residential R1 (h.R1-7) Zone, a Holding Residential R1 (h.R1-8) Zone and a Holding Residential R1 Special Provision h.h-54.(R1-9(7)) Zone TO a holding Residential R1 Special Provision (h.R1-8(*)) Zone, to permit single detached dwellings with a 10.0m front yard setback from an arterial road with the front face of the dwelling unit being oriented towards the arterial road along with other design related enhancements and a holding Residential R1 Special Provision (h.R1-8(**)) Zone, to permit single detached dwellings on lots with a reduced lot area of 580m2, a reduced rear yard setback of 6.0m (except where lot depth is <20.0m, the rear yard shall be not less than 3.0.m) and a reduced interior side yard setback of 1.2m (except where there is no attached garage, one side shall be 3.0m);


d)            the applicant BE ADVISED that the Director, Development Finance has summarized the claims and revenues appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, as Appendix "C";


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission regarding this matter;


it being noted that the Municipal Council approves these amended applications to change the setbacks from ten metres to eight metres  as suggested by the applicant after significant discussion by the Planning and Environment Committee with respect to the proposed setback.  (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)






Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Motion to move part c) to amend the setback from 8m to 10m.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, P. Hubert, T. Park (3)


NAYS: J. Helmer (1)



Property located at 607 Wellington Road (Z-8681)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with respect to the application of 2116782 Ontario Inc., (Sungje Park), relating to the property located at 607 Wellington Road, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Highway Service Commercial (HS2) Zone TO a Highway Service Commercial Special Provision (HS2(_)) Zone;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission regarding this matter;


it being noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:


·                     the recommended Zoning By-law amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, which encourages healthy, livable and safe communities by promoting efficient and cost-effective development and land use patterns within settlements areas, and accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment and recreational uses to meet long-term needs;

·                     the recommended amendment is in keeping with the policies for secondary permitted uses for the Auto-Oriented Commercial Corridor designation of the Official Plan;

·                     the recommended zone increases the opportunities to establish new commercial uses in vacant units within an existing commercial plaza, which have similar impacts to existing uses, and are compatible with the existing commercial uses and surrounding neighbourhood;

·                     the recommended special provision recognizes the existing lot frontage, building location and parking area as being suitable to accommodate the needs of the permitted land uses, provided those uses occur within the existing building; and

·                     the recommended Zoning By-law amendment is in keeping with the permitted land uses for the applicable Rapid Transit Corridor Place Type of The London Plan.  The recommended amendment will not inhibit the future redevelopment of the land, on its own or in conjunction with neighbouring lands, to meet the intensity and form policies of the Plan;


it being further noted that Municipal Council received comments from the agent for the applicant in support of the staff recommendation.   (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, T. Park (3)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Properties located at 1420 Westdel Bourne, 1826 and 1854 Oxford Street West (39T-16502/Z-8621)


That, on the recommendation of the Senior Planner, Development Services, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Sifton Properties Limited, relating to the lands located at 1420 Westdel Bourne and portions of 1826 and 1854 Oxford Street West:


a)         the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that at the public participation meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held with respect to the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision by Sifton Properties Limited relating to lands located at 1420 Westdel Bourne and portions of 1826 and 1854 Oxford Street West, issues were raised with respect to the  Environmental Impact Study and the adjacent Warbler Woods Environmentally Significant Area;


b)         the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that Municipal Council supports issuing draft approval of the proposed plan of subdivision as submitted by Sifton Properties Limited,  prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd. and certified by Bruce Baker, Ontario Land Surveyor (Project No. 161413130 Drawing No.1, dated April 26, 2016), as red line revised which shows fourteen (14) single detached residential blocks, four (4) medium density residential blocks, one (1) high density residential block, one (1) school block, three (3) park blocks, one (1) open space block, one (1) walkway block, one (1) road widening block, two (2) reserve blocks, two (2) secondary collector roads, and seven (7) local streets, SUBJECT TO the conditions contained in the attached amended Appendix 29T-16502;


c)            the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, as Appendix “A” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM an Urban Reserve (UR3) Zone and a holding Urban Reserve (h-2•UR3) Zone TO:


i)          a Holding Residential R1 (h•R1-4) Zone, to permit single detached dwellings on lots with a minimum lot frontage of 12 metres and minimum lot area of 360 square metres;

ii)         a Holding Residential R1 (h•R1-5) Zone, to permit single detached dwellings on lots with a minimum lot frontage of 12 metres and minimum lot area of 415 square metres;

iii)         a Holding Residential R5/R6/R7/R8 (h•h-__•R5-7/R6-5/R7•D75• H15/R8-4) Zone, to permit townhouses and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of 60 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres, various forms of cluster housing including single detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouse, stacked townhouse, and apartment buildings up to a maximum density of 35 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres, senior citizens apartment buildings, nursing homes, continuum-of-care facilities, and emergency care establishments up to a maximum density of 75 units per hectare and maximum height of 15 metres and apartment buildings up to a maximum density of 75 units per hectare and maximum height of 13 metres;

iv)           a Holding Residential R5/R6/R9 Special Provision (h•h-54•h-  R5-7(  )/R6-5(21)/R9-7(  )•H40) Zone to permit townhouses and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of 60 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; various forms of cluster housing including single detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouse, stacked townhouse, and apartment buildings up to a maximum density of 35 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; apartment buildings and lodging house class 2 up to a maximum density of 150 units per hectare and maximum height of 40 metres; together with a special provision for dwelling setback from a high pressure pipeline (minimum) 20 metres;

v)            a Holding Residential R5/R6/R8 Special Provision (h•h-54•h- R5-7( )/R6-5(21)/R8-4( )) Zone to permit townhouses and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of 60 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; various forms of cluster housing including single detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouse, stacked townhouse, and apartment buildings up to a maximum density of 35 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of  75 units per hectare and maximum height of 13 metres; together with a special provision for dwelling setback from a high pressure pipeline (minimum) 20 metres;

vi)           a Holding Residential R5/R6/R8 Special Provision (h•h-54•h- R5-7( )/R6-5(21)/R8-3( )) Zone to permit townhouses and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of 60 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; various forms of cluster housing including single detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouse, stacked townhouse, and apartment buildings up to a maximum density of 35 units per hectare and maximum height of 12 metres; apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, and stacked townhouses up to a maximum density of  65 units per hectare and maximum height of 13 metres; together with a special provision for dwelling setback from a high pressure pipeline (minimum) 20 metres;

vii)          a Holding Neighbourhood Facility / Residential R1 (hNF1/R1-4) Zone to permit such uses as elementary schools, day care centres, community centres, libraries, fire stations and private clubs; and to permit single detached dwellings on lots with a minimum lot frontage of 12 metres and minimum lot area of 360 square metres;

viii)         an Open Space (OS1) Zone to permit conservation lands, conservation works, golf courses, public and private parks; and,

ix)           an Open Space (OS5) Zone to permit conservation lands, conservation works, passive recreation uses which include hiking trails and multi-use pathways, and managed woodlots; and,


it being noted that the following holding provisions have also been applied:


A)           (h) - to ensure orderly development and adequate provision of municipal services, the “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security is provided and that the conditions of draft plan approval will ensure the execution of a subdivision agreement prior to development;

B)           (h-54) - to ensure completion of noise assessment reports and implementation of mitigation measures for development adjacent arterial roads; and,

C)        (h-   ) – to ensure development demonstrates compliance with the urban design policies of the Riverbend South Secondary Plan, and includes building  orientation towards public streets and public spaces;


d)            the applicant BE ADVISED that the Director, Development Finance has summarized the claims and revenues appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, as Appendix "C";




it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding this matter;


it being noted that the Municipal Council approves these applications for the following reasons:


·                    the recommended draft plan and Zoning amendment conforms to the policies of the Official Plan, and are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;

·                    the proposed subdivision draft plan is in keeping with the Council-adopted Riverbend South Secondary Plan;

·                    the subject lands are located within the urban growth boundary where full municipal services are currently in place or are planned to service new development; and,

·                    the proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses; provides for an attractive, pedestrian oriented and compatible community; and contributes to compact urban form through the proposed range and mix of uses;


it being further noted that Municipal Council received comments from the agent for the applicant in support of the staff recommendation.   (2016-D12)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Properties located at 1349, 1351, 1357 and 1361 Commissioners Road West (Z-8635)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Treadstone Developments relating to the property located at 1349, 1351, 1357 and 1361 Commissioners Road West:


a)            the proposed attached, revised by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Residential R1/R5 (R1-9/R5-3) Zone and a Residential R5/R8 Special Provision (R5-4(1))/R8-4(2)) Zone TO a holding Residential R8 Special Provision (h-5*R8-4(_)) Zone and an Open Space Special Provision (OS1(_)) Zone;


b)            the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to consider the following through the site plan process:


i)              define a pedestrian-oriented ground floor by incorporating a different design treatment and material application along the base of the building than the rest of the building;

ii)             differentiate the top of the building through an articulated roof form, stepbacks, cornices, and/or material change and enclose rooftop mechanical equipment within the built form;

iii)            incorporate a variety of materials and textures to highlight different architectural elements;

iv)           provide individual entrances to ground floor units on the south façade, with direct walkway access perpendicular to the public sidewalk, operable front doors and pedestrian scale features such as canopies and lighting;

v)            design ground floor amenity spaces as open courtyards or front porches extending into the front setback;

vi)           differentiate the primary entrance to the lobby from the individual units on the south façade through an increased proportion of glazing and appropriately scaled building mass; and,

vii)          screen all parking areas that are visible from the street;


c)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to provide the plan for the trail at a community meeting to be held in Byron and all interested parties be notified of the community meeting;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding this matter;


it being noted that the Municipal Council approves the amended application to include an h-5 holding provision and to request a community meeting after hearing extensive public consultation with respect to these matters;


it being further noted that Municipal Council received comments from the agent for the applicant in support of the staff recommendation.  (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Properties located at 1577 and 1687 Wilton Grove Road (OZ-8667)


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of the Corporation of the City of London, relating to the properties located at 1577 and 1687 Wilton Grove Road:


a)         the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016 to amend the Official Plan to:


i)          change the designations on Schedule “A,” Land Use,  FROM an “Urban Reserve – Industrial Growth,” “Open Space,” and “Environmental Review” designation, TO a “Light Industrial” and “Open Space;”

ii)         change Schedule “B-1,” Natural Heritage Features, by REVISING the boundary of the Environmentally Significant Area and Provincially Significant Wetland, REMOVING an Unevaluated Corridor and Potential Naturalization Area, and ADDING a Potential Naturalization Area; and,

iii)         change Chapter 10 – Policies for Specific Areas by ADDING a policy to permit food, tobacco, and beverage processing industries on the Light Industrial portions of the subject lands;


b)         the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated November 14, 2016, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 22, 2016, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan, as amended in part a) above), to change the zoning of the subject properties FROM an Agricultural (AG2) Zone, a Holding Agricultural (h-2*AG2), an Environmental Review (ER) Zone and an Open Space (OS5) Zone TO a Light Industrial Special Provision (LI1/LI2/LI6(_)) Zone on 1577 and 1687 Wilton Grove Road, a Light Industrial Special Provision (LI1(_)) Zone on a portion of 1577 Wilton Grove Road and an Open Space (OS5) Zone;


c)         the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to require the submission of an Environmental Impact Study and Hydrogeological Study as part of an application for Site Plan Approval, and that the recommendations of these studies be implemented to the satisfaction of the City and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individual indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made an oral submission regarding this matter;


it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee Working Group comments with respect to these matters;


it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:


·                    the proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014);

·                    the proposed amendments comply with the Official Plan policies and meet location criteria for the Light Industrial land use designation;

·                    the proposed amendments comply with the Official Plan policies for proposals to change the designation of lands in the “Urban Reserve – Industrial Growth” land use designation;

·                    the proposed amendments establish appropriate Official Plan and Zone lines between developable areas and Open Space;

·                    the proposed amendments are consistent with The London Plan policies for the Light Industrial Place Type; and,

·                    the proposed amendments are consistent with the Council-approved Industrial Land Development Strategy.    (2016-D09)


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert (3)


NAYS: T. Park (1)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert (3)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)



Property located at 806 Victoria Avenue


That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning & City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the following actions be taken with respect to the request for the demolition of a heritage listed property located at 806 Victoria Street:

a)            the Chief Building Official BE ADVISED that Municipal Council consents to the demolition of the former administration building; and,


b)            the property owners BE REQUESTED to make efforts to salvage all architectural materials for reuse;


it being noted that no individuals spoke at the public participation meeting associated with this matter.  (2016-P10D)


Motion Passed


YEAS: J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (3)


RECUSED: P. Squire (1)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (3)


RECUSED: P. Squire (1)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (3)


RECUSED: P. Squire (1)



Property located at 58 Sunningdale Road West (39T-16503/OZ-8637)


That the following actions be taken with respect to the application by Barvest Realty Inc., relating to the property located at 58 Sunningdale Road West:


a)            the application BE REFERRED to a future Planning and Environment Committee meeting  to provide an opportunity for further discussions between the applicant and the Civic Administration; and,


b)            pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN except to the members of the public in attendance at the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on November 14, 2016;


it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding this matter;


it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:


·                     the proposed red line revised draft plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;

·                     the proposed red line revised draft plan is consistent with the Planning Act;

·                     the proposed red line revised draft plan is consistent with the Sunningdale Area Plan and the Official Plan;

·                     the recommended Zoning By-law amendments encourage the development of plan of subdivision that includes an appropriate mix of low, medium and commercial uses that support pedestrian oriented development; and,

·                    the proposed red line revised draft plan and Zoning By-law amendment is consistent with the Council approved London Plan.  (2016-D09)



Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Voting Record:


Motion to open the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)


Motion to close the public participation meeting.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, P. Hubert, T. Park (4)











(ADDED) 11th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage


That the following actions be taken with respect to the 11th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage from its meeting held on November 9, 2016:


a)            on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the application under section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act to alter the building located at 421 Ridout Street North (Museum London), within the Downtown Heritage Conservation District, BE PERMITTED as described in the staff report dated November 9, 2016, SUBJECT TO the following terms and conditions:


i)          the Heritage Planner be circulated the applicant’s Building Permit application to verify compliance with the submitted design prior to issuance of the Building Permit; and,

ii)            the Heritage Alteration Permit be displayed in a location visible from the street until the work is completed;


            it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard a verbal presentation from B. Meehan, Executive Director, Museum London, with respect to this matter; it being further noted that J. Nicholson and G. Gallagher, Nicholson Sheffield Architects Inc., were in attendance in support of the application;


b)            the following actions be taken with respect to the request for the demolition of a heritage listed property located at 806 Victoria Street:


i)              the Chief Building Official BE ADVISED that the Municipal Council consents to the demolition of the former administration building; and,

ii)         the property owners BE REQUESTED to make efforts to salvage all architectural materials for reuse;


it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard verbal presentations from G. Minnall and R. Muscedere, on behalf of The Roman Catholic Diocese of London, with respect to this matter;


c)            the following actions be taken with respect to the Stewardship Sub-Committee:


i)          the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage has no objection to the rezoning of the properties located at 2497 to 2591 Bradley Avenue, SUBJECT TO the Ontario farmhouse known as "Tara", located at 2591 Bradley Avenue, being retained and reused for ancillary or office use; and,

ii)             it BE NOTED that the Stewardship Sub-Committee minutes from its meeting held on October 26, 2016, were received;


d)            the application under section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act to build a new front porch for the building located at 882 Lorne Avenue, within the Old East Heritage Conservation District, BE PERMITTED, SUBJECT TO the following terms and conditions:


i)              the final design of the porch and the material to be used in the upper deck be deferred to the Civic Administration and the applicant to mutually determine;

ii)         the owner be allowed to install three (3) columns instead of eight (8) columns;

iii)            the owner be required to use the original top, next and bottom of the original columns and new column shafts are to be cast of concrete and be the same height and diameter of the originals;

iv)           final updated drawing indicating material and construction for porch column piers along with revisions noted in parts a), b), and c) above, be provided to the Heritage Planner for approval prior to the issuance of the Building Permit;

v)            all exposed wood be painted; and,

vi)           the Heritage Alteration Permit be displayed in a location visible from the street until the work is completed;


it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard a verbal presentation from A. Rodie, applicant, with respect to this matter;


e)            the following actions be taken with respect to the Notice dated October 26, 2016, from J. Adema, Planner II, with respect to the application by MHBC Planning Ltd., relating to the properties located at 193 to 199 College Avenue:


i)             the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH is satisfied with the research in the Heritage Impact Assessment, dated August 4, 2016 prepared by MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC), for the properties located at 193 to 199 College Avenue;

ii)             the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH has no concerns with potential impacts on the subject property;

iii)            the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that LACH expressed concerns with potential impacts on neighbouring heritage properties and suggestions related to the following:


A)           the massing as the proposed building is bulky and intrusive on a small street;

B)           the scale of the proposed building;

C)           the setback of the proposed building;

D)           recommending a proposal that is more appropriate to the neighbourhood;

E)           suggesting the implementation of historic elements, heritage building design and materials such as the extensive use of red brick and stone highlights; and,

F)            encouraging a building design with particular emphasis on the Moore house; and,


iv)        the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH expressed concern with the impact on the property located at 189 College Avenue as it will be isolated;


f)             the following actions be taken with respect to the Notice dated October 26, 2016, from B. Turcotte, Senior Planner, relating to the application by Old Oak Properties, for the property located at 515 Richmond Street:


i)              the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH is satisfied with the research in the Heritage Impact Assessment, dated August, 2016 prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd., for the property located at 515 Richmond Street;

ii)         the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH has no concerns with potential impacts on the subject property; and,

iii)         the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the LACH has no concerns about the potential impact on adjacent heritage properties as the proposed development is in an area with a lot of commercial structures of various sizes, ages and architectural diversity and the proposed development fits in with the more diverse mix of buildings in the area;


it being noted that the LACH had difficulty reviewing the shadow study with the small images;


g)            clauses 1, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12, BE RECEIVED.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, T. Park (3)



(ADDED)  Intensification/Primary Transit Area


That Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to indicate in future reports on all planning applications for residential development (including Official Plan amendments, Zoning By-law amendments, plans of subdivision, and plans of vacant land condominium), as well as reports on residential building permit activity, whether the proposed/constructed residential units do or do not represent intensification (within the Built-area Boundary), and whether they are within or without the Primary Transit Area.


Motion Passed


YEAS: P. Squire, J. Helmer, T. Park (3)





The meeting adjourned at 9:16 PM.



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