Agenda Including AddedsCommunity and Protective Services Committee2nd Meeting of the Community and Protective Services CommitteeMonday, January 06, 2025 1:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.Council Chambers - Please check the City website for additional meeting detail information. The City of London is situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek (AUh-nish-in-ah-bek), Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-no-show-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Len-ah-pay-wuk) and Attawandaron (Add-a-won-da-run). We honour and respect the history, languages and culture of the diverse Indigenous people who call this territory home. The City of London is currently home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit today. As representatives of the people of the City of London, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and live in this territory.MembersCouncillors D. Ferreira (Chair), H. McAlister, J. Pribil, and S. Trosow The City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports for meetings upon request. To make a request specific to this meeting, please contact [email protected] or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425.1.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2.Consent 2.16th Report of the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee 1.2024-11-28 ACAC Report.pdf2.212th Report of the Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee 1.2024-12-04 - ESACAC Report.pdfa.(ADDED) DELEGATION - B. Samuels, Chair, Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee 1.2025-01-06 Sub. Delegtation Request - B. Samuels.pdf2.3End of Mortgage/End of Agreement Strategic Framework and Funding Model for Social Housing 1.2025-01-06 SR End of Mortgage End of Agreement Strategic Framework and Funding Model.pdf2.4End of Mortgage/End of Agreement Service Agreement Template 1.2025-01-06 SR End of Mortgage End of Agreement Service Agreement Template.pdf2.51958 Duluth Crescent, Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agreement with Wastell Developments Inc. 1.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Full.pdfa.(ADDED) REVISED STAFF REPORT 1.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Part 1.pdf2.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Part 2.pdf2.6Employment Services Case Management Implementation Update 1.2025-01-06 SR Employment Services Case Management Implementation Update.pdf3.Scheduled Items 4.Items for Direction 4.1Councillor H. McAlister - Dog Licensing and Control By-law PH-4 1.2025-01-06 Sub. Dog Licensing and Control By-law - H. McAlister.pdfa.S. Karchut - REQUEST FOR DELEGATION STATUS 1.2025-01-06 Sub. Dog Licensing and Control By-law - S. Karchut.pdf5.Deferred Matters/Additional Business 6.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024-11-28 ACAC Report.pdf1.2024-12-04 - ESACAC Report.pdf1.2025-01-06 SR End of Mortgage End of Agreement Strategic Framework and Funding Model.pdf1.2025-01-06 SR End of Mortgage End of Agreement Service Agreement Template.pdf1.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Full.pdf1.2025-01-06 Sub. Dog Licensing and Control By-law - H. McAlister.pdf1.2025-01-06 Sub. Dog Licensing and Control By-law - S. Karchut.pdf1.2025-01-06 SR Employment Services Case Management Implementation Update.pdf1.2025-01-06 Sub. Delegtation Request - B. Samuels.pdf1.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Part 1.pdf2.2025-01-06 SR 1958 Duluth Cres. Block 5 - Approval of Contribution Agmt - Part 2.pdf