That the following actions be taken with respect to the 1st Report of the Strategic Opportunities Review Working from its meeting held on June 26, 2024:
a) the following actions be taken with respect to the Community Grants - Neighbourhood Decision Making communication received from Deputy Mayor S. Lewis and Councillor S. Lehman dated June 14, 2024, as amended:
i) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to bring forward a Budget Amendment to the 2025 Annual Budget Update for the Mayor's consideration to reflect the following:
A) the London Community Grants, annual Grassroots, Innovation, and Capital Grants stream for the 2025, 2026, and 2027 years to be funded to a maximum of $250,000/year through the Community Investment Reserve Fund while the program is undergoing further review. It being noted that this funding is contingent on the Community Investment Reserve Fund having a minimum remaining balance as of December 31st of each year of at least $1M; and
ii) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to undertake a comprehensive review of the London Community Grants Program, including the multi-year stream and the Neighbourhood Decision Making Program and bring forward a report prior to the end of Q2, 2027 with options for consideration on rightsizing and scope of these programs; including the alignment or conflict of NDM with regard to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and new Parks Reserve Fund, should Council choose to reinitiate the programs for the 2028-2031 Multi-Year Budget;
iii) the delegation requests from N. Karsch, M. Cassidy, S. J. Taylor, R. Bloomfield and B. Samuels BE REFERRED to the July 18, 2024 meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee for consideration, it being noted that the City Clerk's Office will reach out to the requesters;
it being noted that the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group received communications from the following individuals with respect to this matter:
· N. Karsch, Director of Programs, London Environmental Network;
· M. Cassidy, CEO, Pillar Nonprofit Network;
· S. J. Taylor, Nonprofit Manager, Social Impact Consultant, MA, Candidate;
· R. Bloomfield;
· B. Samuels, Chair, Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee;
· Members of the Executive Committee, Orchard Park/Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association;
· C. Callandar, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels London;
· A. Heartsong;
· K. Ledgley, Executive Director, London Children's Museum;
· J. Stewart, Resident of London;
· M. A. Hodge, Climate Action London; and
· H. Rajani;
b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee about the suggestion to engage with KPMG LLP for the delivery of service review training for the City’s Agencies, Boards and Commissions, with the cost to be funded from the Efficiency, Effectiveness and Economy (EEE) Reserve;
c) the following actions be taken with respect to the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group's Annual Work Plan, as amended:
i) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the September meeting of the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group with respect to the London Police Services Reserve Fund on potential opportunities for the consideration of this working group, including potential changes to the associated by-law, as required;
ii) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the September meeting of the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group about the potential for partnerships in municipal golf;
iii) the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to attend the July 15, 2024 meeting of the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group to discuss the City's policy and general information related to venue naming rights with respect to any potential for revenue generation;
iv) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on the potential to license City facilities for the sale of alcohol as a revenue stream, including a list of potential facilities;
v) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back in the first quarter of 2025 with potential options for Council's consideration with respect to the Surplus Deficit Policy;
d) clause 4.4 BE RECEIVED;
it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard delegations from the following individuals:
A. Fleet, Executive Director, Growing Chefs! Ontario;
M. Cassidy, CEO, Pillar Nonprofit Network;
R. Bloomfield;
B. Samuels;
N. Karsch, Director of Programs, London Environmental Network;
L. Bowden;
L. Derikx, Interim Executive Director, London Environmental Network; and
K. Creighton, Director Sustainability and A. Robinson, Green Economy London Coordinator, London Environmental Network;
it being further noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received communications from the following individuals;
M. Rumas;
B. Stephenson;
A. Badillo, Executive Director and J. Horrell, President, Urban Roots London;
C. Walters, CEO, Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners
G. Henderson, CEO, London Chamber of Commerce;
M. Pridding;
Councillor C. Rahman and Deputy Mayor S. Lewis;
M. Romain;
W. Arnott, Interim Executive Director, Humane Society London & Middlesex;
B. Samuels, Chair, Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee