London Advisory Committee on Heritage


The 4th Meeting of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage
Committee Rooms #1 and #2
  • PRESENT:  D. Dudek (Chair), S. Bergman, M. Bloxam, L. Fischer, S. Gibson, T. Jenkins, S. Jory, J. Manness, E. Rath, M. Rice, K. Waud and M. Whalley and J. Bunn (Committee Clerk)
    ABSENT:     J. Dent
    ALSO PRESENT:  L. Dent, K. Gonyou, M. Greguol and L. Jones
    The meeting was called to order at 5:33 PM.

S. Bergman discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 3.3 of the 4th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage, having to do with a Notice of Planning Application - Zoning By-law Amendment - 1146-1156 Byron Baseline Road, by indicating that her employer is involved in this matter.

L. Jones discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 3.3 of the 4th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage, having to do with a Notice of Planning Application - Zoning By-law Amendment - 1146-1156 Byron Baseline Road, by indicating that her employer is involved in this matter.

  • That the Proposal to Host the 2022 Ontario Heritage Conference, as appended to the agenda, BE ENDORSED by the London Advisory Committee on Heritage; it being noted that a verbal delegation by W. Kinghorn, with respect to this matter, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 3rd Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage, from its meeting held on February 12, 2020, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Notice of Planning Application, dated February 19, 2020, from J. Lee, Planner I, with respect to an Official Plan Amendment related to a London Plan Housekeeping Amendment, was received.

  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the Notice of Planning Application, dated February 12, 2020, from C. Lowery, Planner II, related to a Zoning By-law Amendment with respect to the properties located at 1146-1156 Byron Baseline Road:

    a)     the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) is satisfied with the research, assessment and conclusions of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) included with the above-noted Notice of Planning Application, and is satisfied that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on adjacent cultural heritage resources; it being noted that the LACH supports the recommended mitigation measures outlined in the HIA; and,

    b)     the possibility of designating the property located at 1158 Byron Baseline Road, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, BE REFERRED to the Stewardship Sub-Committee for review.

  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the Notice of Planning Application, dated March 5, 2020, from C. Parker, Senior Planner, related to London Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments with respect to implementing additional residential unit requirements of the Planning Act city-wide:

    a)     the above-noted Notice of Planning Application BE REFERRED to the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee for review; and,

    b)     C. Parker, Senior Planner, BE INVITED to the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee meeting, when this matter is discussed, and to the following London Advisory Committee on Heritage meeting to provide further information and respond to questions.

  • That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, City Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the application under Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act seeking approval for a proposed park on the property located at 723 Lorne Avenue, located within the Old East Heritage Conservation District, BE PERMITTED with the following terms and conditions:

    •     the Heritage Planner be consulted on the restoration and installation details for the original school bell and aluminium lettering prior to installation;
    •     the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) be consulted on the cultural heritage interpretive sign to commemorate the former Lorne Avenue Public School prior to its production and installation; and,
    •     consideration be given to including more plant species identified in Table 5.1 of the Old East Heritage Conservation District Conservation Guidelines, as appended to the staff report dated March 11, 2020, in the planting plan for the Lorne Avenue Park;

    it being noted that the LACH strongly recommends the use of decorative metal fencing along the south end of Lorne Avenue Park;

    it being further noted that the attached presentation from K. Gonyou, Heritage Planner, with respect to this matter, was received.

  • That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and City Planner, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the properties located at 74 Wellington Road and 78 Wellington Road BE REMOVED from the Register of Cultural Heritage Resources; it being noted that the attached presentation from K. Gonyou, Heritage Planner, was received with respect to this matter.

  • That it BE NOTED that the attached submission from K. Gonyou, L. Dent and M. Greguol, Heritage Planners, with respect to various updates and events, was received.

The meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM.