That the following actions be taken with respect to the submission regarding revenue generating ideas from Councillor S. Franke:
a) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to forward the communication with respect to Local District Energy Systems for new subdivisions and the downtown core utilizing sewer heat exchange and renewable technologies as primary energy sources to London Hydro for their review and feedback, with a request to report back to the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group in Q4 of 2024; and
b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to investigate cost-saving opportunities in our tree sourcing, specifically looking at the financial cost and benefit of owning and operating or subcontracting a tree nursery and report back to the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group on the potential return on investment and long-term benefits in Q4 of 2025;
it being noted that the Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group received a communication date July 7, 2024 from Councillor S. Franke with respect to this matter;
it being further noted that the Civic Administration advised the working group of a planned review of tree sourcing in 2025.