Trees and Forests Advisory Committee


1st Meeting of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting - during the COVID-19 Emergency
  • PRESENT: A. Morrison (Chair), A. Cantell, M. Demand, A. Hames, J. Kogelheide, R. Mannella, and A.M. Valastro.

    ALSO PRESENT: A. Beaton, J. Bunn, D. MacRae, A. Pascual (Committee Clerk), K. Scherr, M. Schulthess, J.A. Spence, and B. Williamson.

    The meeting was called to order at 12:16 PM; it being noted that the following Members were in remote attendance: A. Cantell, M. Demand, A. Hames, J. Kogelheide, R. Mannella, A. Morrison, and A.M. Valastro.

  • That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee elected A. Morrison and M. Demand as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, until the end of the current term.

  • That it BE NOTED that the 2nd Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on February 26, 2020, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Municipal Council Resolution, from its meeting held on March 24, 2020, with respect to the 2nd Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee, was received.

  • That the following actions be taken with respect to the Notice of Planning Application, dated February 10, 2021, from S. Meksula, Senior Planner, related to a Draft Plan of Subdivision Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment for the properties located at 14 Gideon Drive and 2012 Oxford Street West:

    a)      the above-noted Notice BE DEFERRED to the next Trees and Forests Advisory Committee (TFAC) meeting; and,

    b)      S. Meksula, Senior Planner or delegate, BE INVITED to attend the next TFAC meeting, to give clarification and provide additional details on the above-noted Notice.

  • That it BE NOTED that the staff report dated February 8, 2021, from K. Scherr, Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, and the presentation dated February 24, 2021, from J.A. Spence, Manager, Transportation, Roadside and Forestry Operations, with respect to the 2021 European Gypsy Moth (EGM) Proposed Management Plan, were received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Respectful Workplace Policy document, as appended to the agenda, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee held a general discussion with respect to the TFAC Terms of Reference document, as appended to the agenda.

  • That it BE NOTED that the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee held a general discussion with respect to the ongoing Advisory Committee Review; it being noted that a verbal update from M. Schulthess, Deputy City Clerk, with respect to this matter, was received.

  • That it BE NOTED that the verbal presentation from K. Scherr, Managing Director, Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer and D. MacRae, Director, Roads and Transportation, with respect to the Service Area Work Plan for 2021, was received. 

  • The meeting adjourned at 2:19 PM.