That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken:
a) the staff report dated August 15, 2024, providing a summary of progress and policy implications and opportunities pertaining to the Climate Emergency Action Plan as well as the appended 2023 Climate Emergency Action Plan Progress Report as Appendix “A” BE RECEIVED for information;
b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back as part of the Climate Emergency Action Plan Update Report in January 2025 on revised timelines and completion dates for the actions that have been delayed or are under review including the rationale and potential impacts;
c) the provincially required 2024-2028 Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan, as appended to the staff report within Appendix “B”, BE APPROVED; and
d) the Mayor BE REQUESTED to engage with the Minister of Energy to discuss London’s efforts on the Climate Emergency Action Plan and how provincial energy policies are impacting London’s ability to achieve our climate targets.
it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a presentation from the Director, Climate Change, Environment & Waste Management and received a communication dated August 12, 2024 from B. Samuels and a communication dated August 13, 2024 from M. A. Hodge, Climate Action London with respect to this matter.