That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Social and Health Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated August 12, 2024, related to an Amendment to the Single Source Procurement SS-2024-189 for the Dearness Home PointClickCare.Com Master Service Agreement:
a) the amendment of the Master Service Agreement and Schedule of Exceptions to MSA (“MSA”), as appended to the above-noted staff report, as Schedule 1, Single Source contract file number SS-2024-189 with Pointclickcare Technologies Inc., BE APPROVED to include the PCC Nursing Advantage – Clinical Pathways module, and Dedicated Training Environment with the additional costs of $19,079.88 annually (total annual contract value of $65,269.62) plus a one time set up fee of $1,000;
b) the approval given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into formal contracts to include the Nursing Advantage – Clinical Pathways module as appended to the above-noted staff report as Schedule 2, Dedicated Training Environment as appended as Schedule 3, RNAO’s Clinical Pathway License Agreement as appended as Schedule 4 and Nquire Data System Usage Agreement for Non-BPSOS as attached as Schedule 5;
c) the proposed by-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting of August 27, 2024, to:
i) approve the amendment of the Master Service Agreement and Schedule of Exceptions to MSA (“MSA”), Single Source contract file number SS-2024-189, between PointClickCare Technologies Inc. (PCC Technologies”) and The Corporation of the City of London, to include the PCC Nursing Advantage – Clinical Pathways module, Dedicated Training Environment and related services fees as appended to the above-noted by-law;
ii) approve the RNAO Clinical Pathway License Agreement and Nquire Data System Usage Agreement for Non-BPSOS, as appended to the above-noted by-law, between RNAO, 4211 Yonge Street, North York, Ontario, M2P 2A9 and The Corporation of the City of London;
iii) delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Social and Health Development and/or the City Manager, to:
A) represent the City (City Representative) with respect to the above-noted MSA and RNAO proprietary agreements;
B) execute the above-noted agreement on behalf of the City of London;
C) approve and execute the amending agreements, additional terms to the MSA and the RNAO proprietary agreements that are consistent with the requirements contained in the PointClickCare MSA and that do not require additional City of London funding or are provided for in the City’s current budget and do not increase the indebtedness or contingent liabilities of the City and in accordance with the City’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy; and,
iv) delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Social and Health Development and the Dearness Home Administrator to approve and execute other documents which are necessary in relation to the MSA, RNAO proprietary agreements and any future Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care projects that utilize the PCC software that are consistent with the requirements contained in the PointClickCare MSA and that do not require additional City of London funding or are provided for in the City’s current budget and do not increase the indebtedness or contingent liabilities of the City and in accordance with the City’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy;
d) the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all administrative acts which are necessary in relation to this contract and any future Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care projects that utilize the PCC software. (2024-A03)