


Community and Protective Services Committee


meeting held on May 6, 2013, commencing at 7:02 PM, in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, London City Hall. 


PRESENT:  Councillor D. Brown (Chair), Councillors B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler, J.P. Bryant and H.L. Usher and B. Westlake-Power (Secretary). 


ALSO PRESENT:  B. Coxhead, S. Daters-Baer, O. Katolyk, J. Kobarda, P. Kokkoros, L. Livingstone, M. Riberia and C. Smith. 







That it BE NOTED that Councillor J.P. Bryant disclosed a pecuniary interest in clause 5 of this Report, having to do with the 5th Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee, as it relates to the recommendation related to the Residential Rental Unit Licensing By-law, by indicating that she owns a rental unit.






4th Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That the 4th Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on April 18, 2013, BE RECEIVED.


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler, J.P. Bryant and H.L. Usher (5)



No. 7 Fire Station Relocation Project No. F07-PP1089 Tender No. 13-51


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Corporate Services and City Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and the Fire Chief, the following actions be taken with respect to the No. 7 Fire Station Relocation Project No. F07-PP1089 (Tender No. 13-51):


a)         the bid submitted by Graceview Enterprises Inc., 50432 Yorke Line, RR1, Belmont, Ontario N0L 1B0, at its tendered price of $1,824,000.00 (HST excluded) for No. 7 Fire Station Relocation, BE ACCEPTED; it being pointed out that the bid submitted by Graceview Enterprises Inc. was the lowest bid received and meets the City’s specifications and requirements in all areas;


b)         the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report attached to the staff report dated May 6, 2013;


c)         the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts which are necessary in connection with this project;


d)         the approval given herein BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract with the contractor for the work; and


e)         the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations.  (2013-L04A)


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler, J.P. Bryant and H.L. Usher (5)



Fence By-law Amendments


Recommendation:  That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Development and Compliance Services & Chief Building Official, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated May 6, 2013 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting of May 14, 2013, to amend the Fence By-law, PS-6, to for the purpose of addressing public safety.  (2013-C01)


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler and H.L. Usher (4)


Nays: J.P. Bryant (1)











5th Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee


Recommendation:  That the following actions be taken with respect to the 5th Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee (LHAC), from its meeting held on April 10, 2013:


a)         on the recommendation of the LHAC, the Municipal Council BE ADVISED that the LHAC expressed its support for the administration and enforcement of the Residential Rental Units Licensing By-law, with a focus on addressing substandard housing conditions proactively, protecting amenities, character and stability of residential areas and ensuring compliance with the Fire Protection and Promotion Act; and,


b)         clauses 2 to 5 BE RECEIVED.


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler and H.L. Usher (4)


Recused: J.P. Bryant (1)



Request for Delegation Status - Guaranteed Designs


Recommendation:  That the following actions be taken with respect to the request for delegation status from S. Charles, Guaranteed Designs to request an amendment to the Sign and Canopy By-law related to the property located at 1064 Western Road:


a)            the request for delegation status BE NOTED AND FILED; it being noted that a new sign by-law is scheduled to be brought forward at a future meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee and public comments will be received at that time; and,


b)            the additional correspondence from M. Shahabi, with respect to this matter BE RECEIVED.


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler, J.P. Bryant and H.L. Usher (5)



Request for Delegation Status – Youth Create Healthy Communities


Recommendation: That the following actions be taken with respect to the request for delegation status from Youth Create Healthy Communities, related to a proposed student bus pass subsidy from the City of London:


a)            the request for delegation status BE NOTED AND FILED; and,


b)            the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to arrange a meeting with the local Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, as soon as possible, in for the matter of income redistribution to be further discussed in order to facilitate a program such as the one proposed above. 


Yeas:  D. Brown, B. Armstrong, J.L. Baechler, J.P. Bryant and H.L. Usher (5)










The meeting adjourned at 7:49 PM.