That the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to undertake the following actions regarding the Community Advisory Committees (CACs):
a) the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference BE AMENDED to align with the Accessibility, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression (ARAO) staff resources and Action Plans, specifically with the Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor;
b) in consultation with the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee and Community Advisory Committee on Planning, the Terms of Reference for CACs BE AMENDED to specify a maximum of eleven (11) voting members and to require a youth representative as part of their membership;
c) in response to the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee’s (DIACAC) request, DIACAC’s operations BE PAUSED while a review of its Terms of Reference is undertaken by the City Clerk, in consultation with the Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression division and the Human Rights division, with a report on findings to be provided to the Manager of Labour Relations by Q3 2025;
d) the Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee BE DISSOLVED effective April 2025, and update the Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee’s terms of reference to include: responsibilities related to the welfare of animals in the community;
e) the Ecological Community Advisory Committee BE DISSOLVED effective April 2025, and an Ecological Reference Group BE ESTABLISHED by Q2 2025 to provide technical advice on matters related to the City of London’s Official Plan, including the management of natural heritage systems, Environmentally Significant Areas, woodlands, and stream corridors;
f) the Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee (ITCAC) BE DISSOLVED effective April 2025, and a Mobility and Transportation Working Group be established by Q3 2025 tasked with providing advice to the Civic Administration on the implementation of the Master Mobility Plan, with representation from residents, the London Transit Commission, and other transportation partners. The working group shall meet at least three times annually, with an annual progress report to be presented to the Infrastructure and Corporate Services Committee (ICSC);
g) a by-law BE FORWARDED to a future meeting of the Municipal Council to amend the General Policy for Community Advisory Committees to:
i) align the Policy with the newly structured Council standing committees;
ii) require that an annual workplan, aligned with the City’s Strategic Plan, be approved by the respective parent standing committee and that the workplan status be provided to the parent standing committee on a quarterly basis;
iii) align the Policy with the updated Terms of Reference; and
iv) reflect the removal of the requirement to process applications to CACs through the Striking Committee to align with recent amendments to the Council Procedure By-law;
it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received communications from the following with respect to this matter:
• a communication dated November 6, 2024 from Councillor C. Rahman and Deputy Mayor S. Lewis;
• a communication dated November 15, 2024 from S. Levin, Chair, Ecological Community Advisory Committee;
• a communication dated November 18, 2024 from B. Samuels, Chair, Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee;
it being further noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a verbal delegation from B. Samuels, Chair, Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee with respect to this matter.