

14th Meeting of City Council
2021 Meeting - Virtual Meeting during the COVID-19 Emergency
Please check the City website for current details of COVID-19 service impacts.
Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City website
  • Mayor E. Holder,
  • M. van Holst,
  • S. Lewis,
  • M. Salih,
  • J. Helmer,
  • M. Cassidy,
  • J. Morgan,
  • S. Lehman,
  • A. Hopkins,
  • P. Van Meerbergen,
  • S. Turner,
  • E. Peloza,
  • and S. Hillier
Also Present:
  • M. Ribera, M. Schulthess, B. Westlake-Power 
    Remote Attendance: L. Livingstone, A. Barbon, M. Butlin, B. Card, S. Corman, J. Davison, K. Dickins, G. Kotsifas, B. O’Hagan, J. Raycroft, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, M. Schulthess, C. Smith, B. Somers, A. Thompson, B. Warner
    The meeting is called to order at 4:00 PM; it being noted that the following were in remote attendance: Councillors M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, P. Van Meerbergen, E. Peloza and S. Hillier.

Councillor J. Morgan discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 8 of the 14th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with appointments to Western University’s Board of Governors, by indicating that he is employed by Western University.  Councillor J. Morgan further discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 4 of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee, having to do with appointments to the Council Compensation Review Task Force, by indicating that one of the appointees is his supervisor at his employment.  

Councillor J. Helmer discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 8 of the 14th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, having to do with appointments to Western University’s Board of Governors, by indicating that he is employed by Western University. Councillor J. Helmer further discloses a pecuniary interest in Item 4 of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee, having to do with appointments to the Council Compensation Review Task Force, by indicating that one of the appointees is his supervisor at his employment.  



  • Motion made by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:P. Van Meerbergen

    That pursuant to section 6.4 of the Council Procedure By-law, a change in the order of the Council Agenda BE APPROVED to provide for Stage 4, Council, In Closed Session, and Stage 9, Added Reports, to be considered after Stage 13, By-laws. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:S. Hillier

    That the Minutes of the 13th Meeting held on October 5, 2021, BE APPROVED.  

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the communications , as noted on the Added Agenda, BE RECEIVED and BE REFERRED as follows:

    6.1     Filling of Vacancies on Municipal Council - refer to Item 5 (4.1) of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee;

    6.2     Council Vacancy - Ward 6 - refer to Item 6 (5.1) of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee;

    6.3     Masonville (Final) Secondary Plan (O-8991) - refer to Item 13(3.5) of the 15th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That Items 1 to 3 of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee BE APPROVED.  

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That it BE NOTED that Councillor J. Morgan disclosed a pecuniary interest in item 2.1, having to do with the Council Compensation Review Task Force, by indicated that one of candidates is his direct supervisor at his place of employment, Western University. 

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That on the recommendation of the City Clerk, the following action be taken with respect to various By-law amendments to implement organizational structure changes:

    a)    the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021 as Appendix “A”, being “A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7922-3, entitled “A by-law to approve a Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services Funding Agreement Template; and to authorize the Managing Director, Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, or in their absence the Manager IV Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, to approve and execute agreements using the Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services Agreement Template” to reflect the current organizational structure”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021;

    b)    the proposed by-law  as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021 as Appendix “B”, being “A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-6945-139, being “A by-law to establish the Child Care and Early Childhood Development Reserve Fund” to reflect the current organizational structure”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; 

    c)    the proposed by-law  as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021 as Appendix “C”, being “A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7100-150, as amended, being “A by-law to approve Service Contracts/Agreements, Schedules, and Amendments with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario with respect to Social Services; and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute these Contracts/Agreements” to reflect the current organizational structure”, BE INTRODUCED as the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; 
    d)    the proposed by-law  as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021 as Appendix “D”, being “A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7551-146, being “A By-law to approve the Contribution Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Federal Minister of Health through the Public Health Agency of Canada; and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement” to reflect the current organizational structure”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; and,

    e)    the proposed by-law  as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021 as Appendix “E”, being “A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7253-138, being “A by-law to approve and adopt the standard form Children’s Services Wage Enhancement Grant Agreement and to delegate authority to the Managing Director, Neighbourhood Children and Fire Services as Administrator, Day Nurseries Act to insert information, amend the Schedules and execute agreements which employ this form” to reflect the current organizational structure, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That the communication dated September 20, 2021 from Councillor A. Hopkins regarding the Report on 2021 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Annual Conference virtual meeting held on August 15 - 18, 2021 BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That, on the recommendation of the City Clerk, the appointment of following individuals to the 2021 Council Compensation Review Task Force BE RATIFIED:

    a)    Dan Ross
    b)    Joe Lyons
    c)    Christene Scrimgeour
    d)    Jeff Tudhope
    e)    Don Bryant

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Recuse: (2)J. Helmer, and J. Morgan

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)

At 4:28 PM, His Worship the Mayor places Councillor J. Morgan in the Chair. 

At 4:30 PM, His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair.  

  • Motion made by:M. van Holst

    That the following actions be taken with respect to filling the vacancy of the Office of Ward 13:

    a)    John Fyfe-Millar BE APPOINTED to the Office of Ward 13 for the term commencing October 26, 2021 and ending November 15, 2022 , pursuant to section 263(1)(a) of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    b)    the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to confirm the consent of John Fyfe-Millar to be appointed to the Office of Ward 13 and to confirm the individual’s eligibility to hold the Office of Ward 13, as set out in the Municipal Act, 2001;

    c)    subject to the confirmation of the matters set out in b) above, the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary by-law to appoint John-Fyfe Millar to the Office of Ward 13, in accordance with term set out in a) above, to be introduced at the Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; and,

    d)    the report dated October 12, 2021, entitled “Filling Vacancies on Municipal Council”, BE RECEIVED; 
    it being noted that the Corporate Services Committee received communications from the following individuals with respect to this matter:

    a communication dated September 22, 2021 from P. Cullimore
    a communication dated September 23, 2021 from H. D. Chapman
    a communication from A. Parekh, Co-Founder and CEO and A. Power, Co-Founder and CMO, Frontline Medical Technologies Inc.
    a communication dated October 4, 2021 from B. Lowe
    a communication dated October 4, 2021 from S. Holland
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from J. Hall
    a communication dated October 4, 2021 from G. Edwards
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from J. Fontana
    a communication from G. Avola, President, Signature Graphics (London) Inc.
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from C. Miller
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from J. Pease
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from J. Winston
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from D. Brown
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from C. Dejaegher and J. Smeltzer, Owner/Operator, Kosmos Eatery and Catering
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from C. Lyons, Owner, Chris' Country Cuts, Covent Garden Market
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from P. Van Geffen
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from F. Haller
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. Duby, Owner, gNosh Restaurant
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from N. Niro
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from C. Hopper, President, London's Source for Sports
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from S. Thomas, Pastor, Founder and CEO, W.E.A.N Community Centre
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from B. McArthur
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from T. de Langley
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from M. Smith, Toboggan Brewing, Fellini Koolini's, The Runt Club, Joe Kool's
    a communication dated October 8, 2021 from M. Walker
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from K and D. Bice
    a communication dated October 6, 2021 from D. Lewis and A. Dodge
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from D. Gilmore
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from P. Sandor, President, London Downtown Community Association
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Wilton
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from N. N. Sproule
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from L. Lowe
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from W. Flintoff
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from B. Whitlock
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from S. Laidlaw, To Wheels Bicycles
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from M. Fitzgerald
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from S. Sproule
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from M. Schmidt
    a communication dated October 5, 2021 from M. M. Lerner, Lerner Lawyers
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from S. D. rooks and W. J. Smith
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from P. Fedkowicz
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from T. Butt
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Rice
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Hunter
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. F. Macoun, President and Chief Operating Officer, Canada Life
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from D. Schmidt
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from P. Cuddy, TVDSB Trustee
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from P. Crawford
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from W. Dunn
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Kelsey and J. Broeze
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. Rother
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from B. Lansink, Lansink Appraisals and Consulting 
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Seguin
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from D. Imeson and T. Bitz
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from A. Richardson
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from B. Lucier, President, Provincial Glass and Mirror Ltd
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from L. Taylor
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from G. Danner
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from N. and F. Stevens
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. Pribil, Marienbad Restaurant and Chaucer's Pub
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. Wilcox, Owner, Jill's Table
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from J. McCall
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from B. C. Gibson
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from C. Talbot
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from K. Smith
    a communication dated October 7, 2021 from M. Perzia.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:M. Cassidy

    That Item 4.1 of the 17th Report of the Corporate Services Committee related to the filling of the vacancy of the Office of Ward 13 BE REFERRED to a special Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee meeting for further discussion.

    Yeas: (6)M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and E. Peloza
    Nays: (7)M. van Holst, J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Failed (6 to 7)
  • Motion made by:M. van Holst

    The motion to approve parts a), b) and c) IS PUT. 

    That the following actions be taken with respect to filling the vacancy of the Office of Ward 13:

    a)    John Fyfe-Millar BE APPOINTED to the Office of Ward 13 for the term commencing October 26, 2021 and ending November 15, 2022 , pursuant to section 263(1)(a) of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    b)    the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to confirm the consent of John Fyfe-Millar to be appointed to the Office of Ward 13 and to confirm the individual’s eligibility to hold the Office of Ward 13, as set out in the Municipal Act, 2001;

    c)    subject to the confirmation of the matters set out in b) above, the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary by-law to appoint John-Fyfe Millar to the Office of Ward 13, in accordance with term set out in a) above, to be introduced at the Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; and,

    Yeas: (7)M. van Holst, J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (6)M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and E. Peloza

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (7 to 6)
  • Motion made by:M. van Holst

    The motion to approve part d) IS PUT. 

    d)    the report dated October 12, 2021, entitled “Filling Vacancies on Municipal Council”, BE RECEIVED; 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

At 5:29 PM, His Worship the Mayor places Councillor J. Morgan in the Chair. 

At 5:31 PM, His Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair. 

  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the office of the Ward 6 Councillor:

    a)    the Office of Councillor Ward 6 BE DECLARED vacant; based on the information provided from P. Squire, with respect to his ineligibility to hold municipal office; and

    b)    the matter of determining the means to fill the vacancy of the Ward 6 Council seat, BE REFERRED to Council for consideration at the meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; 

    it being noted that the attached report from the City Clerk, was received by the Corporate Services Committee. 

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

  • Motion made by:J. Helmer
    Seconded by:M. Cassidy

    That part b) BE AMENDED to read as follows:

    b)    the vacancy of the Office of Ward 6 BE FILLED through an application process in keeping with the proposed application process as outlined in Appendix “A”, as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021, subject to the following additional requirements being set out in the process: 
    i)    a brief written statement (no more than 250 words) on why they would like to serve for the remainder of the term as the Ward 6 Councillor;
    ii)    a brief written statement (no more than 250 words) on their experience and qualifications;
    iii)    a brief answer to the question: “Do you intend to seek election to the same council seat in the 2022 election?”; it being noted that Municipal Council cannot prevent a person who is eligible from seeking election to Municipal Council, regardless of the statement provided; and,
    iv)    other such information the City Clerk or designate considers necessary;

    c)     filling the Ward 6 vacancy BE CONSIDERED at Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee;

    it being noted that it will be necessary to expedite the process due to the associated requirements of the Municipal Act.

    Yeas: (12)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, and S. Lehman
    Nays: (1)Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (12 to 1)
  • Motion made by:M. Cassidy
    Seconded by:S. Lewis

    That the main motion, as amended, BE APPROVED. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

    Clause 5.1, as amended, reads as follows:

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the office of the Ward 6 Councillor:

    a)    the Office of Councillor Ward 6 BE DECLARED vacant; based on the information provided from P. Squire, with respect to his ineligibility to hold municipal office; and

    b)    the vacancy of the Office of Ward 6 BE FILLED through an application process in keeping with the proposed application process as outlined in Appendix “A”, as appended to the staff report dated October 12, 2021, subject to the following additional requirements being set out in the process: 

    i)    a brief written statement (no more than 250 words) on why they would like to serve for the remainder of the term as the Ward 6 Councillor;
    ii)    a brief written statement (no more than 250 words) on their experience and qualifications;
    iii)    a brief answer to the question: “Do you intend to seek election to the same council seat in the 2022 election?”; it being noted that Municipal Council cannot prevent a person who is eligible from seeking election to Municipal Council, regardless of the statement provided; and,
    iv)    other such information the City Clerk or designate considers necessary;

    c)     filling the Ward 6 vacancy BE CONSIDERED at Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee; it being noted that it will be necessary to expedite the process due to the associated requirements of the Municipal Act;

    it being noted that the attached report from the City Clerk, was received by the Corporate Services Committee. 

  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That the 13th Report of the Civic Works Committee BE APPROVED, excluding Item 6(4.1). 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 8th Report of the Cycling Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 15, 2021:

    a)       J. Roberts, Chair, BE REQUESTED to prepare a report to compile the comments of the Cycling Advisory Committee (CAC) related to the Dundas Place Traffic Diversion;

    b)       J. Roberts, Chair, BE REQUESTED to submit the above-noted report, on behalf of the CAC, to Civic Administration for their consideration; and,

    c)    clauses 1.1, 2.1 to 2.4, and 4.1 BE RECEIVED.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 8th Report of the Transportation Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 28, 2021:

    a)        the Advisory Committee Pilots - Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Comparison Document BE REFERRED to the Sub-Committee for finalization and a report back to the next meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee; and,

    b)        clauses 1.1 and 2.1 to 2.4 BE RECEIVED.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 13, 2021, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021, to amend By-law PS-113 entitled, “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London”. (2021-T02/T08)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report dated October 13, 2021, related to the Non-Repayable Contribution Agreement with Canada for the installation of fleet electric vehicle charging stations:

    a)        the information on Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) BE RECEIVED for information;

    b)        the proposed by-law, as appended to the above-noted staff report, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021, to approve the Contribution Agreement with Canada for the purpose of installing Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure owned by The Corporation of the City of London for use for Fleet vehicles and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to act on behalf the City of London and execute the Agreement; and,

    c)        the Director of Fleet and Facilities and the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Solid Waste BE DELEGATED as the Duly Authorized Officers to approve reimbursement claims to be submitted to Natural Resources Canada to receive approved funding as identified in Schedule “C” of the agreement as appended to the above-noted staff report. (2021-F11)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That the Civic Works Committee Deferred Matters List as at October 4, 2021, BE RECEIVED.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza

    That the following actions be taken with respect to 100 Stanley Street:

    a)        the communication from J. O’Neill and B. McQuaid and the presentation from K. McKeating, with respect to this matter, BE RECEIVED; and,

    b)        the above-noted communication and presentation BE FORWARDED to Civic Administration for consideration. (2021-R01)

    Yeas: (12)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (1)P. Van Meerbergen

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (12 to 1)
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the 15th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee BE APPROVED. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed. 

  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the 6th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 23, 2021, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 7th Report of the Trees and Forests Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 22, 2021:

    a)    the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to make the Urban Forest Strategy and Tree Plating Strategy documents publicly available on the City of London website instead of being available by request, for transparency and to facilitate better public understanding; it being noted that the document as appended to the agenda, with respect to Plant More: Tree Planting Strategy 2017-2021, was received; and,

    b)    clauses 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the 8th Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment, from its meeting held on October 6, 2021, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, based on the application by Corlon Properties Inc., relating to the property located at 600 Sunningdale Road West, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM Holding Residential Special Provision R1 (h*h-18*R1-9) Zone TO Residential Special Provision R1 (R1-9) Zone to remove the h and h-18 holding provisions. (2021-D09)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to entering into a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Townline Orchard Property Limited, for the subdivision of land over Con BF Pt Lot 50, situated on the east side of Westdel Bourne, at the midway point south of Oxford Street West and north of Byron Baseline Road, municipally known as 1478 Westdel Bourne:

    a)    the Special Provisions, to be contained in a Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Townline Orchard Property Limited, for the Wagner Subdivision, Phase 1 (39T-20503) appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “A”, BE APPROVED;

    b)    the Applicant BE ADVISED that Development Finance has summarized the claims and revenues appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “B”;

    c)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “C”; and,

    d)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute this Agreement, any amending agreements and all documents required to fulfill its conditions. (2021-D12)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the Environmental Management Guidelines (2021) appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix ‘D’, BE CIRCULATED for public review and comment in advance of a Public Participation Meeting to be held at a future date; it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a staff presentation with respect to these matters. (2021-D03)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, with respect to the housekeeping amendment to Council-approved Secondary Plans, the draft changes appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “A” BE RECEIVED for information and BE CIRCULATED to stakeholders and the general public for comments; it being noted that an Official Plan Amendment to amend the Secondary Plans will be considered at a future public participation meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee. (2021-D08)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, with respect to the application by Edmar Land Ltd., relating to the property located at 415 Oxford Street West, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend The London Plan by ADDING a new policy to the Specific Policies of the Neighbourhoods Place Type that would permit building heights up to 8 storeys (12 with bonus) within 150 m of Oxford Street West and buildings up to 4 storeys beyond 150 m from Oxford Street West and by ADDING the subject lands to Map 7 – Specific Policy Areas – of The London Plan; it being noted that The London Plan amendments will come into full force and effect concurrently with Map 7 of The London Plan;
    it being pointed out that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication dated October 14, 2021, from A.M. Valastro, by email, with respect to these matters;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2020, that encourages higher density residential development within transit supportive areas. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the in-force policies of The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions, the Green Space Place Type, the Rapid Transit Corridor, and the Specific Policy Areas criteria of the Our Tools Section; and,
    •    the recommended amendment conforms with the 1989 Official Plan, including permitting higher density development along transit corridors, encouraging diverse housing types, and the criteria for special area policies. (2021-D09)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins


    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning & Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of One Commissioners Road Inc., relating to the property located at 1 Commissioners Road East: 

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 (Appendix “A") BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend the Official Plan for the City of London (1989) to ADD a policy to Section 10.1.3 – “Policies for Specific Areas” to permit two, 8-storey mixed-use buildings with a total of 157 residential units and 826m2 of commercial space resulting in a maximum density of 233 uph on site to align the 1989 Official Plan policies with the Urban Corridor Place Type policies of The London Plan;

    b)    the proposed attached, revised, by-law as Appendix "B BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan as amended in part a) above), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Office Special Provision (OF5(2)) Zone TO a Business District Commercial Special Provision Bonus (BDC(  )*B-(  )) Zone;

    it being noted that the Bonus Zone shall be implemented through one or more agreements to facilitate the development of two high quality mixed-use commercial/ residential buildings with a maximum density of 233 units per hectare and a maximum height of 30.5 metres (8-storeys) which substantially implements the Site Plan and Elevations attached as Schedule “1” to the amending by-law in return for the following facilities, services and matters:

    1.    Exceptional Building Design

    the building design shown in the various illustrations contained in Schedule “1” of the amending by-law is being bonused for features which serve to support the City’s objectives of promoting a high standard of design;

    i)    the inclusion of a height element at the corner of Commissioners Road W and Wharncliffe Road S, along with providing a well-defined built edge at street level along both Commissioners Road W and Wharncliffe Road South;
    ii)    well-defined principal entrances to all of the commercial and residential units along Commissioners Road West; 
    iii)    a variety of building materials and articulation break up the massing of the buildings; and,
    iv)    purpose-designed amenity space on top of the roof of the structured/covered parking entrance approximately 112.0m2(1,200 sq. ft.);

    2.    Underground parking

    3.    Provision of Affordable Housing

    the provision of 7 affordable housing units which will include 4, one-bedroom units and 3, two bedroom units all within the first 8-storey mixed-use building to be constructed.  The affordable housing units shall be established by agreement at 80% of average market rent for a period of 50 years.  An agreement shall be entered into with The Corporation of The City of London, to secure those units for this 50 year term and the term of the contribution agreement will begin upon the initial occupancy of the last subject bonused affordable unit on the subject site. The Proponent shall be required to enter into a Tenant Placement Agreement with the City of London;

    c)    pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN in respect of the proposed by-law as the recommended zoning implements the same range of uses for which public notification has been given albeit at a lower intensity;
    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received and reviewed the following communications with respect to these matters:

    •    the revised recommendation and by-law;
    •    the staff presentation;
    •    a communication dated October 14, 2021 from C. Linton, Norquay Highland Ridge Properties Ltd.;
    •    a communication dated October 14, 2021 from . Homes, CEO, Larlyn Property Management Ltd.; and,
    •    a communication dated October 15, 2021from C. Johnson, Managing Partner, AutoPoint Group;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the PPS, 2020, which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the in-force policies of The London Plan including, but not limited to, the Urban Corridor Place Type policies. It also conforms with the in-force policies but not limited to the Key Directions, Homelessness Prevention and Housing policies, and City Design policies;
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of an underutilized property and encourages an appropriate form of development;
    •    the proposal for a mixed-use development with 826m2 of commercial and 157 residential units is consistent with the planned function of the Urban Corridor Place Type;
    •    the recommended amendment meets the criteria for specific area policies in the 1989 Official Plan;
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of affordable housing units that will help in addressing the growing need for affordable housing in London. The recommended amendment is in alignment with the Housing Stability Action Plan 2019-2024 and Strategic Area of Focus 2: Create More Housing Stock; and,
    •    the recommended bonus zone for the subject site will provide public benefits that include affordable housing units, barrier-free and accessible design, transit supportive development, underground parking and a quality design standard to be implemented through a subsequent site plan application. (2021-D09)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by 2515060 & 2539427 Ontario Inc., relating to the property located at 14 Gideon Drive and 2012 Oxford Street West:

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021, to amend the 1989 Official Plan to change the designation on Schedule “A” - Land Use FROM “Low Density Residential” TO “Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential” for Block 37 on the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision;

    b)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix "B" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Urban Reserve UR1 Zone TO  a Holding Residential (h*h-65*h-100*R1-2) Zone, a Holding Residential Special Provision (h*h-65*h-100*R6-5(  )/R8-4(  )) Zone, Open Space (OS1) and an Open Space (OS5) Zone;

    c)    the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that the following issues were raised at the public meeting with respect to the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision of 2515060 & 2539427 Ontario Inc. relating to the property located at 14 Gideon Drive and 2012 Oxford Street West:

    i)    potential impacts on the quality of residents' well water;
    ii)    negative impacts to the water table;
    iii)    loss of privacy;
    iv)    lack of a buffer such as a fence or a privacy wall;
    v)    increase in traffic;
    vi)    increase in accidents and only one entrance for residents and emergency services;
    vii)    noise impacts;
    viii)    lack of public transit;
    ix)    no consideration given to a new police and fire station; and,
    x)    loss of habitat for wildlife;

    d)    the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that the Municipal Council supports issuing draft approval of the proposed plan of residential subdivision, submitted by 2515060 & 2539427 Ontario Inc., (File No. 39T-21501), prepared by Stantec, Project No. 161413678, dated November 8, 2019, which shows 36 single detached lots (Lots 1-36); one (1) medium density residential block (Block 37); one (1) walkway block (Block 38); one (1) open space block (Block 39); two (2) road widening blocks (Blocks 40 and 41); three (3) reserve blocks (Blocks 42, 43 and 44); and two (2) new local streets (Street A and Street B), SUBJECT TO the conditions contained in the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “C”;
    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received and reviewed the staff presentation with respect to these matters;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the proposed and recommended amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 which promotes a compact form of development in strategic locations to minimize land consumption and servicing costs, provide for and accommodate an appropriate affordable and market-based range and mix of housing type and densities to meet the projected requirements of current and future residents;
    •    the proposed and recommended amendments conform to the in-force policies of The London Plan, including but not limited to Our Strategy, Our City and the Key Directions, as well as conforming to the policies of the Neighbourhoods and Environmental Review Place Type;
    •    the proposed and recommended amendments conform to the in-force policies of the 1989 Official Plan, including but not limited to the Low-Density Residential designation, the Multi-Family Medium Density Residential designation, and the Environmental Review designation;
    •    the proposed and recommended amendments conform to the policies of the Riverbend Area Plan;
    •    the proposed and recommended zoning amendments will facilitate an appropriate form of low and medium density residential development that conforms to The London Plan, the 1989 Official Plan, and the Riverbend Area Plan; and,
    •    the recommended draft plan supports a broad range of low and medium density residential development opportunities within the site including more intensive, mid-rise apartments along the Oxford Street West corridor.  The Draft Plan has been designed to support these uses and to achieve a visually pleasing development that is pedestrian friendly, transit supportive and accessible to the surrounding community. (2021-D12)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, with respect to the application by Foxwood Developments (London) Inc., relating to the property located at 584 Commissioners Road West, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Residential R1 (R1-9) Zone, TO a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-7(_)) Zone; it being noted that the following site plan matters were raised during the application review process:

    a)    the relocation of the private outdoor amenity space to a centralized and pedestrian friendly location;

    b)    the provision of sufficient space between the parking lot and the east property boundary to accommodate enhanced landscaping; and

    c)    configuration of the parking area to allow retention of the Black Maple, denoted as Tree 386 of the Arborist Report (Stantec, February 23, 2021);

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns within settlement areas that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the in-force policies of The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions and the Neighbourhoods Place Type; 
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the in-force policies of the 1989 Official Plan, including but not limited to the Low Density Residential designation; and,
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of a site within the Built-Area Boundary with an appropriate form of infill development. (2021-D09)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, with respect to the application by Foxwood Developments (London) Inc., relating to the property located at 584 Commissioners Road West, the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Residential R1 (R1-9) Zone, TO a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-7(_)) Zone; it being noted that the following site plan matters were raised during the application review process:
    a)    the relocation of the private outdoor amenity space to a centralized and pedestrian friendly location;
    b)    the provision of sufficient space between the parking lot and the east property boundary to accommodate enhanced landscaping; and
    c)    configuration of the parking area to allow retention of the Black Maple, denoted as Tree 386 of the Arborist Report (Stantec, February 23, 2021);

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters; it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:
    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns within settlement areas that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the in-force policies of The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions and the Neighbourhoods Place Type; 
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the in-force policies of the 1989 Official Plan, including but not limited to the Low Density Residential designation; and,
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of a site within the Built-Area Boundary with an appropriate form of infill development. (2021-F11A/D19)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the draft Masonville Secondary Plan:

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “A” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend the Official Plan, 2016, The London Plan TO ADOPT the Masonville Secondary Plan, appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “A”, Schedule “1”;

    b)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “B” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 to amend the Official Plan, 2016, The London Plan, TO ADD the Masonville Secondary Plan to Policy 1565, the list of adopted Secondary Plans;

    c)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “C” BE INTRODUCED at a future Municipal Council meeting to amend the Official Plan, 2016, The London Plan at such time as Map 7 is in full force and effect by ADDING the Masonville Secondary Plan to Map 7 – Specific Policy Areas and DELETING specific policy areas 9, and 10;

    d)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “D” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 TO ADOPT the Masonville Secondary Plan, appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “D”, Schedule “1” and TO AMEND the Official Plan (1989), as follows:

    i)    AMEND Section 20.2 TO ADD the Masonville Secondary Plan to the list of adopted Secondary Plans;
    ii)    ADD Section 20.10 as the Masonville Secondary Plan;
    iii)    ADD the naming and delineation of the Masonville Secondary Plan, appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “D”, Schedule “2” to Schedule “D” – Planning Areas;

    e)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021 as Appendix “E” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 TO AMEND The London Plan by DELETING policies 821, 822, 823, 824, and 825;

    f)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated October 18, 2021as Appendix “F” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021 TO AMEND the Official Plan (1989) by DELETING sections 3.5.25 and 3.5.26.

    g)    The Masonville Secondary Plan BE REVISED, as per Council direction on September 14, 2021 as follows:

    i)    any future redevelopment of 109 Fanshawe Park Road East should provide enhanced buffering, screening and landscaping along the eastern boundary of the site at Fawn Court;

    it being noted that the direction provided by Municipal Council on September 14, 2021 in g) i) contained an error in the location specified and a revision to the plan will correct the error and provide better clarification that enhanced buffering, screening and landscaping should be provided along the eastern boundary of the site as opposed to the western boundary;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received the following communications with respect to this matter:

    •    the staff presentation;
    •    a communication dated October 12, 2021, from R. MacFarlane, Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd., on behalf of Rock Developments; 
    •    a communication dated October 13, 2021, from R. MacFarlane, Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd., on behalf of 1635 Richmond (London) Corp.; 
    •    a communication dated October 14, 2021, from R. MacFarlane, Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd., on behalf of Copia Developments;
    •    a communication dated October 14, 2021, from R. MacFarlane, Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd., on behalf of Choice Properties REIT; and,
    •    a communication dated October 14, 2021, from L. Kirkness, Principal Planner, Strik Baldinelli Moniz, on behalf of Westdell Development Corporation;

    it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with these matters, the individuals indicated on the attached public participation meeting record made oral submissions regarding these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    i)    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which:
    •    promotes opportunities for transit-supportive development, accommodating a significant supply and range of housing options through intensification and redevelopment, taking into account existing building stock or areas;
    •    promotes a land use pattern, density and mix of uses that minimize the length and number of vehicle trips and support current and future use of transit and active transportation;
    •    promotes healthy, active communities by planning public streets, spaces and facilities to be safe, meet the needs of the public, foster social interaction and facilitate active transportation and community connectivity; and,
    •    supports long-term economic prosperity by maintaining and where possible enhancing the vitality and viability of downtowns and mainstreets, encouraging a sense of place by promoting well-designed built form and cultural planning, and by conserving features that help define character, including built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes; and,

    ii)    the recommended amendment is consistent with the policies of the Official Plan (1989) and The London Plan that provide direction to prepare a Secondary Plan where a more detailed and coordinated planning policy framework is required for redevelopment and intensification. (2021-D08)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Economic Services and Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by 2355440 Ontario Inc., relating to the property located at 250-272 Springbank Drive:

    a)    a total expenditure of up to a maximum of $2,895,020 in municipal brownfield financial incentives BE APPROVED AND ALLOCATED at the Municipal Council meeting on October 26, 2021, under the following two programs in the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Brownfield Incentives:

    i)    provide a rebate equivalent to up to 50% of the Development Charges that are required to be paid by 2355440 Ontario Inc. on the project, as follows:

    A)    if development charges are paid in one lump sum amount, the Development Charges Rebate will be issued in three equal annual instalments; and,
    B)    if development charges are paid annually over six years, the Development Charges Rebate will be issued in six equal annual instalments, noting that any interest charged by the City of London for deferred development charge payments is not included in the rebate;

    ii)    provide tax increment equivalent grants on the municipal component of property taxes for up to three years post development;

    b)    the applicant BE REQUIRED to enter into an agreement with the City of London outlining the relevant terms and conditions for the incentives that have been approved by Municipal Council under the Brownfield CIP;
    it being noted that no grants will be provided until the remediation work is finished, a Record of Site Condition is filed with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, and receipts are obtained showing the actual cost of the eligible remediation work; it being further noted that the agreement between the City of London and 2355440 Ontario Inc. will be transferable and binding on any subsequent property owner(s);

    it being pointed out that the Planning and Environment Committee reviewed and received a communication dated September 28, 2021, from R. Knutson, Knutson Development Consultants Inc., with respect to these matters; 

    it being further pointed out that the request for delegation status for Ric Knutson, Knutson Development Consultants Inc., Bo Chiu and Scott Aziz, EXP, with respect to the properties located at 250-272 Springbank Drive was withdrawn;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the development represents a significant investment on Springbank Drive and near the downtown including the construction of 260 new residential units on a fully serviced and remediated site;
    •    the development includes the creation of 28 of affordable housing units that will help in addressing the growing need for affordable housing in London. The development is in alignment with the Housing Stability Action Plan 2019-2024 and its Strategic Area of Focus 2: Create More Housing Stock;
    •    the development will eventually generate significant tax revenues over and above the grants that are provided. At full project build out, the municipal portion of the taxes are roughly estimated at $865,000 per year; and,
    •    brownfield incentive applications satisfy the Growing our Economy and the Building a Sustainable City Strategic Areas of Focus in the Strategic Plan for the City of London 2019 – 2023.  This includes directing growth and intensification to strategic locations and increasing public and private investment in strategic locations. (2021-F11A/D19)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the Building Division Monthly Report for June, 2021 BE RECEIVED for information.  (2021-A23)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the Building Division Monthly Report for July, 2021 BE RECEIVED for information. (2021-A23)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That the 14th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee BE APPROVED. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed. 

  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That the 8th Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 23, 2021, BE RECEIVED.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That the 7th Report of the London Housing Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on September 28, 2021, BE RECEIVED.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Social and Health Development, the staff report dated October 13, 2021, with respect to an Introduction to London's Coordinated Access (CA), BE RECEIVED. (2021-S11)

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Helmer

    That the Deferred Matters List for the Community and Protective Services Committee, as at October 4, 2021, BE RECEIVED.  

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That the 14th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee BE APPROVED, excluding Item 8(4.1).  

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That it BE NOTED that the following pecuniary interests were disclosed:

    a)   Councillor J. Morgan discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 having to do with an appointment to the University of Western Ontario (UWO) Board of Governors, by indicating that UWO is his employer;

    b)   Councillor J. Helmer discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 4.1 having to do with an appointment to the University of Western Ontario (UWO) Board of Governors, by indicating that he is employed by UWO.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports with the concurrence of the City Manager, the following actions be taken with respect to the Master Accommodation Plan Update for Alternative Work Strategies:

    a)    the report dated October 19, 2021, titled “Master Accommodation Plan Update for Alternative Work Strategies” which reviews the potential for alternative work strategies including the update report from Mayhew Inc. BE RECEIVED for information;

    b)    the integration of Alternative Work Strategies BE ADOPTED as part of the implementation of the Master Accommodation Plan guiding overall space needs; and,
    it being noted that the Civic Administration will proceed with a competitive procurement process that incorporates the update of the Master Accommodation Plan (MAP) for Alternative Work Strategies (AWS) and will report back to the Municipal Council on next steps.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, with the concurrence of the City Manager, the report dated October 19, 2021 regarding the 2021 Service Review Initiatives Update BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That, on the recommendation of the City Manager, the following actions be taken with respect to the London Community Recovery Framework:

    a)    the London Community Recovery Framework, as outlined in the staff report dated October 19, 2021, BE ENDORSED;  

    b)    the London Community Recovery Network members, as identified in Appendix A of the above-noted report, BE THANKED for their time and effort in developing the London Community Recovery Framework; and, 

    c)    the Mayor BE DIRECTED to share the London Community Recovery Framework with local Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial Parliament to inform the development of federal and provincial pandemic recovery plans and strategies;

    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received additional letters of support with respect to this matter.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That the 6th and 7th Reports of the Diversity Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Advisory Committee, from its meetings held on September 24, 2021 and October 1, 2021, respectively, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That Robert Aiken BE APPOINTED to the Argyle Business Improvement Association for the term ending November 15, 2022; 

    it being noted the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a communication dated October 4, 2021 from R. Sidhu, Executive Director, Argyle Business Improvement Association with respect to this matter.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That, on the recommendation of the City Clerk, with the concurrence of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to proposed amendments to the Various Fees and Charges By-law:

    a)    the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 19, 2021 as Appendix “A” being “A by-law to provide for Various Fees and Charges and to repeal By-law A-56, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for Various Fees and Charges” to add and adjust certain fees and charges for services or activities provided by the City of London”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; 

    b)    subject to the approval of a) above, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 19, 2021 as Appendix “B” being “A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-3, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Regulation, Restriction and Prohibition of the Keeping of Animals in the City of London” to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021;

    c)    subject to the approval of a) above, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 19, 2021 as Appendix “C” being “A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-4, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Regulation, Restriction and Prohibition of the Keeping and the Running at Large of Dogs in the City of London” to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021; and,

    d)    subject to the approval of a) above, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated October 19, 2021 as Appendix “D” being “A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-5, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Appointment of a Poundkeeper and to Regulate the Public Pound to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on October 26, 2021;

    it being noted that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individuals made oral submissions regarding these matters:

    M. Wallace, Executive Director, London Development Institute

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the Covent Garden Market Board vacancy notification:

    a) the communication dated October 7, 2021 from S. Hillier, Board Chair, Covent Garden Market Corp. BE RECEIVED;

    b) the resignation of Councillor S. Hillier from the Covent Garden Market Board BE ACCEPTED;

    c) the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to:

    i)  contact current applications on file, to confirm that those individuals remain interested in consideration for appointment;

    ii) seek additional applications to fill the vacancy on the Board;  

    iii) bring forward applications, noted in parts i) and ii), above for consideration at a future meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee; and

    iv) bring forward Councillor's names interested in appointment to the Covent Garden Market Board.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That Michael Lerner's term BE EXTENDED to June 30, 2022 and future appointments by the City of London to the University of Western Ontario be made effective as of July 1, rather than December 1.

    Yeas: (10)M. van Holst, M. Salih, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (1)S. Turner
    Recuse: (2)J. Helmer, and J. Morgan

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (10 to 1)
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That the 4th Report of the Audit Committee BE APPROVED. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:J. Morgan

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the appointment of an outsourced internal auditor for Request for Proposal (RFP) 21-26 Internal Audit Services for the City of London:

    a)    the firm of MNP LLP BE APPOINTED as the preferred firm for the provision of internal audit services for a period of three years beginning January 1, 2022 plus the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms; 

    b)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this contract; 

    c)    approval hereby given BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports relating to the subject matter of this approval; and,

    d)    the attached proposed by-law (Appendix “A”) BE INTRODUCED to delegate the approval of the Internal Audit Services Agreement to the City Treasurer and to provide the Mayor and City Clerk authority to execute the Agreement. 

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed





  • Motion made by:P. Van Meerbergen
    Seconded by:S. Hillier

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No’.s 481 to 513, including the revised Bill No. 510, and excluding Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:E. Peloza
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That Second Reading of Bill No’.s 481 to 513, including the revised Bill No. 510, and excluding Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lehman
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No’.s 481 to 513, including the revised Bill No. 510, and excluding Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED. 

    Yeas: (13)M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:S. Lehman

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (7)M. van Holst, J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (6)M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and E. Peloza

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (7 to 6)
  • Motion made by:P. Van Meerbergen
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That Second Reading of Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (7)M. van Holst, J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (6)M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and E. Peloza

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (7 to 6)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:S. Lehman

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No. 485, BE APPROVED.

    The following are enacted as By-laws of the Corporation of the City of London:

    Bill No. 484


    By-law No. A.-8175-339 - A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 26th day of October, 2021. (City Clerk)

    Bill No. 485


    By-law No. A.-8176-340 - A by-law to appoint a Councillor for Ward 13 for the City of London. (4.1a/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 486


    By-law No. A.-8177-341 - A by-law to approve the Contribution Agreement with Canada for the purpose of installing Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure owned by The Corporation of the City of London for use for Fleet vehicles; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to act on behalf the City of London and execute the Agreement. (2.4c/13/CWC)

    Bill No. 487


    By-law No. A.-8178-342 - A by-law to authorize the City Treasurer to approve the Internal Audit Services Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and MNP LLP and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (5.1d/4/AC)

    Bill No. 488


    By-law No. A.-7922(a)-343 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7922-3, being “A by-law to approve a Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services Funding Agreement Template; and to authorize the Managing Director, Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, or in their absence the Manager IV Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services, to approve and execute agreements using the Neighbourhood, Children and Fire Services Agreement Template” to reflect the current organizational structure. (2.2a/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 489


    By-law No. A.-6945(a)-344 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-6945-139, being “A by-law to establish the Child Care and Early Childhood Development Reserve Fund” to reflect the current organizational structure. (2.2b/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 490


    By-law No. A.-7100(b)-345 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7100-150, as amended, being “A by-law to approve Service Contracts/Agreements, Schedules, and Amendments with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario with respect to Social Services; and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute these Contracts/Agreements” to reflect the current organizational structure. (2.2c/17/CSC)

    Bill No.491


    By-law No. A.-7551(a)-346 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7551-146, being “A By-law to approve the Contribution Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Federal Minister of Health through the Public Health Agency of Canada; and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement” to reflect the current organizational structure. (2.3d/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 492


    By-law No. A.-7253(a)-347 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-7253-138, being “A by-law to approve and adopt the standard form Children’s Services Wage Enhancement Grant Agreement and to delegate authority to the Managing Director, Neighbourhood Children and Fire Services as Administrator, Day Nurseries Act to insert information, amend the Schedules and execute agreements which employ this form” to reflect the current organizational structure. (2.3e/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 493


    By-law No. A-57 - A by-law to provide for Various Fees and Charges and to repeal By-law A-56, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for Various Fees and Charges”. (3.1a/14/SPPC)

    Bill No. 494


    By-law No. C.P.-1284(wh)-348 - A by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to 1 Commissioners Road E. (3.2a/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 495


    By-law No. C.P.-1284(wi)-349 - A by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to 14 Gideon Drive and 2012 Oxford Street West. (3.3a/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 496


    By-law No. C.P.-1284(wj)-350 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to the Masonville Secondary Plan area. (3.5d/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 497


    By-law No. C.P.-1284(wk)-351 - A by-law to amend Official Plan for the City of London, 1989 relating to the Masonville Secondary Plan area. (3.5f/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 498


    By-law No. C.P.-1512(aq)-352 - A by-law to amend The London Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to 415 Oxford Street West. (3.1/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 499


    By-law No. C.P.-1512(ar)-353 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to the Masonville Secondary Plan area. (3.5a/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 500


    By-law No. C.P.-1512(as)-354 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to the Masonville Secondary Plan area. (3.5b/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 501


    By-law No. C.P.-1512(at)-355 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to the Masonville Secondary Plan area. (3.5e/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 502


    By-law No. PH-3-21018 - A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-3, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Regulation, Restriction and Prohibition of the Keeping of Animals in the City of London” to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law. (3.1b/14/SPPC)

    Bill No. 503


    By-law No. PH-4-21031 - A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-4, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Regulation, Restriction and Prohibition of the Keeping and the Running at Large of Dogs in the City of London” to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law. (3.1c/14/SPPC)

    Bill No. 504


    By-law No. PH-5-21008 - A by-law to amend By-law No. PH-5, as amended, being “A by-law to provide for the Appointment of a Poundkeeper and to Regulate the Public Pound” to remove all references to fees and charges related to services provided for in the by-law. (3.1d/14/SPPC)

    Bill No. 505


    By-law No. PS-113-21076 - A by-law to amend By-law PS-113 entitled, “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London. (2.3/13/CWC)

    Bill No. 506


    By-law No. S.-6142-356 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Bradley Avenue and Wharncliffe Road South)  (Chief Surveyor – for road widening purposes registered as ER1386249, pursuant to SPA20-073 and in accordance with Z.-1)

    Bill No. 507


    By-law No. S.-6143-357 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Sorrel Road north of Perth Avenue)  (Chief Surveyor – for road widening purposes, registered at ER1392283, pursuant to B.010/21 and in accordance with Z.-1)

    Bill No. 508


    By-law No. S.-6144-358 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway (as widening to Creston Avenue and Verulam Street)  (Chief Surveyor - for road widening purposes registered as ER1356809 pursuant to B.017/19 and in accordance with Z.-1)

    Bill No. 509


    By-law No. S.-6145-359 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume certain reserves in the City of London as public highway. (as part of Deveron Crescent)  (Chief Surveyor – plan of subdivision requires 0.3m reserve on abutting plan for unobstructed legal access through subdivision)

    Bill No. 510


    By-law No. Z.-1-212965 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 1 Commissioners Road East. (3.2b/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 511


    By-law No. Z.-1-212966 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 14 Gideon Drive and 2012 Oxford Street West. (3.3b/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 512


    By-law No. Z.-1-212967 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 584 Commissioners Road West. (3.4a/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 513


    By-law No. Z.-1-212968 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to remove holding provision from the zoning for lands located at 600 Sunningdale Road West. (2.4/15/PEC)

    Bill No. 514


    By-law No. A.-8179-360 - A by-law to authorize and approve an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and 2847012 Ontario Inc, for the acquisition of the property located at 1350 Wharncliffe Road South, in the City of London, for the Bradley Avenue Project Phase 2 and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (6.1/17/CSC)

    Bill No. 515


    By-law No. A.-8180-361 - A by-law to authorize and approve an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and The Incorporated Synod of The Diocese of Huron, for the partial acquisition of the property located at 190 Queens Avenue and 472 Richmond Street, in the City of London, for the Downtown Loop Project, and to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (6.2/17/CSC)



    Yeas: (7)M. van Holst, J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Nays: (6)M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, and E. Peloza

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (7 to 6)
  • Motion made by:S. Hillier
    Seconded by:S. Lewis

    That Council rise and go into Council, In Closed Session, for the purpose of considering the following:

    4.1    Land Acquisition / Solicitor-Client Privileged Advice / Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to Any Negotiations

    A matter pertaining to the proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality, including communications necessary for that purpose; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; commercial and financial information, that belongs to the municipality and has monetary value or potential monetary value and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality. (6.1/17/CSC)

    4.2    Land Acquisition / Solicitor-Client Privileged Advice / Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to Any Negotiations

    A matter pertaining to the proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality, including communications necessary for that purpose; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; commercial and financial information, that belongs to the municipality and has monetary value or potential monetary value and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality. (6.2/17/CSC)

    4.3    Solicitor-Client Privilege

    A matter pertaining to advice subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.  (6.1/14/CPSC)

    4.4    Personal Matter / Identifiable Individual

    A personal matter pertaining to identifiable individuals, including municipal employees, with respect to the 2022 Mayor's New Year's Honour List. (6.2/14/CPSC)

    4.5    Personal Matter / Identifiable Individual

    A personal matter pertaining to identifiable individuals, including municipal employees, with respect to the 2022 Mayor's New Year's Honour List. (6.3/14/CPSC)

    4.6    Personal Matter / Identifiable Individual

    A personal matter pertaining to identifiable individuals, including municipal employees, with respect to the 2022 Mayor's New Year's Honour List. (6.4/14/CPSC)

    4.7    Confidential Trade Secret or Scientific, Technical, Commercial, Financial or Labour Relations Information, Supplied to the City / Personal Matters/Identifiable Individual

    A matter pertaining to the security of the property of the Corporation as it contains commercial and financial information supplied in confidence to the Corporation, the disclosure of which could be reasonably expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons or organization, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency and matters related to the personal information about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees related to the potential provision of internal audit services for the City of London, by an external organization. (6.1/4/AC)

    Motion Passed (12 to 0)

    The Council convenes, In Closed Session, from 5:51 PM to 6:16 PM. 

    At 6:05 PM Councillor M. Salih leaves the meeting. 

    At 6:17 PM Councillor P. Van Meerbergen leaves the meeting.  

  • Motion made by:J. Morgan
    Seconded by:M. Cassidy

    1.    Partial Property Acquisition – 1350 Wharncliffe Road South – Bradley Avenue Extension Project Phase 2 – Wharncliffe Road South to Jalna Boulevard

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, with the concurrence of the Director, Transportation and Mobility, on the advice of the Director, Realty Services, with respect to the property located at 1350 Wharncliffe Road South, further described as Part Lot 34, Concession 2, designated as Part 1, Plan 33R-20205, and Part 1, Plan 33R-20821, being all of PIN 08209-0055 (LT), containing an area of approximately 33,530 square feet, as shown on the location map attached as Appendix “B”, for the purpose of future road improvements to accommodate the Bradley Avenue Project Phase 2, the following actions be taken:

    a)    the offer submitted by 2847012 Ontario Inc (the “Vendor”), to sell the subject property to the City, for the sum of $473,600.00 BE ACCEPTED, subject to the terms and conditions as set out in the agreement attached as Appendix “C”;

    b)    the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $7,400.00 for a Grant of Temporary Easement and Consent to Enter Agreement wherein additional compensation and additional terms have been agreed     to between the Parties, being the “Related Transaction”; and

    c)    the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of     Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A”.

    2.    Partial Property Acquisition – 190 Queens Avenue and 472 Richmond Street – Downtown Loop and Municipal Infrastructure Improvements

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, with the concurrence of the Director, Construction and Infrastructure Services, on the advice of the Director, Realty Services, with respect to the property located at 190 Queens Avenue and 472 Richmond Street, further described as Part of Queens Avenue (formerly North Street) closed by an Act of Parliament (Province of Canada) October 16, 1863 (Chapter 40), designated as Part 1, Plan 33R-21003, being Part of PIN 08264-0102 (LT), containing an area of approximately 1,739.0 square feet, as shown on the location map attached as Appendix “B”, for the purpose of future road improvements to accommodate the Downtown Loop Project, the following actions be taken:

    a)    the offer submitted by The Incorporated Synod of The Diocese of Huron (the “Vendor”), to sell the subject property to the City, for the sum of $374,000.00 BE ACCEPTED, subject to the following conditions:

    i)    the City agreeing to pay the Vendor a further sum of $10,500.00 for disturbance, upon completion of the transaction, pursuant to Section 18 of the Expropriations Act; 

    ii)    the City agreeing to pay the Vendor a further sum of $80,000.00 in consideration of a Grant of Temporary Easement and Consent to Enter Agreement, with the right to renew the easement for an additional term of one year for the sum of $40,000.00;

    iii)    the City agreeing to pay the Vendor’s reasonable legal and appraisal costs, including fees, disbursements and applicable taxes, to complete this transaction, subject to assessment, if necessary, as set out in Section 32 of the Expropriations Act; and

    b)    the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A”.

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Absent: (2)M. Salih, and P. Van Meerbergen

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:S. Hillier

    That Introduction and First Reading of the Added Bill No.’s 514 and 515, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Absent: (2)M. Salih, and P. Van Meerbergen

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)
  • Motion made by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That Second Reading of the Bill No. Added Bill No.’s 514 and 515, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Absent: (2)M. Salih, and P. Van Meerbergen

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lehman
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That Third Reading and Enactment of the Bill No. Added Bill No.’s 514 and 515, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)M. van Holst, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Turner, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, and Mayor E. Holder
    Absent: (2)M. Salih, and P. Van Meerbergen

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Passed (11 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Turner
    Seconded by:J. Helmer

    That the meeting BE ADJOURNED

    Motion Passed

    The meeting adjourned at 6:26 PM.