Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee


9th Special Meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee
, Immediately following the Council Meeting.
Council Chambers
  • Mayor E. Holder (Chair),
  • Councillors M. van Holst,
  • S. Lewis,
  • M. Salih,
  • J. Helmer,
  • M. Cassidy,
  • P. Squire,
  • J. Morgan,
  • S. Lehman,
  • A. Hopkins,
  • P. Van Meerbergen,
  • S. Turner,
  • E. Peloza,
  • A. Kayabaga,
  • and S. Hillier
  • C. Saunders, M. Schulthess, J. Taylor, B. Westlake-Power

    Remote Staff Attendance:  L. Livingstone, A.L. Barbon, B. Card, S. Datars Bere, K. Dickins, C. Saunders, K. Scherr, M. Schulthess, C. Smith, S. Stafford, J. Taylor, B. Westlake-Power

    The meeting is called to order at 5:12 PM, with Mayor E. Holder in the Chair and all other Members participating by remote attendance. 

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed. 

  • Moved by:A. Hopkins
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That, on the recommendation of the City Manager, with concurrence of the Managing Director, Housing, Social Services and Dearness Home the following actions be taken with respect to London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc.:

    a)      the “Terms of Reference Interim Board of Directors London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc.” as appended to the staff report dated April 7, 2020, BE ADOPTED;

    b)      the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 7, 2020, being “A by-law to ratify and confirm the Special Resolution to the Shareholder of London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc. to amend the Board composition to provide for an Interim Board of Directors”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council Meeting to be held on April 21, 2020; and,

    c)      the attached proposed revised by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 21, 2020 to ratify and confirm the Resolutions of the Shareholder of London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc.

    Yeas: (15)S. Lewis, S. Hillier, A. Kayabaga, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, Mayor E. Holder, M. van Holst, M. Salih, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, and S. Turner

    Motion Passed (15 to 0)

    Voting Record:

  • Moved by:M. van Holst
    Seconded by:S. Turner

    That the proposed composition of the interim Board for the London & Middlesex Community Housing Inc. include a Member of City of London Council and a Member of Middlesex County Council.  

    Yeas: (4)A. Kayabaga, M. van Holst, M. Salih, and S. Turner
    Nays: (11)S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, Mayor E. Holder, J. Helmer, M. Cassidy, P. Squire, J. Morgan, and A. Hopkins

    Motion Failed (4 to 11)

The meeting adjourned at 6:11 PM. 

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