Governance Working Group


5th Meeting of the Governance Working Group
Governance Working Group Virtual Meeting - during the COVID-19 Emergency
Please check the City website for current details of COVID-19 service impacts.
  • Councillors J. Morgan (Chair),
  • S. Hillier,
  • S. Lewis,
  • and M. van Holst
  • M. Schulthess, B. Westlake-Power

    Remote Attendance: L. Livingstone, J. Bunn, H. Lysynski, A. Pascual, C. Saunders, M. Somide

    The meeting is called to order at 12:00 PM; it being noted that Councillors M. van Holst and S. Hiller were in remote attendance. 

That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed. 

  • That the 4th Report of the Governance Working Group BE APPROVED. 

    Motion Passed
  • Moved by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the City Clerk, the following actions be taken with respect to the City of London Advisory Committee Review:

    a)    the report dated November 15, 2021 entitled “Advisory Committee Review – Final Report”, BE RECEIVED and the current review BE CLOSED; 

    b)    the attached revised Terms of Reference for London Community Advisory Committees BE APPROVED for enactment in 2022; 

    c)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Governance Working Group with respect to an updated General Terms of Reference for All Advisory Committees, to support the structure approved in part b), above; and,

    d)     the membership appointments to the Ecological Community Advisory Committee, Environmental Stewardship and Action Advisory Committee and Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee BE PAUSED until such time as the work of the Mobility Master Plan and Climate Emergency Action Plan Task Forces have initiated and/or completed their work.  

    Motion Passed
  • That the attached revised Council Members' Expense Account Policy BE FORWARDED to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee for approval; it being noted that the proposed changes would come into effect for the next term of Council. 

That it BE NOTED that future meetings will be at the call of the Chair. 

  • Moved by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:M. van Holst

    That the meeting BE ADJOURNED. 

    Motion Passed

    The meeting adjourned at 12:33 PM.