

9th Meeting of City Council
Council Chambers - Please check the City website for additional meeting detail information. Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City Website.
The City of London is situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek (AUh-nish-in-ah-bek), Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-no-show-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Len-ah-pay-wuk) and Attawandaron (Add-a-won-da-run).
We honour and respect the history, languages and culture of the diverse Indigenous people who call this territory home. The City of London is currently home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit today.
As representatives of the people of the City of London, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and live in this territory.
  • Mayor J. Morgan, 
  • S. Lewis, 
  • P. Cuddy, 
  • S. Stevenson, 
  • J. Pribil, 
  • S. Trosow, 
  • C. Rahman, 
  • S. Lehman, 
  • A. Hopkins, 
  • P. Van Meerbergen, 
  • S. Franke, 
  • E. Peloza, 
  • D. Ferreira, 
  • and S. Hillier 
  • H. McAlister 
Also Present:
  • A. Barbon, S. Corman, K. Dickins, S. Mathers, H. McNeely, K. Murray, J. Paradis, T. Pollitt, K. Scherr, M. Schulthess, E. Skalski, C. Smith, J. Taylor

    Remote Attendance:  I. Collins, R. Hayes, E. Hunt, P. Ladouceur, J. McMillan

    The meeting is called to order at 1:03 PM; it being noted that Councillors S. Stevenson, S. Lehman, P. Van Meerbergen and S. Hillier were in remote attendance.


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That it BE NOTED that Councillor C. Rahman disclosed a pecuniary interest in item 6, clause 2.1 of the 7th Report of the Corporate Services Committee having to do with expropriation of lands and the East London Link Project Phase 4, by indicating that Fanshawe College is her employer. 

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  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    That the Minutes of the 7th Meeting of the Municipal Council, held on April 2, 2024, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

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  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That the following communications BE RECEIVED, and BE REFERRED as noted on the Added Agenda:

     6.1 735 Wonderland Road North - (Z-9704) 
    (Refer to the Planning and Environment Committee Stage for Consideration with Item #5 (3.3) of the 6th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee)

    1. B. Templeton 
    2. B. Sterner 
    3. M. Felker 
    4. B. Elliott 
    5. C. Wilkinson 
    6. W. Medwid 

    6.2 Byron Gravel Pit Secondary Plan 
    (Refer to the Planning and Environment Committee Stage for Consideration with Item #6 (3.4) of the 6th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee)

    1. B. Samuels 
    2. Councillor S. Franke 
    3. C. Schultz 
    4. R. St. Pierre 

    6.3 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Monitoring Report 
    (Refer to the Corporate Services Committee Stage for Consideration with Item #7 (2.2) of the 7th Report of the Corporate Services Committee)

    1. Board of Directors, London Convention Centre Corporation Operating as RBC Place London 
    2. C. Butler 

    6.4 Secondary School Student Transit Pass Pilot Project 
    (Refer to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee Stage for Consideration with Item #5 (5.1) of the 8th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee)

    1. Councillor D. Ferreira and Councillor C. Rahman

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

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This item has Video

  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the 6th Report of the Planning and Environment Committee BE APPROVED, with the exception of items 4 (3.2), 5 (3.3), and 6 (3.4).

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the 4th Report of the Ecological Community Advisory Committee, from its meeting held on March 21, 2024, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by Bre-Ex Aggregates Ltd., relating to the property located at 3696 and 3832 Scotland Drive: 

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM a Resource Extraction (EX) Zone TO a Resource Extraction Special Provision (EX(_)) Zone and Holding Resource Extraction Special Provision (h-18*h-166*EX1(_)) Zone; and,

    b)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to forward Ecology comments regarding the identified Significant Wildlife Habitat and Species at Risk, appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix “F”, to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for consideration in their future site plan review;

    it being pointed out that S. Allen, MHBC Planning, made a verbal presentation at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020;
    •    the recommended amendment conforms to the policies of The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions and Farmland Place Type; and,
    •    the recommended amendment would facilitate the construction of a resource extraction-related facility that is appropriate for the context of the site;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters. (2024-D14)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the Planning and Environment Committee Deferred Matters List dated March 28, 2024 BE RECEIVED for information.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by Royal Premier Homes (c/o Sivik Planning and Design), relating to the property located at 634 Commissioners Road West: 

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016), to AMEND the Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-7(30)) Zone; 

    b)    the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to consider the following design issues through the site plan process: 

    i)    provide 1.8-metre-tall privacy fencing along property lines adjacent to residential parcels;
    ii)    retain as many mature trees as possible, especially along Commissioners Road West and along the east and south property lines between the proposed development and the adjacent single detached dwellings; and,
    iii)    provide short-term and long-term bicycle parking stalls; 
    c)    that Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to evaluate the north side sidewalk gap and potential need for a PXO to ensure sufficient pedestrian connectivity;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the Project Summary with respect to these matters;

    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters:

    •    M. Davis, Siv-ik Planning and Design; and,
    •    D. May, President, Condominium Association;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:

    •    the recommended amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment;
    •    the recommended zoning conforms to the policies of The London Plan, including, but not limited to, the Neighbourhoods Place Type, City Building Policies and Our Tools;
    •    the recommended amendment would permit a development at an intensity that is appropriate for the site and the surrounding neighbourhood; and,
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of a site within the Built-Area Boundary with an appropriate form of infill development;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters.  (2024-D14)

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (1)P. Van Meerbergen
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by 735 Wonderland Rd North Inc.  c/o Strik, Baldinelli, Moniz Ltd., relating to the property located at 735 Wonderland Road North: 

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024 to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016, by ADDING a new policy to the Specific Policies for the Transit Village Place Type and by ADDING the subject lands to Map 7 – Specific Policies Areas – of the Official Plan;

    b)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "B" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 as amended in part a) above), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Associated Shopping Area Commercial (ASA1/ASA2/ASA3/ASA5/ ASA6) Zone TO a Business District Commercial Special Provision (BDC1(_)) Zone;

    c)    the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to consider the following design issues through the site plan process: 

    i)    incorporate elements that achieve the following:

    A)    principle entrances that are oriented and are accessible from the relevant street frontage;
    B)    forecourts on ground floor commercial units;
    C)    urban character between the building/street interface;
    D)    integrated parking and garbage ramps with active uses on the ground floor to activate the front face of buildings to the street;
    E)    appropriate lay-by locations;
    F)    green development elements, where appropriate;

    ii)    implement all Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) recommendations into a future site plan application notably, the two-way left-turn lane along Beaverbrook Drive; and,

    d)    the Municipal Housing Development division BE CONSULTED for the provision of affordable housing units to be undertaken as part of the Site Plan process;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the following communications with respect to these matters:
    •    a communication dated March 3, 2024 from C. Wilkinson; and,
    •    a communication dated April 8, 2024 from K. and C. McNairn;
    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters:

    •    N. Dyjach, Strik Baldinelli Moniz Ltd.;
    •    Dr. J. Barnett;
    •    B. Elliott;
    •    C. Wilkinson;
    •    Resident;
    •    M. Felker;
    •    A. Hobbs, Director, Condominium Complex 474; and,
    •    W. Medwid;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:
    •    the recommended amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS), which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns within settlement areas that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendments conform to The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions, City Design and Building policies, and will facilitate a built form that contributes to achieving a compact, mixed-use City;
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of a site within the Built-Area Boundary and the Primary Transit Area with an appropriate form of infill development; and,
    •    the recommended amendments would permit an appropriate form of development at an intensity that is appropriate for the site and surrounding neighbourhood;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters. (2024-D08)

  • Motion made by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That the motion be amended to include new part c) iii) to read as follows:

    iii)   to consult with Middlesex-London Paramedic Service regarding traffic mitigation measures in the vicinity as part of site plan approval;

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Trosow
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the motion be amended to include new part c) iv) to read as follows:

    iv)   to study the issue of “filtered-permeability” with respect to mitigating the effects of cut-through traffic resulting from the opening of Beaverbrook Avenue and Westfield Drive and that this item be placed on a future Civic Works Committee agenda.

    Yeas: (4)A. Hopkins, S. Stevenson, S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (10)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Franke, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Failed (4 to 10)
  • At 2:02 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan, places Councillor E. Peloza in the Chair. 

    At 2:07 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan resumes the Chair. 

    Motion made by:C. Rahman
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That the motion be amended to include the following:

    That it BE FURTHER NOTED that through this application residents, businesses owners and community members raised concerns about ongoing traffic issues, movement of ambulances and the need for traffic planning in this area to address increased density from development planned in the West London area; and that this item should be included in future MMP reports to Civic Works Committee that discuss transit, road network and active transportation planning for West London.

    Yeas: (6)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (8)S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, and J. Pribil
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Failed (6 to 8)
  • At 2:12 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan, places Councillor E. Peloza in the Chair. 

    At 2:15 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan resumes the Chair. 

    Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:P. Cuddy

    That item 5, clause 3.3, as amended, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Franke, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)

    Item 5, clause 3.3, as amended, reads as follows:

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application by 735 Wonderland Rd North Inc.  c/o Strik, Baldinelli, Moniz Ltd., relating to the property located at 735 Wonderland Road North: 

    a)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024 to amend the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016, by ADDING a new policy to the Specific Policies for the Transit Village Place Type and by ADDING the subject lands to Map 7 – Specific Policies Areas – of the Official Plan;

    b)    the proposed by-law appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Appendix "B" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, (in conformity with the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 as amended in part a) above), to change the zoning of the subject property FROM an Associated Shopping Area Commercial (ASA1/ASA2/ASA3/ASA5/ ASA6) Zone TO a Business District Commercial Special Provision (BDC1(_)) Zone;

    c)    the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to consider the following design issues through the site plan process: 

    i)    incorporate elements that achieve the following:

    A)    principle entrances that are oriented and are accessible from the relevant street frontage;
    B)    forecourts on ground floor commercial units;
    C)    urban character between the building/street interface;
    D)    integrated parking and garbage ramps with active uses on the ground floor to activate the front face of buildings to the street;
    E)    appropriate lay-by locations;
    F)    green development elements, where appropriate;

    ii)    implement all Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) recommendations into a future site plan application notably, the two-way left-turn lane along Beaverbrook Drive; and

    iii)   to consult with Middlesex-London Paramedic Service regarding traffic mitigation measures in the vicinity as part of site plan approval; 

    d)    the Municipal Housing Development division BE CONSULTED for the provision of affordable housing units to be undertaken as part of the Site Plan process;

    it being noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the following communications with respect to these matters:
    •    a communication dated March 3, 2024 from C. Wilkinson; and,
    •    a communication dated April 8, 2024 from K. and C. McNairn;
    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters:

    •    N. Dyjach, Strik Baldinelli Moniz Ltd.;
    •    Dr. J. Barnett;
    •    B. Elliott;
    •    C. Wilkinson;
    •    Resident;
    •    M. Felker;
    •    A. Hobbs, Director, Condominium Complex 474; and,
    •    W. Medwid;

    it being further noted that the Municipal Council approves this application for the following reasons:
    •    the recommended amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS), which encourages the regeneration of settlement areas and land use patterns within settlement areas that provide for a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The PPS directs municipalities to permit all forms of housing required to meet the needs of all residents, present and future;
    •    the recommended amendments conform to The London Plan, including but not limited to the Key Directions, City Design and Building policies, and will facilitate a built form that contributes to achieving a compact, mixed-use City;
    •    the recommended amendment facilitates the development of a site within the Built-Area Boundary and the Primary Transit Area with an appropriate form of infill development; and,
    •    the recommended amendments would permit an appropriate form of development at an intensity that is appropriate for the site and surrounding neighbourhood;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters. (2024-D08)

  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Final Report:

    a)    the proposed attached, revised by-law as Appendix “A”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, TO AMEND the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016, as follows:

    i)    ADOPT the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan, appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Schedule “1”;
    ii)    DELETE Policy 1168, Specific Policies for the Byron Gravel Pits within the Future Community Growth Place Types;
    iii)    AMEND Policies 1537 and 1538, Byron Gravel Pits and Adjacent Lands Specific Policies for Aggregate Resources;
    iv)    AMEND Policy 1565 TO ADD the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan to the list of adopted Secondary Plans;
    v)    AMEND Map 1 – Place Types to change the land use designation FROM Future Community Growth, Environmental Review, Green Space and Neighbourhoods Place Types TO Neighbourhoods, Green Space and Environmental Review Place Types as indicated on Schedule “2”;
    vi)    AMEND Map 3 – Street Classifications TO MODIFY Commissioners Road West, a Civic Boulevard, as indicated on Schedule “3”;
    vii)    AMEND Map 4 – Active Mobility Network TO MODIFY the Cycling and Walking Routes within the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Area as indicated on Schedule “4”;
    viii)    AMEND Map 7 - Specific Policy Areas TO ADD Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Area, and MERGE Specific Policy Area 66 into Specific Policy Area 67 as indicated on Schedule “5”;
    ix)    AMEND Schedule 1 from 18 storeys with an upper maximum of 22 storeys; and,
    x)    AMEND Schedule 1 from 25% affordable housing to 10% to 15% affordable housing;
    b)    the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to undertake the following:

    i)    consult the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to clarify Endangered Species Act regulatory requirements that apply to preserving or relocating species at risk habitat for the Bank Swallow within the Central Pond and Open Space Policy Area; and,
    ii)    contact the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to clarify Aggregate Resources Act regulatory requirements that apply to rehabilitating and potentially preserving existing site conditions and topography within the Central Pond and Open Space Policy Area;

    it being noted that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, no further notice be given with respect to the proposed by-law as the changes are minimal;

    it being further noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the following communications with respect to these matters:

    •    the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan, March 2024;
    •    a communication dated February 8, 2024, from D. Hayman, Senior Biologist and A. Leadbetter, Biologist, MTE Consultants;
    •    a communication dated February 9, 2024, from C. Linton, Highland Ridge Land Corp; and,
    •    a communication dated April 3, 2024, from S. Stapleton, Vice President, Auburn Developments;

    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters:

    •    M. Vise;
    •    M. Shepherd;
    •    C. Linton on behalf of Highland Ridge Land Corp.;
    •    M. Wallace, London Development Institute;
    •    S. Stapleton, Auburn Developments;
    •    D. Ennis; and,
    •    N. Pellizzari;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters. (2024-D08)

  • Motion made by:S. Franke
    Seconded by:A. Hopkins

    That the motion be amended to include a new part c) to read as follows:

    c)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to ensure that future background studies supporting the development of a Park Master Plan for the Byron gravel pit investigate the creation and inclusion of artificial habitat or an alternative location for the Bank Swallow, if such needs are required due to planned relocation of the habitat;

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    At 2:32 PM, Councillor S. Trosow leaves the meeting.
    At 2:37 PM, Councillor S. Trosow enters the meeting.

  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That parts a) ix) and x) BE APPROVED:

    ix) AMEND Schedule 1 from 18 storeys with an upper maximum of 22 storeys; and,
    x) AMEND Schedule 1 from 25% affordable housing to 10% to 15% affordable housing;

    Yeas: (12)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)A. Hopkins, and S. Trosow
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That the balance of item 6, clause 3.4, as amended, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    Item 6, clause 3.4, as amended, read as follows:

    That, on the recommendation of the Director, Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Final Report:

    a)    the proposed attached, revised by-law as Appendix “A”, BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, TO AMEND the Official Plan for the City of London, 2016, as follows:

    i)    ADOPT the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan, appended to the staff report dated April 9, 2024 as Schedule “1”;
    ii)    DELETE Policy 1168, Specific Policies for the Byron Gravel Pits within the Future Community Growth Place Types;
    iii)    AMEND Policies 1537 and 1538, Byron Gravel Pits and Adjacent Lands Specific Policies for Aggregate Resources;
    iv)    AMEND Policy 1565 TO ADD the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan to the list of adopted Secondary Plans;
    v)    AMEND Map 1 – Place Types to change the land use designation FROM Future Community Growth, Environmental Review, Green Space and Neighbourhoods Place Types TO Neighbourhoods, Green Space and Environmental Review Place Types as indicated on Schedule “2”;
    vi)    AMEND Map 3 – Street Classifications TO MODIFY Commissioners Road West, a Civic Boulevard, as indicated on Schedule “3”;
    vii)    AMEND Map 4 – Active Mobility Network TO MODIFY the Cycling and Walking Routes within the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Area as indicated on Schedule “4”;
    viii)    AMEND Map 7 - Specific Policy Areas TO ADD Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan Area, and MERGE Specific Policy Area 66 into Specific Policy Area 67 as indicated on Schedule “5”;
    ix)    AMEND Schedule 1 from 18 storeys with an upper maximum of 22 storeys; and,
    x)    AMEND Schedule 1 from 25% affordable housing to 10% to 15% affordable housing;

    b)    the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to undertake the following:

    i)    consult the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to clarify Endangered Species Act regulatory requirements that apply to preserving or relocating species at risk habitat for the Bank Swallow within the Central Pond and Open Space Policy Area; and,
    ii)    contact the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to clarify Aggregate Resources Act regulatory requirements that apply to rehabilitating and potentially preserving existing site conditions and topography within the Central Pond and Open Space Policy Area;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to ensure that future background studies supporting the development of a Park Master Plan for the Byron gravel pit investigate the creation and inclusion of artificial habitat or an alternative location for the Bank Swallow, if such needs are required due to planned relocation of the habitat;

    it being noted that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, no further notice be given with respect to the proposed by-law as the changes are minimal;

    it being further noted that the Planning and Environment Committee received the following communications with respect to these matters:

    •    the Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan, March 2024;
    •    a communication dated February 8, 2024, from D. Hayman, Senior Biologist and A. Leadbetter, Biologist, MTE Consultants;
    •    a communication dated February 9, 2024, from C. Linton, Highland Ridge Land Corp; and,
    •    a communication dated April 3, 2024, from S. Stapleton, Vice President, Auburn Developments;

    it being pointed out that the following individuals made verbal presentations at the public participation meeting held in conjunction with these matters:

    •    M. Vise;
    •    M. Shepherd;
    •    C. Linton on behalf of Highland Ridge Land Corp.;
    •    M. Wallace, London Development Institute;
    •    S. Stapleton, Auburn Developments;
    •    D. Ennis; and,
    •    N. Pellizzari;

    it being acknowledged that any and all oral and written submissions from the public, related to this application have been, on balance, taken into consideration by Council as part of its deliberations and final decision regarding these matters. (2024-D08)

  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That the Council recess at this time.

    Motion Passed

    The Council recesses at 2:45 PM and reconvenes at 2:55 PM.

  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That the 7th Report of the Corporate Services Committee BE APPROVED, with the exception of items 6 (2.1) and 7 (2.2).

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That it BE NOTED that Councillor C. Rahman disclosed a pecuniary interest in item 2.1, having to do with expropriation of lands and the East London Link Project Phase 4, by indicating that Fanshawe College is her employer. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to property taxation for 2024:

    a)         the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 15, 2024 as Appendix ‘A’ being a by-law setting tax ratios for property classes in 2024, in accordance with Sub-sections 308(4) and 308.1(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024, it being noted that the 2024 Municipal Tax Ratio By-Law has been prepared reflecting the equalization of the average property tax increase in residential and multi-residential classes with no change to other tax ratios; 

    b)         the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 15, 2024 as Appendix ‘B’ being a by-law levying tax rates for property classes in 2024, in accordance with Sections 307 and 312 of the Municipal Act, 2001 BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024; and

    c)    the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to invite the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation to provide an update at the May 6, 2024 meeting of the Corporate Services Committee on municipal property assessment in the Province of Ontario.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 15, 2204 as Appendix “A” being a by-law levying rates for 2024 for school purposes in the City of London BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on April 23, 2024.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 15, 2024 as Appendix “A” BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on April 23, 2024 to:

    a)    approve the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement between His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Solicitor General and The Corporation of the City of London for the provision of funding for the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program (“Agreement”) appended as Schedule “1” to the staff report; 

    b)    authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement; 

    c)    authorize the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports to approve any future amending agreements between His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by the Solicitor General and The Corporation of the City of London with respect to the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program (“CSPT”);

    d)    authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any future amending agreements between His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by the Solicitor General and The Corporation of the City of London with respect to the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program (“CSPT”) approved by the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports; 

    e)    authorize the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports (or designate) to execute any reports required by the province under the Agreement; and

    f)    authorize the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports to approve and execute an agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and the London Police Services Board regarding obligations in respect of the funds and obligations in connection with the Agreement.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the communication dated March 18, 2024 from Councillor S. Franke regarding standing for election to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Board of Directors and her associated expenses:

    WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) represents the interests of municipalities on policy and program matters that fall within federal jurisdiction;

    WHEREAS FCM’s Board of Directors is comprised of elected municipal officials from all regions and sizes of communities to form a broad base of support and provide FCM with the prestige required to carry the municipal message to the federal government; 

    WHEREAS FCM’s Annual Conferences and Trade Show will take place June 6-9, 2024, in Calgary, and June 2025 in Ottawa, during which time the Annual General Meeting will be held and followed by the election of FCM’s Board of Directors;

    BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of The Corporation of the City of London endorses Councillor Skylar Franke to stand for election on FCM’s Board of Directors for the 2024/2025 term; 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Councillor Skylar Franke be reimbursed by The Corporation of the City of London, outside their annual expense allocation, for her campaign expenses in seeking re-election to the Board of Directors, in an amount of up to $500, upon submission of eligible receipts; and 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council assumes all costs associated with Councillor Skylar Franke attending FCM’s Board of Directors meetings, the FCM Annual Conference and AGM and the Trade Show, during the 2024/2025 term.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2023 Year-End Capital Budget Monitoring Report:

    a) the 2023 Year-End Capital Budget Monitoring Report BE RECEIVED for information, it being noted that the life-to-date capital budget represents $3.5 billion with $1.9 billion committed and $1.6 billion uncommitted; it being further noted that the City Treasurer, or designate, will undertake the housekeeping budget adjustments identified in the report, in accordance with the Multi-Year Budget Policy adopted by amending by-law No. CPOL.-45(c)-209;

    b) the capital budget adjustments in section 2.4 BE APPROVED to transfer available surplus funding to projects requiring additional funding:
    i) $650 thousand from EW384222 – Lead and Copper Water Service Replacement Program to EW1103 - Outer Drive Reservoir Demolition;
    ii) $600 thousand from EW384222 – Lead and Copper Water Service Replacement Program to EW110423 – Southeast Pumping Station Optimization and Renewal;
    iii) $428 thousand from EW383321 – Watermain Construction and Repairs to EW110423 – Southeast Pumping Station Optimization and Renewal;

    c) the status updates of active 2020 life-to-date capital budgets (2020 and prior) having no future budget requests, as appended to the staff report as Appendix “B”, BE RECEIVED for information;

    d) the following actions be taken with respect to the completed capital projects identified in Appendix “C” as appended to the staff report, which have a total of $2.3 million of net surplus funding:
    i) the capital projects included in Appendix “C” BE CLOSED;
    ii) the following actions be taken with respect to the funding associated with the capital projects approved for closure in d) i), above:

    Rate Supported
    A) pay-as-you-go funding of $58 thousand BE TRANSFERRED from capital receipts;
    B) authorized but unissued debt financing of $113 thousand BE RELEASED from the capital budget; 
    C) uncommitted reserve fund drawdowns of $1.3 million BE RELEASED back into the reserve funds which originally funded the projects;

    Non-Rate Supported
    D) uncommitted reserve fund drawdowns of $746 thousand BE RELEASED back into the reserve funds which originally funded the projects; and
    E) other net non-rate supported funding sources of $281 thousand BE ADJUSTED in order to facilitate project closings.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That based on the application from London Run for Ovarian Cancer, May 6 - 12, 2024 BE PROCLAIMED London Run for Ovarian Cancer Week. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That based on the application dated April 4, 2024 from Falun Dafa Association Canada, May 13, 2024 BE PROCLAIMED 32nd Falun Dafa Day Anniversary Celebrations.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, with the concurrence of the Director, Construction and Infrastructure Services, and on the advice of the Director, Realty Services, approval BE GIVEN to the expropriation of land as may be required for the East London Link Project Phase 4, and that the following actions be taken in connection therewith:

    a)    application be made by The Corporation of the City of London as Expropriating Authority to the Council of The Corporation of the City of London as approving authority, for the approval to expropriate the land required for the East London Link Project Phase 4;

    b)    The Corporation of the City of London serve and publish notice of the above application in accordance with the terms of the Expropriations Act;

    c)    The Corporation of the City of London forward to the Ontario Land Tribunal any requests for a hearing that may be received and report such to the Council of The Corporation of the City of London for its information; and

    d)    the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 15, 2024 as Schedule “B” BE INTRODUCED at the Council meeting on April 23, 2024, to authorize the foregoing and direct the Civic Administration to carry out all necessary administrative actions.

    Yeas: (11)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (2)P. Van Meerbergen, and S. Stevenson
    Recuse: (1)C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Monitoring Report:

    a)    the 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Monitoring Report for the Property Tax Supported Budget, Water Budget, and Wastewater and Treatment Budget BE RECEIVED for information. An overview of the net corporate positions are outlined below, noting that the year-end positions include the contributions listed in b) and c):
    i)    Property Tax Supported Budget surplus of $28.0 million;
    ii)   Water Rate Supported Budget surplus of $3.0 million;
    iii)   Wastewater and Treatment Rate Supported Budget is balanced at year-end;
    it being noted that the Property Tax, Water, and Wastewater & Treatment Budget surplus will be allocated in accordance with the Council approved Surplus/Deficit Policy;

    b)    the contribution of year-end Property Tax Supported, Water Rate Supported and Wastewater and Treatment Rate Supported Budget surplus to the applicable Contingency Reserve in accordance with the Council approved Surplus/Deficit Policy BE RECEIVED for information:
    i)    $9.7 million to the Operating Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    ii)    $1.1 million to the Water Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    iii)    $0.5 million to the Wastewater and Treatment Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    it being noted that the contributions to the respective budget contingency reserves were made to replenish these reserves that were utilized to finance the 2023 cost of statutory development charges exemptions and discounts resulting from recent legislative changes that were otherwise unfunded;

    c)    the request to fund the 2023 London & Middlesex Community Housing operational deficit of approximately $33 thousand BE APPROVED (see Appendix "B" of the staff report for Letter of Request).

    Note: The reported year-end position is subject to completion of the 2023 financial statement audit;
    it being further noted that the Corporate Services Committee received a communication dated April 11, 2024 from C. Butler with respect to this matter.

  • At 3:26 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan, places Councillor E. Peloza in the Chair. 
    At 3:30 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan resumes the Chair. 

    Motion made by:C. Rahman
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That the motion be amended to include the following:

    it being noted that the Mayor be requested to use a one time draw of $3.5M from the Community Investment Reserve Fund to offset the 2025 increased tax rate. 

    Yeas: (5)S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (9)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, and S. Franke
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Failed (5 to 9)
  • Motion made by:S. Stevenson
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    That, notwithstanding the Council Procedure By-law, the motion BE REFERRED to a future meeting of Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee for consideration;

    it being noted that the communication as appended to the Added Council Agenda, from the Board of Directions, London Convention Centre Corporation, operating as RBC Place London, with respect to this matter will also be referred to the future meeting of Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee.

    Yeas: (3)S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, and S. Trosow
    Nays: (11)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Failed (3 to 11)

    At 3:49 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan, places Councillor E. Peloza in the Chair. 
    At 3:51 PM, His Worship Mayor J. Morgan resumes the Chair. 

  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:S. Lewis

    That the motion be amended to include a new part d) to read as follows:

    d)    the allocation of RBC Place London’s 2023 year-end surplus to the RBC London Place Renewal Reserve Fund ($250,000) and RBC Place London Operational Reserve ($158,769) BE APPROVED; it being noted that the communication as appended to the Council Agenda, from the Board of Directions, London Convention Centre Corporation, operating as RBC Place London, with respect to this matter was received. 

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:S. Lewis

    That the motion, without part d), as amended, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (12)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)S. Stevenson, and J. Pribil
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (12 to 2)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:S. Lewis

    That part d) of the motion, as amended, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)

    Item 7, clause 2.2, as amended, reads as follows:

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken with respect to the 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Monitoring Report:

    a)    the 2023 Year-End Operating Budget Monitoring Report for the Property Tax Supported Budget, Water Budget, and Wastewater and Treatment Budget BE RECEIVED for information. An overview of the net corporate positions are outlined below, noting that the year-end positions include the contributions listed in b) and c):
    i)    Property Tax Supported Budget surplus of $28.0 million;
    ii)   Water Rate Supported Budget surplus of $3.0 million;
    iii)   Wastewater and Treatment Rate Supported Budget is balanced at year-end;
    it being noted that the Property Tax, Water, and Wastewater & Treatment Budget surplus will be allocated in accordance with the Council approved Surplus/Deficit Policy;

    b)    the contribution of year-end Property Tax Supported, Water Rate Supported and Wastewater and Treatment Rate Supported Budget surplus to the applicable Contingency Reserve in accordance with the Council approved Surplus/Deficit Policy BE RECEIVED for information:
    i)    $9.7 million to the Operating Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    ii)    $1.1 million to the Water Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    iii)    $0.5 million to the Wastewater and Treatment Budget Contingency Reserve, noting the balance remains under its target;
    it being noted that the contributions to the respective budget contingency reserves were made to replenish these reserves that were utilized to finance the 2023 cost of statutory development charges exemptions and discounts resulting from recent legislative changes that were otherwise unfunded;

    c)    the request to fund the 2023 London & Middlesex Community Housing operational deficit of approximately $33 thousand BE APPROVED (see Appendix "B" of the staff report for Letter of Request).

    d)    the allocation of RBC Place London’s 2023 year-end surplus to the RBC London Place Renewal Reserve Fund ($250,000) and RBC Place London Operational Reserve ($158,769) BE APPROVED; it being noted that the communication as appended to the Council Agenda, from the Board of Directions, London Convention Centre Corporation, operating as RBC Place London, with respect to this matter was received. 

    Note: The reported year-end position is subject to completion of the 2023 financial statement audit;
    it being further noted that the Corporate Services Committee received a communication dated April 11, 2024 from C. Butler with respect to this matter.

  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the 6th Report of the Civic Works Committee, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 4th Report of the Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee, from the meeting held on March 20, 2024:

    a)    permission BE GRANTED by Municipal Council for the members of the Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee to tour the Transportation Management Centre; and,

    b)    clauses 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and 6.1 BE RECEIVED. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated April 9, 2024, related to Contract Award RFT-2024-022 Springbank Reservoir 2 Replacement and Expansion:

    a)    the bid submitted by Stone Town Construction Limited at its tendered price of $43,032,902.00 (excluding HST) BE ACCEPTED; it being noted that the bid submitted by Stone Town Construction Limited was the lowest of two bids received and meets the City's specifications and requirements in all areas;

    b)    Aecom Canada Ltd., BE AUTHORIZED to carry out the resident inspection and contract administration for the Springbank Reservoir 2 Replacement and Expansion project in accordance with the estimate, on file, at an upset amount of $3,769,075.00, including 10% contingency, excluding HST, in accordance with Section 15.2 (g) of the City of London’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy;

    c)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    d)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project;

    e)    the approval given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract or issuing a purchase order for the material to be supplied and the work to be done, relating to this project (RFT-2024-022); and,

    f)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-F18)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated April 9, 2024, related to the Appointment of Consulting Engineers for the Infrastructure Renewal Program:

    a)     the following consulting engineers BE APPOINTED to carry out consulting services for the identified Infrastructure Renewal Program funded projects, at the upset amounts identified below, in accordance with the estimate on file, and in accordance with Section 15.2(e) of the City of London’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy:

    i)    Spriet Associates London Limited BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design, and detailed design of Contract 5 – Craig Street from Ridout Street to Wortley Road, reconstruction, in the total amount of $182,579.10, including contingency, (excluding HST);
    ii)    GM BluePlan Engineering Limited BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design, and detailed design of Contract 6 – Evangeline Street from Second Street to Third Street, and Third Street from Dundas Street to Culver Drive, reconstruction, in the total amount of $380,677.00, including contingency, (excluding HST);
    iii)    Archibald, Gray & McKay Engineering Ltd. BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design and detailed design of Contract 8 – Central Avenue, from Elizabeth Street to Ontario Street, reconstruction, in the total amount of $292,600.00, including contingency, (excluding HST);
    iv)    Dillon Consulting Limited BE APPOINTED consulting engineers to complete the pre-design and detailed design of Contract 9 – Rectory Street, from Little Simcoe Street to Florence Street, reconstruction, in the total amount of $249,689.55,including contingency, (excluding HST);

    b)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project; 

    d)    the approval given, herein, BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a formal contract; and, 

    e)     the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-F18)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated April 9, 2024, related to a Single Source for the Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier Drive Replacement:

    a)    the contract for supply and delivery BE AWARDED to Evoqua Water Technologies in the amount of $60,000.00 (excluding HST) as a single source award in accordance with Article 14.4.d of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy;

    b)    the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations; and,

    d)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project. (2024-F18)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated April 9, 2024, related to the Adelaide Street North Bridge over the Thames River Rehabilitation Detail Design and Tendering Appointment of Consulting Engineer:

    a)    Dillon Consulting Limited BE AUTHORIZED to carry out the detailed design and tendering in the amount of $250,350 (excluding HST) in accordance with Section 15.2 (g) of the Procurement of Goods and Services Policy;

    b)    the financing for this contract amendment BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report, as appended to the above-noted staff report;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this contract; and,

    d)    the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any contract or other documents, if required, to give effect to these recommendations. (2024-F18)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That on the recommendation of Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure, the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report, dated April 9, 2024, related to the Holtby Municipal Drain Petition and Request for Maintenance and Consultant Appointment:  

    a)    the petition for a New Branch and a Request for a Major Improvement to the Holtby Municipal Drain located in the area of Highbury and Glanworth Drive to benefit the drainage of 1510 Glanworth Drive, Township of Westminster BE ACCEPTED by the Council of The Corporation of the City of London under section 4 and 78 of the Drainage Act, and,

    b)    Spriet Associates London Limited BE APPOINTED under section 4 and 78 of the Drainage Act.  (2024-E09)

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:A. Hopkins

    That the Civic Works Committee Deferred Matters List, as at March 15, 2024, BE RECEIVED.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the 8th Report of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee BE APPROVED, with the exception of items 3 (2.1) and 5 (5.1).

    Yeas: (14)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (14 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, with respect to the appointment of one non-elected member to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA), the following actions be taken:

    a)         the communication dated April 5, 2024, from the Honourable Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, granting an exception under the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA) from the requirement in subsection 14 (1.1) for at least 70 percent of municipal appointments to a conservation authority to be selected from among members of municipal council BE RECEIVED; 

    b)         the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to include applications on a future agenda of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, for consideration and recommendation of appointment of one member of the public to the KCCA;

    it being noted that advertisement for the position be in the usual manner, including the City’s social media channels.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 9th Report of the Governance Working Group from its meeting held on March 25, 2024:

    a)  the following actions be taken with respect to the staff report dated March 25, 2024 related to Council Members' Expense Account Policy - Further Updates;
    i) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to maintain status quo and fund ward meeting and engagement expenses from the Councillor expense account with Ward Option #1, as indicated in the above noted report; and
    ii)  the staff report dated March 25, 2024 related to Council Members' Expense Account Policy - Further Updates BE RECEIVED;

    b)  the following actions be taken with respect to the report dated March 25, 2024 related to the General Policy for Community Advisory Committees:
    i) the updated General Policy for Community Advisory Committees BE REFERRED to a future meeting of the Governance Working Group;
    ii) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to amend the following sections of the proposed policy;

    A) section 4.3 with regard to reasonable timelines for advertising a mid-term vacancy on a Community Advisory Committee;
    B) section 4.5 to schedule the presentation of applications for appointment to Community Advisory Committees at the end of Q1 after a new term of Council takes office;
    C) section 4.19 to provide the City Clerk discretion with respect to placing a Community Advisory Committee agenda item(s) on an alternate Standing Committee agenda;
    D) section 4.23 to provide for an alternate mechanism to process, resolve, and report complaints about members of Community Advisory Committees;
    E) include language to clarify that Community Advisory Committees are permitted to invite members of the public to observe or participate as a guest speaker at Community Advisory Committee meetings; and
    F) include language to state that where the General Policy for Community Advisory Committees or the proposed Simplified Procedures for Community Advisory Committees is silent, questions of procedure be deferred to the Council Procedure By-law:

    iii) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to conduct an environmental scan and report back to the Governance Working Group with respect to the utilization of working groups and/or task forces; and
    iv) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Governance Working Group with attendance metrics for the City of London's Community Advisory Committee meetings;

    c)  clauses 1.1 and 4.1 BE RECEIVED. 

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That on the recommendation of the Director of Planning and Development, the following actions are proposed regarding the Targeted Actions to Increase London’s Housing Supply:

    a)    the report entitled “Targeted Actions to Increase London’s Housing Supply: Supporting Council’s Pledge for 47,000 Units by 2031,” as appended to the staff report as Appendix “A,” BE APPROVED; 

    b)    the staff report dated April 16, 2024, BE RECEIVED;

    c)    the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to invite the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority to participate in the work of the Customer Service and Process Improvement Reference Group;

    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard delegations from M. Wallace, Executive Director, London Development Institute and J. Zaifman, CEO, London Home Builders' Association with respect to this matter.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 3rd Report of the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee from its meeting held on March 14, 2024:

    a)   the Committee Clerk BE DIRECTED to place the following matters on the next agenda:
    i) application requirements for the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee;
    ii) potential interviews for top candidates; and,
    iii) reviewing the Terms of Reference for the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee;

    it being noted that the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee held a general discussion with respect to the above-noted matters;

    b)    clauses 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1 and 6.1 BE RECEIVED.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the following actions be taken with respect to the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for London Hydro Inc.:

    a)      the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for London Hydro Inc. BE HELD at a meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee on May 28, 2024, for the purpose of receiving the report from the Board of Directors of London Hydro Inc. in accordance with the Shareholder Declaration and the Business Corporations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16; and

    b)      the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to provide notice of the 2023 Annual Meeting to the Board of Directors for London Hydro Inc. and to invite the Chair of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of London Hydro Inc. to attend at the Annual Meeting and present the report of the Board in accordance with the Shareholder Declaration;

    it being noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee received a communication dated March 28, 2024, from C. Graham, Chair, Board of Directors, London Hydro Inc., with respect to this matter.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Social and Health Development, the report dated April 16, 2024, regarding Whole of Community System Response – Quarterly Report, BE RECEIVED for information.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, A. Hopkins, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (1)S. Stevenson
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 1)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis

    That the following actions be taken with respect to establishing a secondary school student transit pass pilot project:
    a)  the Civic Administration in collaboration with the London Transit Commission BE DIRECTED to initiate the development of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), for the purpose of partnering to deliver a pilot project to provide annual transit passes to secondary school students at Clarke Road Secondary School, including the following:
    i) the pilot project BE LIMITED to school years beginning September 2024 for all Grade 9 students and September 2025 for all Grade 9 and 10 students attending Clarke Road Secondary School;
    ii) the current post-secondary student annual transit pass agreements between the City of London, Western University and Fanshawe College and the current Children Under 12 Ride Free program BE CONSIDERED as templates to establish the framework for this pilot program; and

    b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to Council with the MOU, an appropriate source of financing, and metrics reporting for the pilot program;

    it being noted that the TVDSB has written the Minister of Education to ask for consideration for provincial funding support for a bussing pilot. Additionally, continuing the program beyond the pilot project would require a permanent source of ongoing operating funding from a variety of sources, including reallocation of funding or funding from senior levels of government that would need to be investigated;

    it being further noted that the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee heard delegations from the following individuals with respect to this matter:

    ·    L. Pizzolato, Trustee, Wards 1, 11, 12 and 14 and C. Lynd, Superintendent, Thames Valley District School Board; and
    ·    D. Hendry, Get on the Bus - Co-Founder & Project Director.

    Yeas: (8)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, and J. Pribil
    Nays: (6)A. Hopkins, S. Stevenson, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (1)H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (8 to 6)

    At 4:25 PM, Councillor A. Hopkins leaves the meeting.

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  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That the 8th Special Report of the Corporate Services Committee BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That it BE NOTED that no pecuniary interests were disclosed.

    Motion Passed
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy

    That, on the recommendation of the Deputy City Manager, Finance Supports, the following actions be taken:

    a)    the issuance of serial debentures for a total of $30,000,000 BE APPROVED, noting the average all-in rate is 4.427% over a 10-year term and that all debt has been placed with investors in the capital markets; and,

    b)    the proposed by-law as appended to the staff report dated April 22, 2024 as Appendix "A" BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on April 23, 2024 to execute the borrowing upon serial debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $30,000,000 towards the cost of certain capital works of the Corporation of the City of London.

    Motion Passed

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Councillor C. Rahman enquires with respect to the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway (CPKCR) train fire in the area of Richmond Street and Pall Mall Street.  The Deputy City Manager, Enterprise Supports and Deputy Fire Chief R. Hayes provides information about the emergency management response.

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  • Motion made by:P. Van Meerbergen
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No.’s 124 to Bill No. 151, including Added Bill No. 126, and excluding Bill No.’s 132 and 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Lehman
    Seconded by:P. Cuddy

    That Second Reading of Bill No.’s 124 to Bill No. 151, including Added Bill No. 126, and excluding Bill No.’s 132 and 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:S. Hillier
    Seconded by:E. Peloza

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No. 94 and Bill No.’s 124 to Bill No. 151, including Added Bill No. 126, excluding Bill No.’s 132 and 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (13)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, D. Ferreira, and C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (13 to 0)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:S. Hillier

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No. 132 and Bill No.152, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Franke, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:S. Lewis
    Seconded by:S. Stevenson

    That Second Reading of Bill No. 132 and Bill No.152, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Franke, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:S. Stevenson
    Seconded by:J. Pribil

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No. 132 and Bill No.152, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (11)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, P. Van Meerbergen, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, S. Stevenson, J. Pribil, S. Franke, and C. Rahman
    Nays: (2)S. Trosow, and D. Ferreira
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (11 to 2)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:S. Trosow

    That Introduction and First Reading of Bill No. 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (10)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (2)P. Van Meerbergen, and S. Stevenson
    Recuse: (1)C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)
  • Motion made by:D. Ferreira
    Seconded by:S. Franke

    That Second Reading of Bill No. 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (10)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (2)P. Van Meerbergen, and S. Stevenson
    Recuse: (1)C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)
  • Motion made by:P. Cuddy
    Seconded by:D. Ferreira

    That Third Reading and Enactment of Bill No. 134, BE APPROVED.

    Yeas: (10)Mayor J. Morgan, S. Lewis, S. Hillier, E. Peloza, S. Lehman, P. Cuddy, J. Pribil, S. Trosow, S. Franke, and D. Ferreira
    Nays: (2)P. Van Meerbergen, and S. Stevenson
    Recuse: (1)C. Rahman
    Absent: (2)A. Hopkins, and H. McAlister

    Motion Passed (10 to 2)

    The following Bills are enacted as By-laws of The Corporation of the City of London:


    Bill No. 124

    By-law No. A.-8485-84 - A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 23rd of April, 2024. (City Clerk)

    Bill No. 125

    By-law No. A.-8447(a)-85 - A by-law to amend By-law No. A.-8447-15 being “A by-law to appoint deputies to the City Clerk” to appoint Pamela Lupa as a Deputy Clerk. (City Clerk)

    Bill No. 126

    By-law No. D.-780-86 - A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon instalment debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $30,000,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the City of London. (4.1/8/CSC) (on Added by-law list)

    Bill No. 127

    By-law No. A.-8486-87 - A by-law setting tax ratios for property classes in 2024 (2.4a/7/CSC)

    Bill No. 128

    By-law No. A.-8487-88 - A by-law levying tax rates for property classes in 2024 (2.4b/7/CSC)

    Bill No. 129

    By-law No. A.-8488-89 - A by-law levying rates for 2024 for school purposes in the City of London.  (2.5/7/CSC)

    Bill No. 130

    By-law No. A.-8489-90 - A by-law to approve the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement between His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Solicitor General and The Corporation of the City of London for the provision of funding under the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (2.6/7/CSC)

    Bill No. 131

    By-law No. A.-8490-91 - A by-law to repeal By-law No. S.-2742-482 entitled “A by-law to permit Victoria Hospital Corporation to maintain and use and encroachment upon the road allowance for 364 - 366 - 370 - 372 Hill Street”. (City Solicitor)

    Bill No. 132

    By-law No. C.P.-1512(da)-92 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to 735 Wonderland Road North (3.3a/6/PEC)

    Bill No. 133

    By-law No. C.P.-1512(db)-93 - A by-law to amend The Official Plan for the City of London, 2016 relating to Byron Gravel Pits Secondary Plan area (3.4/6/PEC)

    Bill No. 134

    By-law No. L.S.P.-3514-94 - A by-law to authorize and approve an application to expropriate land in the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, for the Rapid Transit East London Link Project Phase 4. (2.1/7/CSC)

    Bill No. 135

    By-law No. S.-6312-95 - A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Kent Subdivision – Phase 2, Stage 1, Plan 33M-750)  (Deputy City Manager, Environment & Infrastructure)

    Bill No. 136

    By-law No. S.-6313-96 - A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Kent Subdivision - Phase 3A, Plan 33M-784)  (Deputy City Manager, Environment & Infrastructure)

    Bill No. 137

    By-law No. S.-6314-97 - A by-law to assume certain works and services in the City of London. (Kent Subdivision – Phase 3B Stage 1, Plan 33M-793)  (Deputy City Manager, Environment & Infrastructure)

    Bill No. 138

    By-law No. S.-6315-98 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Gore Road, west of Veterans Memorial Parkway)  (Chief Surveyor – for road dedication purposes pursuant to SPA21-078 – 2009 and 2037 Gore Rd)

    Bill No. 139

    By-law No. S.-6316-99 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Southdale Road East, east of Wharncliffe Road South)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to SPA23-079)

    Bill No. 140

    By-law No. S.-6317-100 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Adelaide Street North and Hamilton Road, east of Adelaide Street North and north of Hamilton Road)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to SPA23-023)

    Bill No. 141

    By-law No. S.-6318-101 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Adelaide Street North and Little Simcoe Street, east of Adelaide Street North and north of Little Simcoe Street)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to SPA23-038)

    Bill No. 142

    By-law No. S.-6319-102 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Fanshawe Park Road West, west of Wonderland Road North; and as widening to Fanshawe Park Road West and Wonderland Road North, north of Fanshawe Park Road West and west of Wonderland Road North)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to SPA22-108)

    Bill No. 143

    By-law No. S.-6320-103 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Hyde Park Road, north of North Routledge Park)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to Consent B.007/23)

    Bill No. 144

    By-law No. S.-6321-104 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Oxford Street West, west of Kains Road)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to City Property Request No. TS1332 PR-01 – 2085 Oxford St W)

    Bill No. 145

    By-law No. S.-6322-105 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Colonel Talbot Road, north of Diane Crescent)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to a ZBA Condition at 3637 Colonel Talbot Road)

    Bill No. 146

    By-law No. S.-6323-106 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to Thompson Road, west of Chesterfield Avenue)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to Consent B.042/21)

    Bill No. 147

    By-law No. S.-6324-107 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Thompson Road, east of Brookside Street)  (Chief Surveyor - lands for road dedication purposes pursuant to P&D files A.046/23 & B.005/23)

    Bill No. 148

    By-law No. S.-6325-108 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway. (as widening to Exeter Road, west of Holiday Avenue)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to a Development Agreement registered as ER403278)

    Bill No. 149

    By-law No. S.-6326-109 - A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish and assume lands in the City of London as public highway.  (as widening to High Street, north of Grand Avenue; as widening to Wellington Street, north of Grand Avenue; and as widening to Wellington Road, south of the Thames River)  (Chief Surveyor - for road dedication purposes pursuant to the Rapid Transit project PR-32)

    Bill No. 150

    By-law No. Z.-1-243202 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 3696 and 3832 Scotland Drive (3.1/6/PEC)

    Bill No. 151

    By-law No. Z.-1-243203 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 634 Commissioners Road West (3.2/6/PEC)

    Bill No. 152

    By-law No. Z.-1-243204 - A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 735 Wonderland Road North (3.3b/6/PEC)

    Bill No. 94

    By-law No. DR-109-110 - A by-law to provide for Drainage Works in the City of London (Construction of the Gold Seal & Fournie Municipal Drains)  (Court of Revision / 3.2/4/CWC)  (Third Reading Only)



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  • Motion made by:D. Ferreira
    Seconded by:S. Franke

    That the meeting BE ADJOURNED.

    Motion Passed

    The meeting adjourned at 4:53 PM.